Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.workflows.functions.get_marked_structures

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""CalcFunction to create structures with a marked atom for each site in a list."""
from aiida import orm
from aiida.common import ValidationError
from aiida.engine import calcfunction
from import Kind, Site, StructureData

[docs]def get_marked_structures(structure, atoms_list, marker='X'): """Read a StructureData object and return structures for XPS calculations. :param atoms_list: the atoms_list of atoms to be marked. :param marker: a Str node defining the name of the marked atom Kind. Default is 'X'. :returns: StructureData objects for the generated structure. """ marker = marker.value elements_present = [kind.symbol for kind in structure.kinds] if marker in elements_present: raise ValidationError( f'The marker ("{marker}") should not match an existing Kind in ' f'the input structure ({elements_present}.' ) output_params = {} result = {} for index in atoms_list.get_list(): marked_structure = StructureData() kinds = { kind for kind in structure.kinds} marked_structure.set_cell(structure.cell) for i, site in enumerate(structure.sites): if i == index: marked_kind = Kind(name=marker, symbols=site.kind_name) marked_site = Site(, position=site.position) marked_structure.append_kind(marked_kind) marked_structure.append_site(marked_site) output_params[f'site_{index}'] = {'symbol': site.kind_name, 'multiplicity': 1} else: if site.kind_name not in [ for kind in marked_structure.kinds]: marked_structure.append_kind(kinds[site.kind_name]) new_site = Site(kind_name=site.kind_name, position=site.position) marked_structure.append_site(new_site) result[f'site_{index}'] = marked_structure result['output_parameters'] = orm.Dict(dict=output_params) return result