Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""`Parser` implementation for the `PwCalculation` calculation job class."""
import traceback

from aiida import orm
from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.engine import ExitCode
import numpy

from import PwCalculation
from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.mapping import get_logging_container

from .base import BaseParser
from import reduce_symmetries

[docs]class PwParser(BaseParser): """`Parser` implementation for the `PwCalculation` calculation job class."""
[docs] def parse(self, **kwargs): """Parse the retrieved files of a completed `PwCalculation` into output nodes. Two nodes that are expected are the default 'retrieved' `FolderData` node which will store the retrieved files permanently in the repository. The second required node is a filepath under the key `retrieved_temporary_files` which should contain the temporary retrieved files. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements dir_with_bands = None crash_file = None self.exit_code_xml = None self.exit_code_stdout = None self.exit_code_parser = None try: settings = self.node.inputs.settings.get_dict() except exceptions.NotExistent: settings = {} # Look for optional settings input node and potential 'parser_options' dictionary within it parser_options = settings.get(self.get_parser_settings_key(), None) # Verify that the retrieved_temporary_folder is within the arguments if temporary files were specified if self.node.base.attributes.get('retrieve_temporary_list', None): try: dir_with_bands = kwargs['retrieved_temporary_folder'] except KeyError: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_RETRIEVED_TEMPORARY_FOLDER) # We check if the `CRASH` file was retrieved. If so, we parse its output crash_file_filename = self.node.process_class._CRASH_FILE if crash_file_filename in self.retrieved.base.repository.list_object_names(): crash_file = self.retrieved.base.repository.get_object_content(crash_file_filename) parameters = self.node.inputs.parameters.get_dict() parsed_xml, logs_xml = self.parse_xml(dir_with_bands, parser_options) parsed_stdout, logs_stdout = self.parse_stdout(parameters, parser_options, parsed_xml, crash_file) parsed_bands = parsed_stdout.pop('bands', {}) parsed_structure = parsed_stdout.pop('structure', {}) parsed_trajectory = parsed_stdout.pop('trajectory', {}) parsed_parameters = self.build_output_parameters(parsed_stdout, parsed_xml) # Append the last frame of some of the smaller trajectory arrays to the parameters for easy querying self.final_trajectory_frame_to_parameters(parsed_parameters, parsed_trajectory) # If the parser option 'all_symmetries' is False, we reduce the raw parsed symmetries to save space all_symmetries = False if parser_options is None else parser_options.get('all_symmetries', False) if not all_symmetries and 'cell' in parsed_structure: reduce_symmetries(parsed_parameters, parsed_structure, self.logger) structure = self.build_output_structure(parsed_structure) kpoints = self.build_output_kpoints(parsed_parameters, structure) bands = self.build_output_bands(parsed_bands, kpoints) trajectory = self.build_output_trajectory(parsed_trajectory, structure) # Determine whether the input kpoints were defined as a mesh or as an explicit list try: self.node.inputs.kpoints.get_kpoints() except AttributeError: input_kpoints_explicit = False else: input_kpoints_explicit = True # Only attach the `KpointsData` as output if there will be no `BandsData` output and inputs were defined as mesh if kpoints and not bands and not input_kpoints_explicit: self.out('output_kpoints', kpoints) if bands: self.out('output_band', bands) if trajectory: self.out('output_trajectory', trajectory) if not structure.is_stored: self.out('output_structure', structure) # Separate the atomic_occupations dictionary in its own node if it is present atomic_occupations = parsed_parameters.pop('atomic_occupations', None) if atomic_occupations: self.out('output_atomic_occupations', orm.Dict(atomic_occupations)) self.out('output_parameters', orm.Dict(parsed_parameters)) # Emit the logs returned by the XML and stdout parsing through the logger # If the calculation was an initialization run, reset the XML logs because they