Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.parsers.cp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from aiida.orm import Dict, TrajectoryData
import numpy
from packaging.version import Version
from qe_tools import CONSTANTS

from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.mapping import get_logging_container

from .base import BaseParser
from .parse_raw.cp import parse_cp_raw_output, parse_cp_traj_stanzas

[docs]class CpParser(BaseParser): """This class is the implementation of the Parser class for Cp."""
[docs] def parse(self, **kwargs): """Receives in input a dictionary of retrieved nodes. Does all the logic here. """ logs = get_logging_container() stdout, parsed_data, logs = self.parse_stdout_from_retrieved(logs) base_exit_code = self.check_base_errors(logs) if base_exit_code: return self.exit(base_exit_code, logs) retrieved = self.retrieved # check what is inside the folder list_of_files = retrieved.base.repository.list_object_names() # This should match 1 file xml_files = [xml_file for xml_file in self.node.process_class.xml_filenames if xml_file in list_of_files] if not xml_files: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_MISSING_XML_FILE, logs) elif len(xml_files) > 1: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_MULTIPLE, logs) # cp.x can produce, depending on the particular version of the code, a file called `print_counter.xml` or # `print_counter`, which is a plain text file with the number of the last timestep written in the trajectory # output. Note that if no trajectory is produced (for example because a single conjugate gradient step was # performed to calculate the ground state and the wavefunctions velocities) no printer_counter* file is written. print_counter_xml = True no_trajectory_output = False filename_counter_txt = self.node.process_class._FILE_PRINT_COUNTER_BASENAME filename_counter_xml = self.node.process_class._FILE_XML_PRINT_COUNTER_BASENAME # The following can happen and is not an error! if filename_counter_xml not in list_of_files and filename_counter_txt not in list_of_files: self.logger.error( f'We could not find the print counter file (`{filename_counter_txt}` or `{filename_counter_xml}`), ' 'assuming no trajectory output was produced' ) no_trajectory_output = True if not no_trajectory_output: if filename_counter_txt in list_of_files:'print counter not in xml format') print_counter_xml = False filename_counter = filename_counter_txt else: # xml format print_counter_xml = True'print counter in xml format') filename_counter = filename_counter_xml output_xml = retrieved.base.repository.get_object_content(xml_files[0]) output_xml_counter = None if no_trajectory_output else retrieved.base.repository.get_object_content(filename_counter) out_dict, _raw_successful = parse_cp_raw_output( stdout, output_xml, output_xml_counter, print_counter_xml ) if not no_trajectory_output: # parse the trajectory. Units in Angstrom, picoseconds and eV. # append everthing in the temporary dictionary raw_trajectory raw_trajectory = {} evp_keys = [ 'electronic_kinetic_energy', 'cell_temperature', 'ionic_temperature', 'scf_total_energy', 'enthalpy', 'enthalpy_plus_kinetic', 'energy_constant_motion', 'volume', 'pressure' ] # order of atom in the output trajectory changed somewhere after 6.5 if Version(out_dict['creator_version']) > Version('6.5'): new_cp_ordering = True else: new_cp_ordering = False # Now prepare the reordering, as files in the xml are ordered if new_cp_ordering: reordering = None else: try: # this works for old xml only reordering = self._generate_sites_ordering(out_dict['species'], out_dict['atoms']) except KeyError: # this works for newer versions reordering = self._generate_sites_ordering( out_dict['structure']['species'], out_dict['structure']['atoms'] ) pos_filename = f'{self.node.process_class._PREFIX}.pos' if pos_filename not in list_of_files: out_dict['warnings'].append('Unable to open the POS file... skipping.') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_READING_POS_FILE number_of_atoms = out_dict.get( 'number_of_atoms', out_dict['structure']['number_of_atoms'] if 'structure' in out_dict else None ) trajectories = [ ('positions', 'pos', CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang, number_of_atoms), ('cells', 'cel', CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang, 3), ('velocities', 'vel', CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang / (CONSTANTS.timeau_to_sec * 10**12), number_of_atoms), ('forces', 'for', CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev / CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang, number_of_atoms), ('stresses', 'str', 1.0, 3) #stress in GPa ] for name, extension, scale, elements in trajectories: try: with'{self.node.process_class._PREFIX}.