Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.workflows.pdos

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Workchain to run Quantum ESPRESSO calculations that generate DoS and PDoS for a structure.

This requires four computations:

- SCF (pw.x), to generate the initial wavefunction.
- NSCF (pw.x), to generate eigenvalues, generally with a denser k-point mesh and tetrahedra occupations.
- Total DoS (dos.x), to generate total densities of state.
- Partial DoS (projwfc.x), to generate partial densities of state, by projecting wavefunctions onto atomic orbitals.

Additional functionality:

- Setting ``'align_to_fermi': True`` in the inputs will ensure that the energy range is centred around the Fermi
  energy when `Emin` and `Emax` are provided for both the `dos` and `projwfc` inputs. This is useful when you are only
  interested in a certain energy range around the Fermi energy. By default the energy range is extracted from the
  NSCF calculation.

Storage memory management:

The wavefunction file(s) created by the nscf calculation can get very large (>100Gb).
These files must be copied to dos and projwfc calculations, so storage memory limits can easily be exceeded.
If this is an issue, setting the input ``serial_clean`` to ``True`` will not run these calculations in parallel,
but instead run in serial and clean directories when they are no longer required:

- Run the scf workchain
- Run the nscf workchain, then clean the scf calculation directories
- Run the dos calculation, then clean its directory
- Run the projwfc calculation, then clean its directory

Setting the input ``clean_workdir`` to ``True``, will clean any remaining directories, after the whole workchain has

Also note that projwfc will fail if the scf/nscf calculations were run with a different number of procs/pools and
``wf_collect=.false.`` (this setting is deprecated in newer version of QE).

Related Resources:

- `Electronic structure calculations user guide <>`_
- `Density of States calculation blog <>`_
- `Quantum ESPRESSO tutorial slides <>`_

.. warning::

    For QE v6.1, there is an issue using ``tetrahedra`` occupations, as is recommended for ``nscf``,
    and both ``dos.x`` and ``projwfc.x`` will raise errors when reading the xml file
    (see `this post <>`_).

from aiida import orm, plugins
from aiida.common import AttributeDict
from aiida.engine import ToContext, WorkChain, if_
from import to_aiida_type
import jsonschema

from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.mapping import prepare_process_inputs

