Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.workflows.xspectra.crystal

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Workchain to compute all X-ray absorption spectra for a given structure.

Uses QuantumESPRESSO pw.x and xspectra.x.
from aiida import orm
from aiida.common import AttributeDict, ValidationError
from aiida.engine import ToContext, WorkChain, if_
from aiida.orm import UpfData as aiida_core_upf
from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory, DataFactory, WorkflowFactory
from import UpfData as aiida_pseudo_upf

from aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.functions.xspectra.get_spectra_by_element import get_spectra_by_element
from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.hubbard import HubbardStructureData
from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.mapping import prepare_process_inputs
from aiida_quantumespresso.workflows.protocols.utils import ProtocolMixin, recursive_merge

[docs]PwCalculation = CalculationFactory('')
[docs]PwBaseWorkChain = WorkflowFactory('')
[docs]PwRelaxWorkChain = WorkflowFactory('')
[docs]XspectraBaseWorkChain = WorkflowFactory('quantumespresso.xspectra.base')
[docs]XspectraCoreWorkChain = WorkflowFactory('quantumespresso.xspectra.core')
[docs]XyData = DataFactory('core.array.xy')
[docs]class XspectraCrystalWorkChain(ProtocolMixin, WorkChain): """Workchain to compute all X-ray absorption spectra for a given structure using Quantum ESPRESSO. The WorkChain follows the process required to compute all the K-edge XAS spectra for each element in a given structure. The WorkChain itself firstly calls the PwRelaxWorkChain to relax the input structure, then determines the input settings for each XAS calculation automatically using ``get_xspectra_structures()``: - Firstly the input structure is converted to its conventional standard cell using ``spglib`` and detects the space group number for the conventional cell. - Symmetry analysis of the standardized structure using ``spglib`` is then used to determine the number of non-equivalent atomic sites in the structure for each element considered for analysis. Using the symmetry data returned from ``get_xspectra_structures``, input structures for the XspectraCoreWorkChain are generated from the standardized structure by converting each to a supercell with cell dimensions of at least 8.0 angstroms in each periodic dimension - required in order to sufficiently reduce the unphysical interaction of the core-hole with neighbouring images. The size of the minimum size requirement can be overriden by the user if required. The WorkChain then uses the space group number to set the list of polarisation vectors for the ``XspectraCoreWorkChain`` to compute for all subsequent calculations. """ @classmethod
[docs] def define(cls, spec): """Define the process specification.""" super().define(spec) # yapf: disable spec.expose_inputs( PwRelaxWorkChain, namespace='relax', exclude=('structure', 'clean_workdir', 'base_final_scf'), namespace_options={ 'help': ( 'Input parameters for the relax process. If not specified at all, the relaxation step is skipped.' ), 'required' : False, 'populate_defaults' : False, } ) spec.expose_inputs( XspectraCoreWorkChain, namespace='core', exclude=( 'kpoints', 'core_hole_pseudos', 'eps_vectors', 'structure', 'xs_plot' ), namespace_options={ 'help': ('Input parameters for the basic xspectra workflow (core-hole SCF + XAS.'), 'validator': None } ) spec.input_namespace( 'core_hole_pseudos', # Accept both types of UpfData node valid_type=(aiida_core_upf, aiida_pseudo_upf), dynamic=True, help=( 'Dynamic namespace for pairs of excited-state pseudopotentials for each absorbing' ' element. Must use the mapping "{element}" : {Upf}".' ) ) spec.input_namespace( 'gipaw_pseudos', # Accept both types of UpfData node valid_type=(aiida_core_upf, aiida_pseudo_upf), dynamic=True, help=( 'Dynamic namespace for pairs of ground-state pseudopotentials