{extension}') as datafile: data = [l.split() for l in datafile] # POSITIONS stored in angstrom traj_data = parse_cp_traj_stanzas( num_elements=elements, splitlines=data, prepend_name=f'{name}_traj', rescale=scale ) # here initialize the dictionary. if extension == 'cel': # NOTE: the trajectory output has the cell matrix transposed!! raw_trajectory['cells'] = numpy.array(traj_data['cells_traj_data']).transpose((0, 2, 1)) elif extension == 'str': raw_trajectory['stresses'] = numpy.array(traj_data['stresses_traj_data']) else: raw_trajectory[f'{name}_ordered'] = self._get_reordered_array( traj_data[f'{name}_traj_data'], reordering ) if extension == 'pos': raw_trajectory['traj_times'] = numpy.array(traj_data[f'{name}_traj_times']) except IOError: out_dict['warnings'].append(f'Unable to open the {extension.upper()} file... skipping.') # =============== EVP trajectory ============================ try: with'{self._node.process_class._PREFIX}.evp') as handle: matrix = numpy.genfromtxt(handle) # there might be a different format if the matrix has one row only try: matrix.shape[1] except IndexError: matrix = numpy.array(numpy.matrix(matrix)) if Version(out_dict['creator_version']) > Version('5.1'): # Between version 5.1 and 5.1.1, someone decided to change # the .evp output format, without any way to know that this # happened... SVN commit 11158. # I here use the version number to parse, plus some # heuristics to check that I'm doing the right thing #print "New version" raw_trajectory['steps'] = numpy.array(matrix[:, 0], dtype=int) raw_trajectory['times'] = matrix[:, 1] # TPS, ps raw_trajectory['electronic_kinetic_energy'] = matrix[:, 2] * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev # EKINC, eV raw_trajectory['cell_temperature'] = matrix[:, 3] # TEMPH, K raw_trajectory['ionic_temperature'] = matrix[:, 4] # TEMPP, K raw_trajectory['scf_total_energy'] = matrix[:, 5] * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev # ETOT, eV raw_trajectory['enthalpy'] = matrix[:, 6] * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev # ENTHAL, eV raw_trajectory['enthalpy_plus_kinetic'] = matrix[:, 7] * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev # ECONS, eV raw_trajectory['energy_constant_motion'] = matrix[:, 8] * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev # ECONT, eV raw_trajectory['volume'] = matrix[:, 9] * (CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang**3) # volume, angstrom^3 raw_trajectory['pressure'] = matrix[:, 10] # out_press, GPa else: #print "Old version" raw_trajectory['steps'] = numpy.array(matrix[:, 0], dtype=int) raw_trajectory['electronic_kinetic_energy'] = matrix[:, 1] * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev # EKINC, eV raw_trajectory['cell_temperature'] = matrix[:, 2] # TEMPH, K raw_trajectory['ionic_temperature'] = matrix[:, 3] # TEMPP, K raw_trajectory['scf_total_energy'] = matrix[:, 4] * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev # ETOT, eV raw_trajectory['enthalpy'] = matrix[:, 5] * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev # ENTHAL, eV raw_trajectory['enthalpy_plus_kinetic'] = matrix[:, 6] * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev # ECONS, eV raw_trajectory['energy_constant_motion'] = matrix[:, 7] * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev # ECONT, eV raw_trajectory['volume'] = matrix[:, 8] * (CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang**3) # volume, angstrom^3 raw_trajectory['pressure'] = matrix[:, 9] # out_press, GPa raw_trajectory['times'] = matrix[:, 10] # TPS, ps # Huristics to understand if it's correct. # A better heuristics could also try to fix possible issues # (in new versions of QE, it's possible to recompile it with # the __OLD_FORMAT flag to get back the old version format...) # but I won't do it, as there may be also other columns swapped. # Better to stop and ask the user to check what's going on. #work around for 100ps format bug mask = numpy.array(raw_trajectory['traj_times']) >= 0 len_bugged = len(numpy.array(raw_trajectory['times'])[mask == False]) len_ok = len(numpy.array(raw_trajectory['times'])[mask]) if len_ok > 0: max_time_difference = abs( numpy.array(raw_trajectory['times'])[mask] - numpy.array(raw_trajectory['traj_times'])[mask] ).max() else: max_time_difference = 0.0 if max_time_difference > 1.e-4 or ( len_bugged > 0 and numpy.array(raw_trajectory['times'])[mask == False].min() < 100.0 ): # It is typically ~1.e-7 due to