Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.cp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Plugin to create a Quantum Espresso cp.x file."""
import os

from aiida import orm
from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.common.lang import classproperty

from aiida_quantumespresso.calculations import BasePwCpInputGenerator

[docs]class CpCalculation(BasePwCpInputGenerator): """`CalcJob` implementation for the cp.x code of Quantum ESPRESSO.""" # Constants to use in the calculation
[docs] _CP_READ_UNIT_NUMBER = 50
[docs] _FILE_XML_PRINT_COUNTER_BASENAME = 'print_counter.xml'
[docs] _FILE_PRINT_COUNTER_BASENAME = 'print_counter'
[docs] _FILE_XML_PRINT_COUNTER = os.path.join( BasePwCpInputGenerator._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, f'{BasePwCpInputGenerator._PREFIX}_{_CP_WRITE_UNIT_NUMBER}.save', _FILE_XML_PRINT_COUNTER_BASENAME, )
[docs] _FILE_PRINT_COUNTER = os.path.join( BasePwCpInputGenerator._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, f'{BasePwCpInputGenerator._PREFIX}_{_CP_WRITE_UNIT_NUMBER}.save', _FILE_PRINT_COUNTER_BASENAME, )
# Input file "sections" that we are going to write by calculation type # The term namelist is part of FORTRAN's jargon
[docs] _automatic_namelists = { 'scf': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS'], 'nscf': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS'], 'relax': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS', 'IONS'], 'cp': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS', 'IONS'], 'vc-cp': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS', 'IONS', 'CELL'], 'vc-relax': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS', 'IONS', 'CELL'], 'vc-wf': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS', 'WANNIER'], }
# Pieces of input that we won't allow users to set
[docs] _blocked_keywords = [ ('CONTROL', 'pseudo_dir'), # set later ('CONTROL', 'outdir'), # set later ('CONTROL', 'prefix'), # set later ('SYSTEM', 'celldm'), ('SYSTEM', 'nat'), # set later ('SYSTEM', 'ntyp'), # set later ('SYSTEM', 'a'), ('SYSTEM', 'b'), ('SYSTEM', 'c'), ('SYSTEM', 'cosab'), ('SYSTEM', 'cosac'), ('SYSTEM', 'cosbc'), ('CONTROL', 'ndr', _CP_READ_UNIT_NUMBER), ('CONTROL', 'ndw', _CP_WRITE_UNIT_NUMBER), ]
# In cp calculations we won't use kpoints data
[docs] _use_kpoints = False
# Use low verbosity for cp calculations
[docs] _default_verbosity = 'low'
[docs] _cp_ext_list = [ 'cel', 'con', 'eig', 'evp', 'for', 'nos', 'pol', 'pos', 'spr', 'str', 'the', 'vel', 'wfc', ]
[docs] _internal_retrieve_list = [ os.path.join( BasePwCpInputGenerator._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, f'{BasePwCpInputGenerator._PREFIX}.{ext}', ) for ext in _cp_ext_list ] + [_FILE_XML_PRINT_COUNTER, _FILE_PRINT_COUNTER]
# in restarts, it will copy from the parent the following
[docs] _restart_copy_from = os.path.join( BasePwCpInputGenerator._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, f'{BasePwCpInputGenerator._PREFIX}_{_CP_WRITE_UNIT_NUMBER}.save', )
# in restarts, it will copy the previous folder in the following one
[docs] _restart_copy_to = os.path.join( BasePwCpInputGenerator._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, f'{BasePwCpInputGenerator._PREFIX}_{_CP_READ_UNIT_NUMBER}.save', )
[docs] def xml_filepaths(cls): """Return a list of relative filepaths of XML files.""" # pylint: disable=no-self-argument,not-an-iterable filepaths = [] for filename in cls.xml_filenames: filepath = os.path.join( cls._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, f'{cls._PREFIX}_{cls._CP_WRITE_UNIT_NUMBER}.save', filename, ) filepaths.append(filepath) return filepaths
[docs] def define(cls, spec): """Define the process specification.""" # yapf: disable super().define(spec) spec.input('metadata.options.parser_name', valid_type=str, default='quantumespresso.cp') spec.output('output_trajectory', valid_type=orm.TrajectoryData) spec.output('output_parameters', valid_type=orm.Dict) spec.default_output_node = 'output_parameters' spec.exit_code(301, 'ERROR_NO_RETRIEVED_TEMPORARY_FOLDER', message='The retrieved temporary folder could not be accessed.') spec.exit_code(303, 'ERROR_MISSING_XML_FILE', message='The required XML file is not present in the retrieved folder.') spec.exit_code(304, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_MULTIPLE', message='The retrieved folder contains multiple XML files.') spec.exit_code(320, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_READ', message='The required XML file could not be read.') spec.exit_code(330, 'ERROR_READING_POS_FILE', message='The required POS file could not be read.') spec.exit_code(340, 'ERROR_READING_TRAJECTORY_DATA', message='The required trajectory data could not be read.')
# yapf: enable @staticmethod
[docs] def _generate_PWCP_input_tail(*args, **kwargs): """Parse CP specific input parameters.""" settings = kwargs['settings'] # AUTOPILOT autopilot = settings.pop('AUTOPILOT', []) if not autopilot: return '' autopilot_card = 'AUTOPILOT\n' try: for event in autopilot: if isinstance(event['newvalue'], str): autopilot_card += f"ON_STEP = {event['onstep']} : '{event['what']}' = {event['newvalue']}\n" else: autopilot_card += f"ON_STEP = {event['onstep']} : {event['what']} = {event['newvalue']}\n" except KeyError as exception: raise exceptions.InputValidationError( f"""AUTOPILOT input: you must specify a list of dictionaries like the following: [ {{'onstep' : 10, 'what' : 'dt', 'newvalue' : 5.0 }}, {{'onstep' : 20, 'what' : 'whatever', 'newvalue' : 'pippo'}} ] You specified {autopilot} """ ) from exception autopilot_card += 'ENDRULES\n' return autopilot_card