for each absorbing' ' element. Must use the mapping "{element}" : {Upf}.' ) ) spec.input( 'core_hole_treatments', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help=('Optional dictionary to set core-hole treatment to given elements present. ' 'The default full-core-hole treatment will be used if not specified.' ) ) spec.input( 'structure', valid_type=orm.StructureData, help=( 'Structure to be used for calculation.' ) ) spec.input( 'elements_list', valid_type=orm.List, help=( 'The list of elements to be considered for analysis, each must be a valid element of the periodic table.' ) ) spec.input( 'abs_atom_marker', valid_type=orm.Str, default=lambda: orm.Str('X'), help=( 'The name for the Kind representing the absorbing atom in the structure. ' 'Will be used in all structures generated in ``get_xspectra_structures`` step.' ), ) spec.input( 'upf2plotcore_code', valid_type=orm.AbstractCode, required=False, help=( 'Code node for the ShellJob code.' ) ) spec.input( 'clean_workdir', valid_type=orm.Bool, default=lambda: orm.Bool(False), help=('If `True`, work directories of all called calculations will be cleaned at the end of execution.'), ) spec.input( 'spglib_settings', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help=( 'Optional settings dictionary for the spglib call within ``get_xspectra_structures``.' ) ) spec.input( 'return_all_powder_spectra', valid_type=orm.Bool, default=lambda: orm.Bool(False), help=('If ``True``, the WorkChain will return all ``powder_spectrum`` nodes from each ' '``XspectraCoreWorkChain`` sub-process.') ) spec.input_namespace( 'structure_preparation_settings', valid_type=(orm.Dict, orm.Float, orm.Int, orm.Bool, orm.Str), dynamic=True, required=False, help=( 'Optional settings dictionary for the ``get_xspectra_structures()`` method.' ) ) spec.input_namespace( 'core_wfc_data', valid_type=orm.SinglefileData, dynamic=True, required=False, help=('Input namespace to provide core wavefunction inputs for each element. Must follow the format: ' '``core_wfc_data__{symbol} = {node}``') ) spec.inputs.validator = cls.validate_inputs spec.outline( cls.setup, if_(cls.should_run_relax)( cls.run_relax, cls.inspect_relax, ), cls.get_xspectra_structures, if_(cls.should_run_upf2plotcore)( cls.run_upf2plotcore, cls.inspect_upf2plotcore, ), cls.run_all_xspectra_core, cls.inspect_all_xspectra_core, cls.results, ) spec.exit_code(401, 'ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_RELAX', message='The Relax sub process failed') spec.exit_code(402, 'ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_XSPECTRA', message='One or more XSpectra workflows failed') spec.exit_code(403, 'ERROR_NO_GIPAW_INFO_FOUND', message='The pseudos for one or more absorbing elements' ' contain no GIPAW information.') spec.output( 'optimized_structure', valid_type=orm.StructureData, required=False, help='The optimized structure from the ``relax`` process.', ) spec.output( 'standardized_structure', valid_type=orm.StructureData, required=False, help='The standardized crystal structure used to generate structures for XSpectra sub-processes.', ) spec.output( 'supercell_structure', valid_type=orm.StructureData, help='The supercell of ``outputs.standardized_structure`` used to generate structures for' ' XSpectra sub-processes.' ) spec.output( 'symmetry_analysis_data', valid_type=orm.Dict, help='The output parameters from ``get_xspectra_structures()``.' ) spec.output( 'parameters_relax', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help='The output_parameters of the relax step.' ) spec.output_namespace( 'parameters_scf', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, dynamic=True, help='The output parameters of each ``PwBaseWorkChain`` performed in each ``XspectraCoreWorkChain``.' ) spec.output_namespace( 'parameters_xspectra', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, dynamic=True, help='The output dictionaries of each `XspectraCalculation` performed', ) spec.output_namespace( 'powder_spectra', valid_type=orm.XyData, required=False, dynamic=True, help='All the spectra generated by the WorkChain.' ) spec.output_namespace( 'final_spectra', valid_type=orm.XyData, dynamic=True, help='The fully-resolved spectra for each element' )