from .protocols.utils import ProtocolMixin

[docs]def get_parameter_schema(): """Return the ``PdosWorkChain`` input parameter schema.""" return { '$schema': '', 'type': 'object', 'required': ['DeltaE'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'Emin': { 'description': 'min energy (eV) for DOS plot', 'type': 'number' }, 'Emax': { 'description': 'max energy (eV) for DOS plot', 'type': 'number' }, 'DeltaE': { 'description': 'energy grid step (eV)', 'type': 'number', 'minimum': 0 }, 'ngauss': { 'description': 'Type of gaussian broadening.', 'type': 'integer', 'enum': [0, 1, -1, -99] }, 'degauss': { 'description': 'gaussian broadening, Ry (not eV!)', 'type': 'number', 'minimum': 0 }, } }
[docs]def validate_inputs(value, _): """Validate the top level namespace. - Check that either the `scf` or `` inputs is provided. - Check that the `Emin`, `Emax` and `DeltaE` inputs are the same for the `dos` and `projwfc` namespaces. - Check that `Emin` and `Emax` are provided in case `align_to_fermi` is set to `True`. """ # Check that either the `scf` input or `` is provided. import warnings if 'scf' in value and 'parent_folder' in value['nscf']['pw']: warnings.warn( 'Both the `scf` and `` inputs were provided. The SCF calculation will ' 'be run with the inputs provided in `scf` and the `` will be ignored.' ) elif not 'scf' in value and not 'parent_folder' in value['nscf']['pw']: return 'Specifying either the `scf` or `` input is required.' for par in ['Emin', 'Emax', 'DeltaE']: if value['dos']['parameters']['DOS'].get(par, None) != value['projwfc']['parameters']['PROJWFC'].get(par, None): return f'The `{par}`` parameter has to be equal for the `dos` and `projwfc` inputs.' if value.get('align_to_fermi', False): for par in ['Emin', 'Emax']: if value['dos']['parameters']['DOS'].get(par, None) is None: return f'The `{par}`` parameter must be set in case `align_to_fermi` is set to `True`.'
[docs]def validate_scf(value, _): """Validate the scf parameters.""" parameters = value['pw']['parameters'].get_dict() if parameters.get('CONTROL', {}).get('calculation', 'scf') != 'scf': return '`CONTOL.calculation` in `` is not set to `scf`.'
[docs]def validate_nscf(value, _): """Validate the nscf parameters.""" parameters = value['pw']['parameters'].get_dict() if parameters.get('CONTROL', {}).get('calculation', 'scf') != 'nscf': return '`CONTOL.calculation` in `` is not set to `nscf`.' if parameters.get('SYSTEM', {}).get('occupations', None) != 'tetrahedra': return '`SYSTEM.occupations` in `` is not set to `tetrahedra`.'
[docs]def validate_dos(value, _): """Validate DOS parameters. - shared: Emin | Emax | DeltaE - dos.x only: ngauss | degauss | bz_sum - projwfc.x only: ngauss | degauss | pawproj | n_proj_boxes | irmin(3,n_proj_boxes) | irmax(3,n_proj_boxes) """ jsonschema.validate(value['parameters'].get_dict()['DOS'], get_parameter_schema())
[docs]def validate_projwfc(value, _): """Validate DOS parameters. - shared: Emin | Emax | DeltaE - dos.x only: ngauss | degauss | bz_sum - projwfc.x only: ngauss | degauss | pawproj | n_proj_boxes | irmin(3,n_proj_boxes) | irmax(3,n_proj_boxes) """ jsonschema.validate(value['parameters'].get_dict()['PROJWFC'], get_parameter_schema())
[docs]def clean_calcjob_remote(node): """Clean the remote directory of a ``CalcJobNode``.""" cleaned = False try: node.outputs.remote_folder._clean() # pylint: disable=protected-access cleaned = True except (IOError, OSError, KeyError): pass return cleaned
[docs]def clean_workchain_calcs(workchain): """Clean all remote directories of a workchain's descendant calculations.""" cleaned_calcs = [] for called_descendant in workchain.called_descendants: if isinstance(called_descendant, orm.CalcJobNode): if clean_calcjob_remote(called_descendant): cleaned_calcs.append( return cleaned_calcs
[docs]PwBaseWorkChain = plugins.WorkflowFactory('')
[docs]DosCalculation = plugins.CalculationFactory('quantumespresso.dos')
[docs]ProjwfcCalculation = plugins.CalculationFactory('quantumespresso.projwfc')
[docs]class PdosWorkChain(ProtocolMixin, WorkChain): """A WorkChain to compute Total & Partial Density of States of a structure, using Quantum Espresso.""" @classmethod