will contain a lot of verbose # warnings from the schema parser about incomplete data, but that is to be expected in an initialization run. if settings.get('ONLY_INITIALIZATION', False): logs_xml.pop('error') ignore = ['Error while parsing ethr.', 'DEPRECATED: symmetry with ibrav=0, use correct ibrav instead'] self.emit_logs([logs_stdout, logs_xml], ignore=ignore) # If either the stdout or XML were incomplete or corrupt investigate the potential cause if self.exit_code_stdout or self.exit_code_xml: # First check whether the scheduler already reported an exit code. if self.node.exit_status is not None: # The following scheduler errors should correspond to cases where we can simply restart the calculation # and have a chance that the calculation will succeed as the error can be transient. recoverable_scheduler_error = self.node.exit_status in [ PwCalculation.exit_codes.ERROR_SCHEDULER_OUT_OF_WALLTIME.status, PwCalculation.exit_codes.ERROR_SCHEDULER_NODE_FAILURE.status, ] if self.get_calculation_type() in ['relax', 'vc-relax'] and recoverable_scheduler_error: return PwCalculation.exit_codes.ERROR_IONIC_INTERRUPTED_PARTIAL_TRAJECTORY # Now it is unlikely we can provide a more specific exit code so we keep the scheduler one. return ExitCode(self.node.exit_status, self.node.exit_message) # Check for specific known problems that can cause a pre-mature termination of the calculation exit_code = self.validate_premature_exit(logs_stdout) if exit_code: return self.exit(exit_code) # If the both stdout and xml exit codes are set, there was a basic problem with both output files and there # is no need to investigate any further. if self.exit_code_stdout and self.exit_code_xml: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_FILES) if self.exit_code_stdout: return self.exit(self.exit_code_stdout) if self.exit_code_xml: return self.exit(self.exit_code_xml) # First determine issues that can occurr for all calculation types. Note that the generic errors, that are # common to all types are done first. If a problem is found there, we return the exit code and don't continue for validator in [self.validate_electronic, self.validate_dynamics, self.validate_ionic]: exit_code = validator(trajectory, parsed_parameters, logs_stdout) if exit_code: return self.exit(exit_code)
[docs] def get_calculation_type(self): """Return the type of the calculation.""" return self.node.inputs.parameters.base.attributes.get('CONTROL', {}).get('calculation', 'scf')
[docs] def validate_premature_exit(self, logs): """Analyze problems that will cause a pre-mature termination of the calculation, controlled or not.""" if 'ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME' in logs['error'] and 'ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_INCOMPLETE' in logs['error']: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME_INTERRUPTED for error_label in [ 'ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME', 'ERROR_CHARGE_IS_WRONG', 'ERROR_SYMMETRY_NON_ORTHOGONAL_OPERATION', 'ERROR_DEXX_IS_NEGATIVE', 'ERROR_COMPUTING_CHOLESKY', 'ERROR_NPOOLS_TOO_HIGH', 'ERROR_DIAGONALIZATION_TOO_MANY_BANDS_NOT_CONVERGED', 'ERROR_S_MATRIX_NOT_POSITIVE_DEFINITE', 'ERROR_ZHEGVD_FAILED', 'ERROR_QR_FAILED', 'ERROR_G_PAR', 'ERROR_EIGENVECTOR_CONVERGENCE', 'ERROR_BROYDEN_FACTORIZATION', 'ERROR_RADIAL_FFT_SIGNIFICANT_VOLUME_CONTRACTION', ]: if error_label in logs['error']: return self.exit_codes.get(error_label)
[docs] def validate_electronic(self, trajectory, parameters, logs): """Analyze problems that are specific to `electronic` type calculations: i.e. `scf`, `nscf` and `bands`.""" if self.get_calculation_type() not in ['scf', 'nscf', 'bands']: return if 'ERROR_ELECTRONIC_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED' in logs['error']: scf_must_converge = self.node.inputs.parameters.base.attributes.get('ELECTRONS', {}).get('scf_must_converge', True) electron_maxstep = self.node.inputs.parameters.base.attributes.get('ELECTRONS', {}).get('electron_maxstep', 1) if electron_maxstep == 0 or not scf_must_converge: return self.exit_codes.WARNING_ELECTRONIC_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED else: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_ELECTRONIC_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED
[docs] def validate_dynamics(self, trajectory, parameters, logs): """Analyze problems that are specific to `dynamics` type calculations: i.e. `md` and `vc-md`.""" if self.get_calculation_type() not in ['md', 'vc-md']: return
[docs] def validate_ionic(self, trajectory, parameters, logs): """Analyze problems that are specific to `ionic` type calculations: i.e. `relax` and `vc-relax`.""" if self.get_calculation_type() not in ['relax', 'vc-relax']: return electronic_convergence_reached = 'ERROR_ELECTRONIC_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED' not in logs.error ionic_convergence_reached = 'ERROR_IONIC_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED' not in logs.error bfgs_history_failure = 'ERROR_IONIC_CYCLE_BFGS_HISTORY_FAILURE' in logs.error maximum_ionic_steps_reached = 'ERROR_MAXIMUM_IONIC_STEPS_REACHED' in logs.warning final_scf = parameters.get('final_scf', False) # The electronic self-consistency cycle failed before reaching ionic convergence if not ionic_convergence_reached and not electronic_convergence_reached: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_IONIC_CYCLE_ELECTRONIC_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED # Ionic convergence was not reached because maximum number of steps was exceeded if not ionic_convergence_reached and maximum_ionic_steps_reached: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_IONIC_CYCLE_EXCEEDED_NSTEP # BFGS fails twice in a row in which case QE will print that convergence is reached while it is not necessarily if bfgs_history_failure: # If electronic convergence was not reached, this had to have been a `vc-relax` where final SCF failed if not electronic_convergence_reached: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_IONIC_CYCLE_BFGS_HISTORY_AND_FINAL_SCF_FAILURE # If the forces and optionally stresses are already converged, consider the calculation successful if self.is_ionically_converged(trajectory): return return self.exit_codes.ERROR_IONIC_CYCLE_BFGS_HISTORY_FAILURE # Electronic convergence could not have been reached either during ionic relaxation or during final scf if not electronic_convergence_reached: if final_scf: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_IONIC_CONVERGENCE_REACHED_FINAL_SCF_FAILED return self.exit_codes.ERROR_IONIC_CYCLE_ELECTRONIC_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED # Here we have no direct warnings from Quantum ESPRESSO that suggest something went wrong, but we better make # sure and double check manually that all forces (and optionally stresses) are converged. if not self.is_ionically_converged(trajectory): if self.is_ionically_converged(trajectory, except_final_scf=True): # The forces and stresses of ionic cycle are below threshold, but those of the final SCF exceed them. # This is not necessarily a problem since the calculation starts from scratch after the variable cell # relaxation and the forces and stresses can be slightly different. Still it is useful to distinguish # these calculations so we return a special exit code. return self.exit_codes.ERROR_IONIC_CONVERGENCE_REACHED_EXCEPT_IN_FINAL_SCF return self.exit_codes.ERROR_IONIC_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED
[docs] def is_ionically_converged(self, trajectory, except_final_scf=False): """Verify that the calculation was ionically converged. For a `relax` calculation this means the forces stored in the `trajectory` are all below the force convergence threshold which is retrieved from the input parameters. For a `vc-relax` calculation, the stress should also give a pressure that is below the pressure convergence threshold. :param trajectory: the output trajectory data :param except_final_scf: if True will return whether the calculation is converged except for the final scf. """ from aiida_quantumespresso.calculations import _uppercase_dict from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.defaults.calculation import pw from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.validation.trajectory import verify_convergence_trajectory relax_type = self.get_calculation_type() parameters = self.node.inputs.parameters.get_dict() threshold_forces = parameters.get('CONTROL', {}).get('forc_conv_thr', pw.forc_conv_thr) threshold_stress = parameters.get('CELL', {}).get('press_conv_thr', pw.press_conv_thr) external_pressure = parameters.get('CELL', {}).get('press', 0) if 'settings' in self.node.inputs: settings = _uppercase_dict(self.node.inputs.settings.get_dict(), dict_name='settings') else: settings = {} fixed_coords = settings.get('FIXED_COORDS', None) # Through the `cell_dofree` the degrees of freedom of the cell can be constrained, which makes the threshold on # the stress hard to interpret. Therefore, unless the `cell_dofree` is set to the default `all` where the cell # is fully unconstrained, the stress is ignored even if an explicit `press_conv_thr` is specified in the inputs. constrained_cell = parameters.get('CELL', {}).get('cell_dofree', 'all') != 'all' if constrained_cell: threshold_stress = None if relax_type == 'relax': return verify_convergence_trajectory( trajectory=trajectory, index=-1, threshold_forces=threshold_forces, fixed_coords=fixed_coords ) if relax_type == 'vc-relax': values = [threshold_forces, threshold_stress, external_pressure, fixed_coords] converged_relax = verify_convergence_trajectory(trajectory, -2, *values) converged_final = verify_convergence_trajectory(trajectory, -1, *values) return converged_relax and (converged_final or except_final_scf) raise RuntimeError(f'unknown relax_type: {relax_type}')
[docs] def parse_xml(self, dir_with_bands=None, parser_options=None): """Parse the XML output file. :param dir_with_bands: absolute path to directory containing individual k-point XML files for old XML format. :param parser_options: optional dictionary with parser options :return: tuple of two dictionaries, first with raw parsed data and second with log messages """ from .parse_xml.exceptions import XMLParseError, XMLUnsupportedFormatError from import parse_xml logs = get_logging_container() parsed_data = {} object_names = self.retrieved.base.repository.list_object_names() xml_files = [xml_file for xml_file in self.node.process_class.xml_filenames if xml_file in object_names] if not xml_files: if not self.node.get_option('without_xml'): self.exit_code_xml = self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_MISSING return parsed_data, logs if len(xml_files) > 1: self.exit_code_xml = self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_MULTIPLE return parsed_data, logs try: with[0]) as xml_file: parsed_data, logs = parse_xml(xml_file, dir_with_bands) except IOError: self.exit_code_xml = self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_READ except XMLParseError: self.exit_code_xml = self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_PARSE except XMLUnsupportedFormatError: self.exit_code_xml = self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_FORMAT except Exception as exc: logs.critical.append(traceback.format_exc()) self.exit_code_xml = self.exit_codes.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PARSER_EXCEPTION.format(exception=exc) return parsed_data, logs
[docs] def parse_stdout(self, parameters, parser_options=None, parsed_xml=None, crash_file=None): """Parse the stdout output file. :param parameters: the input parameters dictionary :param parser_options: optional dictionary with parser options :param parsed_xml: the raw parsed data from the XML output :return: tuple of two dictionaries, first with raw parsed data and second with log messages """ from import parse_stdout logs = get_logging_container() parsed_data = {} filename_stdout = self.node.base.attributes.get('output_filename') if filename_stdout not in self.retrieved.base.repository.list_object_names(): self.exit_code_stdout = self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_MISSING return parsed_data, logs try: stdout = self.retrieved.base.repository.get_object_content(filename_stdout) except IOError: self.exit_code_stdout = self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_READ return parsed_data, logs try: parsed_data, logs = parse_stdout(stdout, parameters, parser_options, parsed_xml, crash_file) except Exception as exc: logs.critical.append(traceback.format_exc()) self.exit_code_stdout = self.exit_codes.