# yapf: disable @classmethod
[docs] def get_protocol_filepath(cls): """Return ``pathlib.Path`` to the ``.yaml`` file that defines the protocols.""" from importlib_resources import files from ..protocols import xspectra as protocols return files(protocols) / 'crystal.yaml'
[docs] def get_builder_from_protocol( # pylint: disable=too-many-statements cls, pw_code, xs_code, structure, pseudos, upf2plotcore_code=None, core_wfc_data=None, core_hole_treatments=None, protocol=None, overrides=None, elements_list=None, options=None, **kwargs ): # pylint: enable:too-many-statments """Return a builder prepopulated with inputs selected according to the chosen protocol. :param pw_code: the ``Code`` instance configured for the ```` plugin. :param xs_code: the ``Code`` instance configured for the ``quantumespresso.xspectra`` plugin. :param upf2plotcore_code: the AiiDA-Shell ``Code`` instance configured for the upf2plotcore shell script. :param structure: the ``StructureData`` instance to use. :param pseudos: the core-hole pseudopotential pairs (ground-state and excited-state) for the elements to be calculated. These must use the mapping of {"element" : {"core_hole" : <upf>,"gipaw" : <upf>}} :param protocol: the protocol to use. If not specified, the default will be used. :param overrides: optional dictionary of inputs to override the defaults of the XspectraWorkChain itself. :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments that will be passed to the ``get_builder_from_protocol`` of all the sub processes that are called by this workchain. :return: a process builder instance with all inputs defined ready for launch. """ inputs = cls.get_protocol_inputs(protocol, overrides) pw_args = (pw_code, structure, protocol) relax = PwRelaxWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol( *pw_args, overrides=inputs.get('relax', None), options=options, **kwargs ) core_scf = PwBaseWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol( *pw_args, overrides=inputs.get('core', {}).get('scf'), options=options, **kwargs ) core_xspectra = XspectraBaseWorkChain.get_protocol_inputs( protocol, overrides=inputs.get('core', {}).get('xs_prod') ) if options: core_xspectra['xspectra']['metadata']['options'] = recursive_merge( core_xspectra['xspectra']['metadata']['options'], options ) relax.pop('clean_workdir', None) relax.pop('structure', None) relax.pop('base_final_scf', None) abs_atom_marker = orm.Str(inputs['abs_atom_marker']) # pylint: disable=no-member builder = cls.get_builder() builder.relax = relax builder.structure = structure builder.abs_atom_marker = abs_atom_marker builder.clean_workdir = orm.Bool(inputs['clean_workdir']) builder.return_all_powder_spectra = orm.Bool(inputs['return_all_powder_spectra']) builder.core.scf = core_scf builder.core.xs_prod.xspectra.code = xs_code builder.core.xs_prod.xspectra.parameters = orm.Dict(core_xspectra['xspectra']['parameters']) builder.core.xs_prod.xspectra.metadata = core_xspectra['xspectra'].get('metadata') builder.core.xs_prod.kpoints_distance = orm.Float(core_xspectra['kpoints_distance']) builder.core.get_powder_spectrum = orm.Bool(True) builder.core.abs_atom_marker = abs_atom_marker core_hole_pseudos = {} gipaw_pseudos = {} if elements_list: elements_not_present = [] elements_present = [kind.symbol for kind in structure.kinds] for element in elements_list: if element not in elements_present: elements_not_present.append(element) if len(elements_not_present) > 0: raise ValueError( f'The following elements: {elements_not_present} are not present in the' f' structure ({elements_present}) provided.' ) else: builder.elements_list = orm.List(elements_list) for element in pseudos: core_hole_pseudos[element] = pseudos[element]['core_hole'] gipaw_pseudos[element] = pseudos[element]['gipaw'] # if no elements list is given, we instead initalise the pseudos dict with all # elements in the structure. Since we require a pseudo pair for each element to # calculate, we generate a list of elements based on which pseudos are provided. else: builder.elements_list = orm.List(list(pseudos.keys())) for element in pseudos: core_hole_pseudos[element] = pseudos[element]['core_hole'] gipaw_pseudos[element] = pseudos[element]['gipaw'] builder.core_hole_pseudos = core_hole_pseudos builder.gipaw_pseudos = gipaw_pseudos if core_hole_treatments: builder.core_hole_treatments = orm.Dict(dict=core_hole_treatments) if core_wfc_data: builder.core_wfc_data = core_wfc_data elif upf2plotcore_code: builder.upf2plotcore_code = upf2plotcore_code else: raise ValueError( 'No code node for or core wavefunction data were provided.' ) # pylint: enable=no-member return builder
[docs] def validate_inputs(inputs, _): """Validate the inputs before launching the WorkChain.""" structure = inputs['structure'] kinds_present = [ for kind in structure.kinds] elements_present = sorted([kind.symbol for kind in structure.kinds]) absorbing_elements_list = sorted(inputs['elements_list']) extra_elements = [] for element in absorbing_elements_list: if element not in elements_present: extra_elements.append(element) if len(extra_elements) > 0: raise ValidationError( f'Some elements in ``elements_list`` {extra_elements} do not exist in the' f' structure provided {elements_present}.' ) abs_atom_marker = inputs['abs_atom_marker'].value if abs_atom_marker in kinds_present: raise ValidationError( f'The marker given for the absorbing atom ("{abs_atom_marker}") matches an existing Kind in the ' f'input structure ({kinds_present}).' ) if not inputs['core']['get_powder_spectrum'].value: raise ValidationError( 'The ``get_powder_spectrum`` input for the XspectraCoreWorkChain namespace must be ``True``.' ) if 'upf2plotcore_code' not in inputs and 'core_wfc_data' not in inputs: raise ValidationError( 'Neither a ``Code`` node for or a set of ``core_wfc_data`` were provided.' ) if 'core_wfc_data' in inputs: core_wfc_data_list = sorted(inputs['core_wfc_data'].keys()) if core_wfc_data_list != absorbing_elements_list: raise ValidationError( f'The ``core_wfc_data`` provided ({core_wfc_data_list}) does not match the list of' f' absorbing elements ({absorbing_elements_list})' ) else: empty_core_wfc_data = [] for key, value in inputs['core_wfc_data'].items(): header_line = value.get_content()[:40] try: num_core_states = int(header_line.split(' ')[5]) except Exception as exc: raise ValidationError( 'The core wavefunction data file is not of the correct format' ) from exc if num_core_states == 0: empty_core_wfc_data.append(key) if len(empty_core_wfc_data) > 0: raise ValidationError( f'The ``core_wfc_data`` provided for elements {empty_core_wfc_data} do not contain ' 'any wavefunction data.' )
[docs] def setup(self): """Set required context variables.""" if 'core_wfc_data' in self.inputs.keys(): self.ctx.core_wfc_data = self.inputs.core_wfc_data
[docs] def should_run_relax(self): """If the 'relax' input namespace was specified, we relax the input structure.""" return 'relax' in self.inputs
[docs] def run_relax(self): """Run the PwRelaxWorkChain to run a relax PwCalculation.""" inputs = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(PwRelaxWorkChain, namespace='relax')) inputs.metadata.call_link_label = 'relax' inputs.structure = self.inputs.structure running = self.submit(PwRelaxWorkChain, **inputs)'launching PwRelaxWorkChain<{}>') return ToContext(relax_workchain=running)
[docs] def inspect_relax(self): """Verify that the PwRelaxWorkChain finished successfully.""" workchain = self.ctx.relax_workchain if not workchain.is_finished_ok:'PwRelaxWorkChain failed with exit status {workchain.exit_status}') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_RELAX optimized_structure = workchain.outputs.output_structure self.ctx.optimized_structure = optimized_structure self.out('optimized_structure', optimized_structure)
