Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Workchain to run a Quantum ESPRESSO ph.x calculation with automated error handling and restarts."""
from typing import Mapping

from aiida import orm
from aiida.common import AttributeDict
from aiida.common.lang import type_check
from aiida.engine import BaseRestartWorkChain, ProcessHandlerReport, process_handler, while_
from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory

from aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.functions.create_kpoints_from_distance import create_kpoints_from_distance
from aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.functions.merge_ph_outputs import merge_ph_outputs
from aiida_quantumespresso.common.types import ElectronicType
from aiida_quantumespresso.workflows.protocols.utils import ProtocolMixin

[docs]PhCalculation = CalculationFactory('')
[docs]PwCalculation = CalculationFactory('')
[docs]class PhBaseWorkChain(ProtocolMixin, BaseRestartWorkChain): """Workchain to run a Quantum ESPRESSO ph.x calculation with automated error handling and restarts."""
[docs] _process_class = PhCalculation
[docs] defaults = AttributeDict({ 'delta_factor_max_seconds': 0.95, 'delta_factor_alpha_mix': 0.90, 'alpha_mix': 0.70, })
[docs] def define(cls, spec): """Define the process specification.""" # yapf: disable super().define(spec) spec.expose_inputs(PhCalculation, namespace='ph', exclude=('qpoints', )) spec.input('only_initialization', valid_type=orm.Bool, default=lambda: orm.Bool(False)) spec.input('qpoints', valid_type=orm.KpointsData, required=False, help='An explicit qpoints list or mesh. Either this or `qpoints_distance` should to be provided.') spec.input('qpoints_distance', valid_type=orm.Float, required=False, help='The minimum desired distance in 1/Å between qpoints in reciprocal space. The explicit qpoints will ' 'be generated automatically by a calculation function based on the input structure.') spec.input('qpoints_force_parity', valid_type=orm.Bool, required=False, help='Optional input when constructing the qpoints based on a desired `qpoints_distance`. Setting this to ' '`True` will force the qpoint mesh to have an even number of points along each lattice vector except ' 'for any non-periodic directions.') spec.inputs.validator = cls.validate_inputs spec.outline( cls.setup, cls.validate_parameters, cls.set_qpoints, while_(cls.should_run_process)( cls.prepare_process, cls.run_process, cls.inspect_process, ), cls.create_merged_output, cls.results, ) spec.expose_outputs(PhCalculation, exclude=('retrieved_folder',)) spec.exit_code(204, 'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_RESOURCES_UNDERSPECIFIED', message='The `metadata.options` did not specify both `resources.num_machines` and `max_wallclock_seconds`. ' 'This exit status has been deprecated as the check it corresponded to was incorrect.') spec.exit_code(300, 'ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_FAILURE', message='The calculation failed with an unrecoverable error.') spec.exit_code(401, 'ERROR_MERGING_QPOINTS', message='The work chain failed to merge the q-points data from multiple `PhCalculation`s because not all ' 'q-points were parsed.')
# yapf: enable @classmethod
[docs] def validate_inputs(cls, value, port_namespace): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Validate the top level namespace.""" if (('qpoints_distance' in port_namespace or 'qpoints' in port_namespace) and 'qpoints_distance' not in value and 'qpoints' not in value): return 'Neither `qpoints` nor `qpoints_distance` were specified.'
[docs] def get_protocol_filepath(cls): """Return ``pathlib.Path`` to the ``.yaml`` file that defines the protocols.""" from importlib_resources import files from ..protocols import ph as ph_protocols return files(ph_protocols) / 'base.yaml'
[docs] def get_builder_from_protocol( cls, code, parent_folder=None, protocol=None, overrides=None, electronic_type=ElectronicType.METAL, options=None, **_ ): """Return a builder prepopulated with inputs selected according to the chosen protocol. :param code: the ``Code`` instance configured for the ```` plugin. :param protocol: protocol to use, if not specified, the default will be used. :param overrides: optional dictionary of inputs to override the defaults of the protocol. :param options: A dictionary of options that will be recursively set for the ``metadata.options`` input of all the ``CalcJobs`` that are nested in this work chain. :param electronic_type: indicate the electronic character of the system through ``ElectronicType`` instance. :return: a process builder instance with all inputs defined ready for launch. """ from aiida_quantumespresso.workflows.protocols.utils import recursive_merge if isinstance(code, str): code = orm.load_code(code) type_check(code, orm.AbstractCode) type_check(electronic_type, ElectronicType) if