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PARSER_EXCEPTION.format(exception=exc) # If the stdout was incomplete, most likely the job was interrupted before it could cleanly finish, so the # output files are most likely corrupt and cannot be restarted from if 'ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_INCOMPLETE' in logs['error']: self.exit_code_stdout = self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_INCOMPLETE # Under certain conditions, such as the XML missing or being incorrect, the structure data might be incomplete. # Since following code depends on it, we replace missing information taken from the input structure. structure = self.node.inputs.structure parsed_data.setdefault('structure', {}).setdefault('cell', {}) if 'lattice_vectors' not in parsed_data['structure']['cell']: parsed_data['structure']['cell']['lattice_vectors'] = structure.cell if 'atoms' not in parsed_data['structure']['cell']: symbols = {s.kind_name: structure.get_kind(s.kind_name).symbol for s in structure.sites} parsed_data['structure']['cell']['atoms'] = [(symbols[s.kind_name], s.position) for s in structure.sites] return parsed_data, logs
[docs] def build_output_parameters(parsed_stdout, parsed_xml): """Build the dictionary of output parameters from the raw parsed data. The output parameters are based on the union of raw parsed data from the XML and stdout output files. Currently, if both raw parsed data dictionaries contain the same key, the stdout version takes precedence, but this should not occur as the `parse_stdout` method should already have solved these conflicts. :param parsed_stdout: the raw parsed data dictionary from the stdout output file :param parsed_xml: the raw parsed data dictionary from the XML output file :return: the union of the two raw parsed data dictionaries """ for key in list(parsed_stdout.keys()): if key in list(parsed_xml.keys()): if parsed_stdout[key] != parsed_xml[key]: raise AssertionError( '{} found in both dictionaries with different values: {} vs. {}'.format( key, parsed_stdout[key], parsed_xml[key] ) ) parameters = dict(list(parsed_xml.items()) + list(parsed_stdout.items())) return parameters
[docs] def build_output_structure(self, parsed_structure): """Build the output structure from the raw parsed data. :param parsed_structure: the dictionary with raw parsed structure data :return: a new `StructureData` created from the parsed data iff the calculation type produces a new structure and the parsed data contained a cell definition. In all other cases, the input structure will be returned. """ from aiida_quantumespresso.parsers.parse_raw import convert_qe_to_aiida_structure type_calc = self.node.inputs.parameters.get_dict()['CONTROL']['calculation'] if type_calc not in ['relax', 'vc-relax', 'md', 'vc-md'] or 'cell' not in list(parsed_structure.keys()): return self.node.inputs.structure return convert_qe_to_aiida_structure(parsed_structure, self.node.inputs.structure)
[docs] def build_output_trajectory(parsed_trajectory, structure): """Build the output trajectory from the raw parsed trajectory data. :param parsed_trajectory: the raw parsed trajectory data :return: a `TrajectoryData` or None """ fractional = False if 'atomic_positions_relax' in parsed_trajectory: positions = numpy.array(parsed_trajectory.pop('atomic_positions_relax')) elif 'atomic_fractionals_relax' in parsed_trajectory: fractional = True positions = numpy.array(parsed_trajectory.pop('atomic_fractionals_relax')) else: # The positions were never printed, the calculation did not change the structure positions = numpy.array([[site.position for site in structure.sites]]) try: cells = numpy.array(parsed_trajectory.pop('lattice_vectors_relax')) except KeyError: # The cell is never printed, the calculation was at fixed cell cells = numpy.array([structure.cell]) # Ensure there are as many frames for cell as positions, even when the calculation was done at fixed cell if len(cells) == 1 and len(positions) > 1: cells = numpy.array([cells[0]] * len(positions)) if fractional: # convert positions to cartesian positions = numpy.einsum('ijk, ikm -> ijm', positions, cells) symbols = [str(site.kind_name) for site in structure.sites] stepids = numpy.arange(len(positions)) trajectory = orm.TrajectoryData() trajectory.set_trajectory( stepids=stepids, cells=cells, symbols=symbols, positions=positions, ) for key, value in parsed_trajectory.items(): trajectory.set_array(key, numpy.array(value)) return trajectory
