Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.projwfc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""`CalcJob` implementation for the projwfc.x code of Quantum ESPRESSO."""
from pathlib import Path

from aiida.orm import Dict, FolderData, RemoteData, XyData

from aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.namelists import NamelistsCalculation

[docs]class ProjwfcCalculation(NamelistsCalculation): """`CalcJob` implementation for the projwfc.x code of Quantum ESPRESSO. Projwfc.x code of the Quantum ESPRESSO distribution, handles the the computation of projections of bloch wavefunctions onto atomic orbitals. <Psi(n,k) | Y(theta,phi)R(r) >. For more information, refer to """
[docs] _default_namelists = ['PROJWFC']
[docs] _blocked_keywords = [ ('PROJWFC', 'outdir', NamelistsCalculation._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER), ('PROJWFC', 'prefix', NamelistsCalculation._PREFIX), ('PROJWFC', 'lsym', True), ('PROJWFC', 'lwrite_overlaps', False), ('PROJWFC', 'lbinary_data', False), ('PROJWFC', 'kresolveddos', False), ('PROJWFC', 'tdosinboxes', False), ('PROJWFC', 'plotboxes', False), ]
[docs] _default_parser = 'quantumespresso.projwfc'
[docs] xml_path = Path(NamelistsCalculation._default_parent_output_folder ).joinpath(f'{NamelistsCalculation._PREFIX}.save', 'data-file-schema.xml')
[docs] _internal_retrieve_list = [ NamelistsCalculation._PREFIX + '.pdos*', ]
# The XML file is added to the temporary retrieve list since it is required for parsing, but already in the # repository of a an ancestor calculation.
[docs] _retrieve_temporary_list = [ xml_path.as_posix(), ]
[docs] def define(cls, spec): """Define the process specification.""" # yapf: disable from aiida.orm import BandsData, ProjectionData super().define(spec) spec.input('parent_folder', valid_type=(RemoteData, FolderData), help='The output folder of a pw.x calculation') spec.output('output_parameters', valid_type=Dict) spec.output('Dos', valid_type=XyData) # if spin spec.output('projections_up', valid_type=ProjectionData, required=False) spec.output('projections_down', valid_type=ProjectionData, required=False) spec.output('bands_up', valid_type=BandsData, required=False) spec.output('bands_down', valid_type=BandsData, required=False) # if non-spin spec.output('projections', valid_type=ProjectionData, required=False) spec.output('bands', valid_type=BandsData, required=False) spec.default_output_node = 'output_parameters' spec.exit_code(301, 'ERROR_NO_RETRIEVED_TEMPORARY_FOLDER', message='The retrieved temporary folder could not be accessed.') spec.exit_code(303, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_MISSING', message='The retrieved folder did not contain the required XML file.') spec.exit_code(320, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_READ', message='The XML output file could not be read.') spec.exit_code(321, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_PARSE', message='The XML output file could not be parsed.') spec.exit_code(322, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_FORMAT', message='The XML output file has an unsupported format.') spec.exit_code(330, 'ERROR_READING_PDOSTOT_FILE', message='The pdos_tot file could not be read from the retrieved folder.') spec.exit_code(340, 'ERROR_PARSING_PROJECTIONS', message='An exception was raised parsing bands and projections.')
# yapf: enable