electronic_type not in [ElectronicType.METAL, ElectronicType.INSULATOR]: raise NotImplementedError(f'electronic type `{electronic_type}` is not supported.') inputs = cls.get_protocol_inputs(protocol, overrides) if electronic_type is ElectronicType.INSULATOR: inputs['ph']['parameters']['INPUTPH']['epsil'] = True metadata = inputs['ph']['metadata'] if options: metadata['options'] = recursive_merge(inputs['ph']['metadata']['options'], options) # pylint: disable=no-member builder = cls.get_builder()['code'] = code if parent_folder is not None:['parent_folder'] = parent_folder['parameters'] = orm.Dict(inputs['ph']['parameters'])['metadata'] = metadata if 'settings' in inputs['ph']:['settings'] = orm.Dict(inputs['ph']['settings']) builder.clean_workdir = orm.Bool(inputs['clean_workdir']) if 'qpoints' in inputs: qpoints_mesh = inputs['qpoints'] qpoints = orm.KpointsData() qpoints.set_kpoints_mesh(qpoints_mesh) builder.qpoints = qpoints else: builder.qpoints_distance = orm.Float(inputs['qpoints_distance']) builder.qpoints_force_parity = orm.Bool(inputs['qpoints_force_parity']) builder.max_iterations = orm.Int(inputs['max_iterations']) # pylint: enable=no-member return builder
[docs] def setup(self): """Call the `setup` of the `BaseRestartWorkChain` and then create the inputs dictionary in `self.ctx.inputs`. This `self.ctx.inputs` dictionary will be used by the `BaseRestartWorkChain` to submit the calculations in the internal loop. """ super().setup() self.ctx.restart_calc = None self.ctx.inputs = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(PhCalculation, 'ph'))
[docs] def validate_parameters(self): """Validate inputs that might depend on each other and cannot be validated by the spec.""" self.ctx.inputs.parameters = self.ctx.inputs.parameters.get_dict() self.ctx.inputs.settings = self.ctx.inputs.settings.get_dict() if 'settings' in self.ctx.inputs else {} self.ctx.inputs.parameters.setdefault('INPUTPH', {}) self.ctx.inputs.parameters['INPUTPH']['recover'] = 'parent_folder' in self.ctx.inputs if self.inputs.only_initialization.value: self.ctx.inputs.settings['ONLY_INITIALIZATION'] = True
[docs] def set_qpoints(self): """Set the inputs related to qpoints. Either an explicit `KpointsData` with given mesh/path, or a desired qpoints distance should be specified. In the case of the latter, the `KpointsData` will be constructed for the input `StructureData` from the parent_folder using the `create_kpoints_from_distance` calculation function. """ try: qpoints = self.inputs.qpoints except AttributeError: try: structure = self.ctx.inputs.parent_folder.creator.output.output_structure except AttributeError: structure = self.ctx.inputs.parent_folder.creator.inputs.structure inputs = { 'structure': structure, 'distance': self.inputs.qpoints_distance, 'force_parity': self.inputs.get('qpoints_force_parity', orm.Bool(False)), 'metadata': { 'call_link_label': 'create_qpoints_from_distance' } } qpoints = create_kpoints_from_distance(**inputs) self.ctx.inputs['qpoints'] = qpoints
[docs] def set_max_seconds(self, max_wallclock_seconds: None): """Set the `max_seconds` to a fraction of `max_wallclock_seconds` option to prevent out-of-walltime problems. :param max_wallclock_seconds: the maximum wallclock time that will be set in the scheduler settings. """ max_seconds_factor = self.defaults.delta_factor_max_seconds max_seconds = max_wallclock_seconds * max_seconds_factor self.ctx.inputs.parameters['INPUTPH']['max_seconds'] = max_seconds
[docs] def prepare_process(self): """Prepare the inputs for the next calculation. If a `restart_calc` has been set in the context, its `remote_folder` will be used as the `parent_folder` input for the next calculation and the `restart_mode` is set to `restart`. """ max_wallclock_seconds = self.ctx.inputs.metadata.options.get('max_wallclock_seconds', None) if max_wallclock_seconds is not None and 'max_seconds' not in self.ctx.inputs.parameters['INPUTPH']: self.set_max_seconds(max_wallclock_seconds) if self.ctx.restart_calc: self.ctx.inputs.parameters['INPUTPH']['recover'] = True self.ctx.inputs.parent_folder = self.ctx.restart_calc.outputs.remote_folder
[docs] def create_merged_output(self): """Merge outputs from multiple ``PhCalculation`` runs called by the workchain if necessary.""" if self.inputs.only_initialization.value: return if len(self.ctx.children) == 1: return output_dict = { 'output_' + str(index + 1): child.outputs.output_parameters for index, child in enumerate(self.ctx.children) } num_qpoints = self.ctx.children[0].outputs.output_parameters['number_of_qpoints'] num_qpoints = self.ctx.inputs.parameters['INPUTPH'].get('last_q', num_qpoints) \ - self.ctx.inputs.parameters['INPUTPH'].get('start_q', 1) + 1 num_qpoints_found = sum( len(output['number_of_irr_representations_for_each_q']) for output in output_dict.values() ) if num_qpoints_found == num_qpoints:'Merging {num_qpoints} q-points data from `PhCalculation`s.') self.ctx.merged_output_parameters = merge_ph_outputs(**output_dict) else:'Only {num_qpoints_found} of {num_qpoints} q-points were parsed.') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_MERGING_QPOINTS