roundoff errors # If there is a large discrepancy # it means there is something very weird going on... return self.exit_codes.ERROR_READING_TRAJECTORY_DATA # keep both times array (that usually are duplicated) # so that the user can check them by himselves if len_bugged > 0: out_dict['warnings'].append( '100ps format bug detected: ignoring trajectory\'s printed time from 100ps on' ) except IOError: out_dict['warnings'].append('Unable to open the EVP file... skipping.') # get the symbols from the input # TODO: I should have kinds in TrajectoryData input_structure = self.node.inputs.structure raw_trajectory['symbols'] = [str(i.kind_name) for i in input_structure.sites] traj = TrajectoryData() traj.set_trajectory( stepids=raw_trajectory['steps'], cells=raw_trajectory['cells'], symbols=raw_trajectory['symbols'], positions=raw_trajectory['positions_ordered'], times=raw_trajectory['times'], velocities=raw_trajectory['velocities_ordered'], ) # eventually set the forces try: traj.set_array('forces', raw_trajectory['forces_ordered']) except KeyError: out_dict['warnings'].append('failed to set forces') # eventually set the stress if 'stresses' in raw_trajectory: traj.set_array('stresses',raw_trajectory['stresses']) for this_name in evp_keys: try: traj.set_array(this_name, raw_trajectory[this_name]) except KeyError: # Some columns may have not been parsed, skip pass self.out('output_trajectory', traj) # Remove big dictionaries that would be redundant # For atoms and cell, there is a small possibility that nothing is parsed but then probably nothing moved. for key in [ 'atoms', 'cell', 'ions_positions_stau', 'ions_positions_svel', 'ions_positions_taui', 'atoms_index_list', 'atoms_if_pos_list', 'ions_positions_force', 'bands', 'structure' ]: out_dict.pop(key, None) # convert the dictionary into an AiiDA object out_dict.update(parsed_data) output_params = Dict(out_dict) self.out('output_parameters', output_params) for exit_code in list(self.get_error_map().values()) + ['ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_INCOMPLETE']: if exit_code in logs.error: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.get(exit_code), logs) return self.exit(logs=logs)
[docs] def get_linkname_trajectory(self): """Returns the name of the link to the output_structure (None if not present)""" return 'output_trajectory'
[docs] def _generate_sites_ordering(self, raw_species, raw_atoms): """take the positions of xml and from file.pos of the LAST step and compare them.""" # Examples in the comments are for species [Ba, O, Ti] # and atoms [Ba, Ti, O, O, O] # Dictionary to associate the species name to the idx # Example: {'Ba': 1, 'O': 2, 'Ti': 3} species_dict = {name: idx for idx, name in zip(raw_species['index'], raw_species['type'])} # List of the indices of the specie associated to each atom, # in the order specified in input # Example: (1,3,2,2,2) atoms_species_idx = [species_dict[a[0]] for a in raw_atoms] # I also attach the current position; important to convert to a list # Otherwise the iterator can be looped on only once! # Example: ((0,1),(1,3),(2,2),(3,2),(4,2)) ref_atom_list = list(enumerate(atoms_species_idx)) new_order_tmp = [] # I reorder the atoms, first by specie, then in their order # This is the order used in output by CP!! # Example: ((0,1),(2,2),(3,2),(4,2),(1,3)) for specie_idx in sorted(raw_species['index']): for elem in ref_atom_list: if elem[1] == specie_idx: new_order_tmp.append(elem) # This is the new order that is printed in CP: # e.g. reordering[2] is the index of the atom, in the input # list of atoms, that is printed in position 2 (0-based, so the # third atom) in the CP output files. # Example: [0,2,3,4,1] reordering = [_[0] for _ in new_order_tmp] # I now need the inverse reordering, to put back in place # from the output ordering to the input one! # Example: [0,4,1,2,3] # Because in the final list (Ba, O, O, O, Ti) # the first atom Ba in the input is atom 0 in the CP output (the first), # the second atom Ti in the input is atom 4 (the fifth) in the CP output, # and so on sorted_indexed_reordering = sorted([(_[1], _[0]) for _ in enumerate(reordering)]) reordering_inverse = [_[1] for _ in sorted_indexed_reordering] return reordering_inverse
[docs] def _get_reordered_list(self, origlist, reordering): """Given a list to reorder, a list of integer positions with the new order, return the reordered list.""" return [origlist[e] for e in reordering]
[docs] def _get_reordered_array(self, _input, reordering): if reordering is not None: return numpy.array([self._get_reordered_list(i, reordering) for i in _input]) else: return numpy.array(_input)