[docs] def build_output_kpoints(self, parsed_parameters, structure): """Build the output kpoints from the raw parsed data. :param parsed_parameters: the raw parsed data :return: a `KpointsData` or None """ k_points_list = parsed_parameters.pop('k_points', None) k_points_units = parsed_parameters.pop('k_points_units', None) k_points_weights_list = parsed_parameters.pop('k_points_weights', None) if k_points_list is None or k_points_weights_list is None: return None if k_points_units != '1 / angstrom': self.logger.error('Error in kpoints units (should be cartesian)') self.exit_code_parser = self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_KPOINT_UNITS return None kpoints = orm.KpointsData() kpoints.set_cell_from_structure(structure) kpoints.set_kpoints(k_points_list, cartesian=True, weights=k_points_weights_list) return kpoints
[docs] def build_output_bands(self, parsed_bands, parsed_kpoints=None): """Build the output bands from the raw parsed bands data. :param parsed_bands: the raw parsed bands data :param parsed_kpoints: the `KpointsData` to use for the bands :return: a `BandsData` or None """ if not parsed_bands or not parsed_kpoints: return # In the case of input kpoints that define a list of k-points, i.e. along high-symmetry path, and explicit # labels, set those labels also on the output kpoints to be used for the bands. This will allow plotting # utilities to place k-point labels along the x-axis. try: self.node.inputs.kpoints.get_kpoints() parsed_kpoints.labels = self.node.inputs.kpoints.labels except (AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): # AttributeError: input kpoints defines a mesh, not an explicit list # TypeError: inputs kpoints do not define any labels # ValueError: input kpoints labels are not commensurate with `parsed_kpoints` pass # Correct the occupation for nspin=1 calculations where Quantum ESPRESSO populates each band only halfway if len(parsed_bands['occupations']) > 1: occupations = parsed_bands['occupations'] else: occupations = 2. * numpy.array(parsed_bands['occupations'][0]) if len(parsed_bands['bands']) > 1: bands_energies = parsed_bands['bands'] else: bands_energies = parsed_bands['bands'][0] bands = orm.BandsData() bands.set_kpointsdata(parsed_kpoints) bands.set_bands(bands_energies, units=parsed_bands['bands_units'], occupations=occupations) return bands
[docs] def get_parser_settings_key(): """Return the key that contains the optional parser options in the `settings` input node.""" return 'parser_options'
[docs] def final_trajectory_frame_to_parameters(parameters, parsed_trajectory): """Copy the last frame of certain properties from the `TrajectoryData` to the outputs parameters. This makes these properties queryable. """ include_keys = [ 'energy', 'energy_accuracy', 'energy_ewald', 'energy_hartree', 'energy_hubbard', 'energy_one_electron', 'energy_threshold', 'energy_vdw', 'energy_xc', 'energy_smearing', 'energy_one_center_paw', 'energy_est_exchange', 'energy_fock', 'scf_iterations', 'fermi_energy', 'total_force', 'total_magnetization', 'absolute_magnetization', ] for property_key, property_values in parsed_trajectory.items(): if property_key not in include_keys: continue parameters[property_key] = property_values[-1]
[docs] def get_extended_symmetries(self): """Return the extended dictionary of symmetries based on reduced symmetries stored in output parameters.""" from import get_symmetry_mapping possible_symmetries = get_symmetry_mapping() parameters = self.node.base.links.get_outgoing(node_class=orm.Dict).get_node_by_label('output_parameters') symmetries_extended = [] symmetries_reduced = parameters.get_dict()['symmetries'] # rimetti lo zero for element in symmetries_reduced: symmetry = {} for keys in ['t_rev', 'equivalent_ions', 'fractional_translation']: try: symmetry[keys] = element[keys] except KeyError: pass # expand the rest symmetry['name'] = possible_symmetries[element['symmetry_number']]['name'] symmetry['rotation'] = possible_symmetries[element['symmetry_number']]['matrix'] symmetry['inversion'] = possible_symmetries[element['symmetry_number']]['inversion'] symmetries_extended.append(symmetry) return symmetries_extended