[docs] def define(cls, spec): # yapf: disable """Define the process specification.""" super().define(spec) spec.input('structure', valid_type=orm.StructureData, help='The input structure.') spec.input( 'serial_clean', valid_type=orm.Bool, serializer=to_aiida_type, required=False, help=('If ``True``, calculations will be run in serial, ' 'and work directories will be cleaned before the next step.') ) spec.input( 'clean_workdir', valid_type=orm.Bool, serializer=to_aiida_type, default=lambda: orm.Bool(False), help='If ``True``, work directories of all called calculation will be cleaned at the end of execution.' ) spec.input( 'dry_run', valid_type=orm.Bool, serializer=to_aiida_type, required=False, help='Terminate workchain steps before submitting calculations (test purposes only).' ) spec.input( 'align_to_fermi', valid_type=orm.Bool, serializer=to_aiida_type, default=lambda: orm.Bool(False), help=( 'If true, Emin=>Emin-Efermi & Emax=>Emax-Efermi, where Efermi is taken from the `nscf` calculation. ' 'Note that it only makes sense to align `Emax` and `Emin` to the fermi level in case they are actually ' 'provided by in the `dos` and `projwfc` inputs, since otherwise the ' ) ) spec.expose_inputs( PwBaseWorkChain, namespace='scf', exclude=('clean_workdir', 'pw.structure', 'pw.parent_folder'), namespace_options={ 'help': 'Inputs for the `PwBaseWorkChain` of the `scf` calculation.', 'validator': validate_scf, 'required': False, 'populate_defaults': False, } ) spec.expose_inputs( PwBaseWorkChain, namespace='nscf', exclude=('clean_workdir', 'pw.structure', 'pw.parent_folder'), namespace_options={ 'help': 'Inputs for the `PwBaseWorkChain` of the `nscf` calculation.', 'validator': validate_nscf } ) spec.expose_inputs( DosCalculation, namespace='dos', exclude=('parent_folder',), namespace_options={ 'help': ('Input parameters for the `dos.x` calculation. Note that the `Emin`, `Emax` and `DeltaE` ' 'values have to match with those in the `projwfc` inputs.'), 'validator': validate_dos } ) spec.expose_inputs( ProjwfcCalculation, namespace='projwfc', exclude=('parent_folder',), namespace_options={ 'help': ('Input parameters for the `projwfc.x` calculation. Note that the `Emin`, `Emax` and `DeltaE` ' 'values have to match with those in the `dos` inputs.'), 'validator': validate_projwfc } ) spec.inputs.validator = validate_inputs spec.outline( cls.setup, if_(cls.should_run_scf)( cls.run_scf, cls.inspect_scf, ), cls.run_nscf, cls.inspect_nscf, if_(cls.serial_clean)( cls.run_dos_serial, cls.inspect_dos_serial, cls.run_projwfc_serial, cls.inspect_projwfc_serial ).else_( cls.run_pdos_parallel, cls.inspect_pdos_parallel, ), cls.results, ) spec.exit_code(202, 'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_KPOINTS', message='Neither the `kpoints` nor the `kpoints_distance` input was specified for base or nscf namespaces.') spec.exit_code(401, 'ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_SCF', message='the SCF sub process failed') spec.exit_code(402, 'ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_NSCF', message='the NSCF sub process failed') spec.exit_code(403, 'ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_DOS', message='the DOS sub process failed') spec.exit_code(404, 'ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_PROJWFC', message='the PROJWFC sub process failed') spec.exit_code(404, 'ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_BOTH', message='both the DOS and PROJWFC sub process failed') spec.expose_outputs(PwBaseWorkChain, namespace='nscf') spec.expose_outputs(DosCalculation, namespace='dos') spec.expose_outputs(ProjwfcCalculation, namespace='projwfc')
[docs] def get_protocol_filepath(cls): """Return ``pathlib.Path`` to the ``.yaml`` file that defines the protocols.""" from importlib_resources import files from . import protocols return files(protocols) / 'pdos.yaml'
[docs] def get_builder_from_protocol( cls, pw_code, dos_code, projwfc_code, structure, protocol=None, overrides=None, options=None, **kwargs ): """Return a builder prepopulated with inputs selected according to the chosen protocol. :param pw_code: the ``Code`` instance configured for the ```` plugin. :param dos_code: the ``Code`` instance configured for the ``quantumespresso.dos`` plugin. :param projwfc_code: the ``Code`` instance configured for the ``quantumespresso.projwfc`` plugin. :param structure: the ``StructureData`` instance to use. :param protocol: protocol to use, if not specified, the default will be used. :param overrides: optional dictionary of inputs to override the defaults of the protocol. :param options: A dictionary of options that will be recursively set for the ``metadata.options`` input of all the ``CalcJobs`` that are nested in this work chain. :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments that will be passed to the ``get_builder_from_protocol`` of all the sub processes that are called by this workchain. :return: a process builder instance with all inputs defined ready for launch. """ from aiida_quantumespresso.workflows.protocols.utils import recursive_merge inputs = cls.get_protocol_inputs(protocol, overrides) args = (pw_code, structure, protocol) scf = PwBaseWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol( *args, overrides=inputs.get('scf', None), options=options, **kwargs ) scf['pw'].pop('structure', None) scf.pop('clean_workdir', None) nscf = PwBaseWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol( *args, overrides=inputs.get('nscf', None), options=options, **kwargs ) nscf['pw'].pop('structure', None) nscf['pw']['parameters']['SYSTEM'].pop('smearing', None) nscf['pw']['parameters']['SYSTEM'].pop('degauss', None) nscf.pop('clean_workdir', None) metadata_dos = inputs.get('dos', {}).get('metadata', {'options': {}}) metadata_projwfc = inputs.get('projwfc', {}).get('metadata', {'options': {}}) if options: metadata_dos['options'] = recursive_merge(metadata_dos['options'], options) metadata_projwfc['options'] = recursive_merge(metadata_projwfc['options'], options) builder = cls.get_builder() builder.structure = structure builder.clean_workdir = orm.Bool(inputs['clean_workdir']) builder.scf = scf builder.nscf = nscf builder.dos.code = dos_code # pylint: disable=no-member builder.dos.parameters = orm.Dict(inputs.get('dos', {}).get('parameters')) # pylint: disable=no-member builder.dos.metadata = metadata_dos # pylint: disable=no-member builder.projwfc.code = projwfc_code # pylint: disable=no-member builder.projwfc.parameters = orm.Dict(inputs.get('projwfc', {}).get('parameters')) # pylint: disable=no-member builder.projwfc.metadata = metadata_projwfc # pylint: disable=no-member return builder
[docs] def setup(self): """Initialize context variables that are used during the logical flow of the workchain.""" self.ctx.serial_clean = 'serial_clean' in self.inputs and self.inputs.serial_clean.value self.ctx.dry_run = 'dry_run' in self.inputs and self.inputs.dry_run.value
[docs] def serial_clean(self): """Return whether dos and projwfc calculations should be run in serial. The calculation remote folders will be cleaned before the next process step. """ return self.ctx.serial_clean
[docs] def should_run_scf(self): """Return whether the work chain should run an SCF calculation.""" return 'scf' in self.inputs
[docs] def run_scf(self): """Run an SCF calculation, to generate the wavefunction.""" inputs = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(PwBaseWorkChain, 'scf')) = self.inputs.structure inputs.metadata.call_link_label = 'scf' inputs = prepare_process_inputs(PwBaseWorkChain, inputs) if self.ctx.dry_run: return inputs future = self.submit(PwBaseWorkChain, **inputs)'launching SCF PwBaseWorkChain<{}>') return ToContext(workchain_scf=future)
[docs] def inspect_scf(self): """Verify that the SCF calculation finished successfully.""" workchain = self.ctx.workchain_scf if not workchain.is_finished_ok:'SCF PwBaseWorkChain failed with exit status {workchain.exit_status}') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_SCF self.ctx.scf_parent_folder = workchain.outputs.remote_folder
[docs] def run_nscf(self): """Run an NSCF calculation, to generate eigenvalues with a denser k-point mesh. This calculation modifies the base scf calculation inputs by: - Using the parent folder from the scf calculation. - Replacing the kpoints, if an alternative is specified for nscf. - Changing ``SYSTEM.occupations`` to 'tetrahedra'. - Changing ``SYSTEM.nosym`` to True, to avoid generation of additional k-points in low symmetry cases. - Replace the ``pw.metadata.options``, if an alternative is specified for nscf. """ inputs = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(PwBaseWorkChain, 'nscf')) if 'scf' in self.inputs: = self.ctx.scf_parent_folder = self.inputs.structure inputs.metadata.call_link_label = 'nscf' inputs = prepare_process_inputs(PwBaseWorkChain, inputs) if self.ctx.dry_run: return inputs future = self.submit(PwBaseWorkChain, **inputs)'launching NSCF PwBaseWorkChain<{}>') return ToContext(workchain_nscf=future)
[docs] def inspect_nscf(self): """Verify that the NSCF calculation finished successfully.""" workchain = self.ctx.workchain_nscf if not workchain.is_finished_ok:'NSCF PwBaseWorkChain failed with exit status {workchain.exit_status}') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_NSCF if self.ctx.serial_clean: # we no longer require the scf remote folder, so can clean it cleaned_calcs = clean_workchain_calcs(self.ctx.workchain_scf) if cleaned_calcs:"cleaned remote folders of SCF calculations: {' '.join(map(str, cleaned_calcs))}") self.ctx.nscf_emin = workchain.outputs.output_band.get_array('bands').min() self.ctx.nscf_emax = workchain.outputs.output_band.get_array('bands').max() self.ctx.nscf_parent_folder = workchain.outputs.remote_folder if 'fermi_energy' in workchain.outputs.output_parameters.dict: self.ctx.nscf_fermi = workchain.outputs.output_parameters.dict.fermi_energy else: fermi_energy_up = workchain.outputs.output_parameters.dict.fermi_energy_up fermi_energy_down = workchain.outputs.output_parameters.dict.fermi_energy_down self.ctx.nscf_fermi = max(fermi_energy_down, fermi_energy_up)