[docs] def get_xspectra_structures(self): """Perform symmetry analysis of the relaxed structure and get all marked structures for XSpectra.""" from aiida_quantumespresso.workflows.functions.get_xspectra_structures import get_xspectra_structures elements_list = self.inputs.elements_list inputs = { 'absorbing_elements_list' : elements_list, 'absorbing_atom_marker' : self.inputs.abs_atom_marker, 'metadata' : { 'call_link_label' : 'get_xspectra_structures' } } if 'structure_preparation_settings' in self.inputs: optional_cell_prep = self.inputs.structure_preparation_settings for key, node in optional_cell_prep.items(): inputs[key] = node if isinstance(self.inputs.structure, HubbardStructureData): # This must be False in the case of HubbardStructureData, otherwise get_xspectra_structures will except inputs['standardize_structure'] = orm.Bool(False) if 'spglib_settings' in self.inputs: inputs['spglib_settings'] = self.inputs.spglib_settings if 'relax' in self.inputs: result = get_xspectra_structures(self.ctx.optimized_structure, **inputs) else: result = get_xspectra_structures(self.inputs.structure, **inputs) supercell = result.pop('supercell') out_params = result.pop('output_parameters') spacegroup_number = out_params['spacegroup_number'] if out_params.get_dict()['structure_is_standardized']: standardized = result.pop('standardized_structure') self.out('standardized_structure', standardized) if spacegroup_number in range(1, 75): # trichoric system self.ctx.eps_vectors = [[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]] if spacegroup_number in range(75, 195): # dichoric system self.ctx.eps_vectors = [[1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]] if spacegroup_number in range(195, 231): # isochoric system self.ctx.eps_vectors = [[1., 0., 0.]] structures_to_process = {f'{Key.split("_")[0]}_{Key.split("_")[1]}' : Value for Key, Value in result.items()} self.ctx.structures_to_process = structures_to_process self.ctx.equivalent_sites_data = out_params['equivalent_sites_data'] self.out('supercell_structure', supercell) self.out('symmetry_analysis_data', out_params)
[docs] def should_run_upf2plotcore(self): """If core wavefunction data files are specified, we skip the upf2plotcore step.""" return 'core_wfc_data' not in self.inputs
[docs] def run_upf2plotcore(self): """Run the utility script for each element and return the core-wavefunction data.""" ShellJob = CalculationFactory('') # pylint: disable=invalid-name elements_list = self.inputs.elements_list.get_list() shelljobs = {} for element in elements_list: upf = self.inputs.gipaw_pseudos[f'{element}'] shell_inputs = {} shell_inputs['code'] = self.inputs.upf2plotcore_code shell_inputs['nodes'] = {'upf': upf} shell_inputs['metadata'] = { 'call_link_label': f'upf2plotcore_{element}', 'options' : { 'filename_stdin' : upf.filename, 'resources' : { 'num_machines' : 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine' : 1 } } } future_shelljob = self.submit(ShellJob, **shell_inputs)'Launching for {element}<{}>') shelljobs[f'upf2plotcore_{element}'] = future_shelljob return ToContext(**shelljobs)
[docs] def inspect_upf2plotcore(self): """Check that the outputs from the upf2plotcore step have yielded meaningful results. This will simply check that the core wavefunction data returned contains at least one core state and return an error if this is not the case. """ labels = self.inputs.elements_list.get_list() for label in labels: shelljob_node = self.ctx[f'upf2plotcore_{label}'] core_wfc_data = shelljob_node.outputs.stdout header_line = core_wfc_data.get_content()[:40] num_core_states = int(header_line.split(' ')[5]) if num_core_states == 0: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_GIPAW_INFO_FOUND
