Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Utilities to parse Quantum ESPRESSO cp.x input files into AiiDA nodes or builders."""
from qe_tools.parsers import CpInputFile as BaseCpInputFile

from .base import StructureParseMixin

[docs]class CpInputFile(StructureParseMixin, BaseCpInputFile): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Parser of Quantum ESPRESSO cp.x input file into AiiDA nodes. .. note:: This mixes in :class:`` which adds the functionality to parse a :class:`` from the input file, instead of a plain dictionary returned by ``qe_tools.parsers.qeinputparser.get_structure_from_qeinput``. Note that one cannot directly add this functionality to a sub class of ``~qe_tools.parsers.qeinputparser.QeInputFile`` and then subsequently sub class that here, because the ``~qe_tools.parsers.qeinputparser.CpInputFile`` is also required and sub classing both leads to problems with the MRO. """