[docs] def _generate_dos_inputs(self): """Run DOS calculation, to generate total Densities of State.""" dos_inputs = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(DosCalculation, 'dos')) dos_inputs.parent_folder = self.ctx.nscf_parent_folder dos_parameters = self.inputs.dos.parameters.get_dict() if dos_parameters.pop('align_to_fermi', False): dos_parameters['DOS']['Emin'] = dos_parameters['Emin'] + self.ctx.nscf_fermi dos_parameters['DOS']['Emax'] = dos_parameters['Emax'] + self.ctx.nscf_fermi dos_inputs.parameters = orm.Dict(dos_parameters) dos_inputs['metadata']['call_link_label'] = 'dos' return dos_inputs
[docs] def _generate_projwfc_inputs(self): """Run Projwfc calculation, to generate partial Densities of State.""" projwfc_inputs = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(ProjwfcCalculation, 'projwfc')) projwfc_inputs.parent_folder = self.ctx.nscf_parent_folder projwfc_parameters = self.inputs.projwfc.parameters.get_dict() if projwfc_parameters.pop('align_to_fermi', False): projwfc_parameters['PROJWFC']['Emin'] = projwfc_parameters['Emin'] + self.ctx.nscf_fermi projwfc_parameters['PROJWFC']['Emax'] = projwfc_parameters['Emax'] + self.ctx.nscf_fermi projwfc_inputs.parameters = orm.Dict(projwfc_parameters) projwfc_inputs['metadata']['call_link_label'] = 'projwfc' return projwfc_inputs
[docs] def run_dos_serial(self): """Run DOS calculation.""" dos_inputs = self._generate_dos_inputs() if self.ctx.dry_run: return dos_inputs future_dos = self.submit(DosCalculation, **dos_inputs)'launching DosCalculation<{}>') return ToContext(calc_dos=future_dos)
[docs] def inspect_dos_serial(self): """Verify that the DOS calculation finished successfully, then clean its remote directory.""" calculation = self.ctx.calc_dos if not calculation.is_finished_ok:'DosCalculation failed with exit status {calculation.exit_status}') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_DOS if self.ctx.serial_clean: # we no longer require the dos remote folder, so can clean it if clean_calcjob_remote(calculation):'cleaned remote folder of DosCalculation<{}>')
[docs] def run_projwfc_serial(self): """Run Projwfc calculation.""" projwfc_inputs = self._generate_projwfc_inputs() if self.ctx.dry_run: return projwfc_inputs future_projwfc = self.submit(ProjwfcCalculation, **projwfc_inputs)'launching ProjwfcCalculation<{}>') return ToContext(calc_projwfc=future_projwfc)
[docs] def inspect_projwfc_serial(self): """Verify that the Projwfc calculation finished successfully, then clean its remote directory.""" calculation = self.ctx.calc_projwfc if not calculation.is_finished_ok:'ProjwfcCalculation failed with exit status {calculation.exit_status}') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_PROJWFC if self.ctx.serial_clean: # we no longer require the projwfc remote folder, so can clean it if clean_calcjob_remote(calculation):'cleaned remote folder of ProjwfcCalculation<{}>')
[docs] def run_pdos_parallel(self): """Run DOS and Projwfc calculations in parallel.""" dos_inputs = self._generate_dos_inputs() projwfc_inputs = self._generate_projwfc_inputs() if self.ctx.dry_run: return dos_inputs, projwfc_inputs future_dos = self.submit(DosCalculation, **dos_inputs)'launching DosCalculation<{}>') self.to_context(**{'calc_dos': future_dos}) future_projwfc = self.submit(ProjwfcCalculation, **projwfc_inputs)'launching ProjwfcCalculation<{}>') self.to_context(**{'calc_projwfc': future_projwfc})
[docs] def inspect_pdos_parallel(self): """Verify that the DOS and Projwfc calculations finished successfully.""" error_codes = [] calculation = self.ctx.calc_dos if not calculation.is_finished_ok:'DosCalculation failed with exit status {calculation.exit_status}') error_codes.append(self.exit_codes.ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_DOS) calculation = self.ctx.calc_projwfc if not calculation.is_finished_ok:'ProjwfcCalculation failed with exit status {calculation.exit_status}') error_codes.append(self.exit_codes.ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_PROJWFC) if len(error_codes) > 1: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_BOTH if len(error_codes) == 1: return error_codes[0]
[docs] def results(self): """Attach the desired output nodes directly as outputs of the workchain."""'workchain successfully completed') self.out_many(self.exposed_outputs(self.ctx.workchain_nscf, PwBaseWorkChain, namespace='nscf')) self.out_many(self.exposed_outputs(self.ctx.calc_dos, DosCalculation, namespace='dos')) self.out_many(self.exposed_outputs(self.ctx.calc_projwfc, ProjwfcCalculation, namespace='projwfc'))
[docs] def on_terminated(self): """Clean the working directories of all child calculations if `clean_workdir=True` in the inputs.""" super().on_terminated() if self.inputs.clean_workdir.value is False:'remote folders will not be cleaned') return cleaned_calcs = clean_workchain_calcs(self.node) if cleaned_calcs:"cleaned remote folders of calculations: {' '.join(map(str, cleaned_calcs))}")