[docs] def get_outputs(self, node) -> Mapping[str, orm.Node]: """Return a mapping of the outputs that should be attached as outputs to the work chain.""" outputs = super().get_outputs(node) if 'merged_output_parameters' in self.ctx: outputs['output_parameters'] = self.ctx.merged_output_parameters return outputs
[docs] def report_error_handled(self, calculation, action): """Report an action taken for a calculation that has failed. This should be called in a registered error handler if its condition is met and an action was taken. :param calculation: the failed calculation node :param action: a string message with the action taken """ arguments = [calculation.process_label,, calculation.exit_status, calculation.exit_message]'{}<{}> failed with exit status {}: {}'.format(*arguments))'Action taken: {action}')
[docs] def handle_unrecoverable_failure(self, node): """Handle calculations with an exit status below 400 which are unrecoverable, so abort the work chain.""" if node.is_failed and node.exit_status < 400: self.report_error_handled(node, 'unrecoverable error, aborting...') return ProcessHandlerReport(True, self.exit_codes.ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_FAILURE)
@process_handler(priority=610, exit_codes=PhCalculation.exit_codes.ERROR_SCHEDULER_OUT_OF_WALLTIME)
[docs] def handle_scheduler_out_of_walltime(self, node): """Handle `ERROR_SCHEDULER_OUT_OF_WALLTIME` exit code: decrease the max_secondes and restart from scratch.""" # Decrease `max_seconds` significantly in order to make sure that the calculation has the time to shut down # neatly before reaching the scheduler wall time and one can restart from this calculation. factor = 0.5 max_seconds = self.ctx.inputs.parameters.get('INPUTPH', {}).get('max_seconds', None) if max_seconds is None: max_seconds = self.ctx.inputs.metadata.options.get( 'max_wallclock_seconds', None ) * self.defaults.delta_factor_max_seconds max_seconds_new = max_seconds * factor self.ctx.restart_calc = node self.ctx.inputs.parameters.setdefault('INPUTPH', {})['recover'] = False self.ctx.inputs.parameters.setdefault('INPUTPH', {})['max_seconds'] = max_seconds_new action = f'reduced max_seconds from {max_seconds} to {max_seconds_new} and restarting' self.report_error_handled(node, action) return ProcessHandlerReport(True)
@process_handler(priority=585, exit_codes=PhCalculation.exit_codes.ERROR_COMPUTING_CHOLESKY)
[docs] def handle_diagonalization_errors(self, calculation): """Handle known issues related to the diagonalization. Switch to ``diagonalization = 'cg'`` if not already running with this setting, and restart from the charge density. In case the run already used conjugate gradient diagonalization, abort. """ if self.ctx.inputs.parameters['INPUTPH'].get('diagonalization', None) == 'cg': action = 'found diagonalization issues but already running with conjugate gradient algorithm, aborting...' self.report_error_handled(calculation, action) return ProcessHandlerReport(True, self.exit_codes.ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_FAILURE) self.ctx.inputs.parameters['INPUTPH']['diagonalization'] = 'cg' action = 'found diagonalization issues, switching to conjugate gradient diagonalization.' self.report_error_handled(calculation, action) return ProcessHandlerReport(True)
@process_handler(priority=580, exit_codes=PhCalculation.exit_codes.ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME)
[docs] def handle_out_of_walltime(self, node): """Handle `ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME` exit code: calculation shut down neatly and we can simply restart.""" self.ctx.restart_calc = node self.report_error_handled(node, 'simply restart from the last calculation') return ProcessHandlerReport(True)
@process_handler(priority=410, exit_codes=PhCalculation.exit_codes.ERROR_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED)
[docs] def handle_convergence_not_reached(self, node): """Handle `ERROR_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED` exit code: decrease the mixing beta and restart.""" factor = self.defaults.delta_factor_alpha_mix alpha_mix = self.ctx.inputs.parameters.get('INPUTPH', {}).get('alpha_mix(1)', self.defaults.alpha_mix) alpha_mix_new = alpha_mix * factor self.ctx.restart_calc = node self.ctx.inputs.parameters.setdefault('INPUTPH', {})['alpha_mix(1)'] = alpha_mix_new action = f'reduced alpha_mix from {alpha_mix} to {alpha_mix_new} and restarting' self.report_error_handled(node, action) return ProcessHandlerReport(True)