[docs] def run_all_xspectra_core(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements """Call all XspectraCoreWorkChains required to compute all requested spectra.""" structures_to_process = self.ctx.structures_to_process equivalent_sites_data = self.ctx.equivalent_sites_data abs_atom_marker = self.inputs.abs_atom_marker.value xspectra_core_workchains = {} for site in structures_to_process: inputs = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(XspectraCoreWorkChain, namespace='core')) structure = structures_to_process[site] inputs.structure = structure abs_element = equivalent_sites_data[site]['symbol'] abs_atom_kind = equivalent_sites_data[site]['kind_name'] if 'core_hole_treatments' in self.inputs: ch_treatments = self.inputs.core_hole_treatments.get_dict() ch_treatment = ch_treatments.get(abs_element, 'full') else: ch_treatment = 'full' inputs.metadata.call_link_label = f'{site}_xspectra' inputs.eps_vectors = orm.List(list=self.ctx.eps_vectors) if 'core_wfc_data' in self.inputs: inputs.core_wfc_data = self.inputs.core_wfc_data[abs_element] else: inputs.core_wfc_data = self.ctx[f'upf2plotcore_{abs_element}'].outputs.stdout # Get the given settings for the SCF inputs and then overwrite them with the # chosen core-hole approximation, then apply the correct pseudopotential pair. scf_inputs = scf_params = scf_inputs.parameters.get_dict() ch_inputs = XspectraCoreWorkChain.get_treatment_inputs(treatment=ch_treatment) new_scf_params = recursive_merge(left=ch_inputs, right=scf_params) # Set the absorbing species index (`xiabs`) for the xspectra.x input. new_xs_params = inputs.xs_prod.xspectra.parameters.get_dict() kinds_present = sorted([ for kind in structure.kinds]) abs_species_index = kinds_present.index(abs_atom_marker) + 1 new_xs_params['INPUT_XSPECTRA']['xiabs'] = abs_species_index # Set `starting_magnetization` if we are using an XCH approximation, using # the absorbing species as a reasonable place for the unpaired electron. # Alternatively, ensure the starting magnetic moment is a reasonable guess # given the input parameters. (e.g. it conforms to an existing magnetic # structure already defined for the system) # TODO: we need to re-visit the core-hole treatment settings, # in order to avoid the need for fudges like these and set these at # submission rather than inside the WorkChain itself. if 'starting_magnetization' in new_scf_params['SYSTEM']: inherited_mag = new_scf_params['SYSTEM']['starting_magnetization'][abs_atom_kind] if ch_treatment not in ['xch_smear', 'xch_fixed']: new_scf_params['SYSTEM']['starting_magnetization'][abs_atom_marker] = inherited_mag else: # if there is meant to be an unpaired electron, give it to the absorbing atom. if inherited_mag == 0: # set it to 1, if it would be neutral in the ground-state. new_scf_params['SYSTEM']['starting_magnetization'][abs_atom_marker] = 1 else: # assume that it takes the same magnetic configuration as the kind that it replaces. new_scf_params['SYSTEM']['starting_magnetization'][abs_atom_marker] = inherited_mag elif ch_treatment in ['xch_smear', 'xch_fixed']: new_scf_params['SYSTEM']['starting_magnetization'] = {abs_atom_marker : 1} # remove any duplicates created from the "core_hole_treatments.yaml" defaults for key in new_scf_params['SYSTEM'].keys(): if 'starting_magnetization(' in key: new_scf_params['SYSTEM'].pop(key, None) core_hole_pseudo = self.inputs.core_hole_pseudos[abs_element] gipaw_pseudo = self.inputs.gipaw_pseudos[abs_element][abs_atom_marker] = core_hole_pseudo # Check how many instances of the absorbing element are present and assign # each the GIPAW pseudo if they are not the absorbing atom itself. abs_element_kinds = [] for kind in structure.kinds: if kind.symbol == abs_element and != abs_atom_marker: abs_element_kinds.append( if len(abs_element_kinds) > 0: for kind_name in abs_element_kinds: scf_inputs['pseudos'][kind_name] = gipaw_pseudo else: # if there is only one atom of the absorbing element, pop the GIPAW pseudo to avoid a crash scf_inputs['pseudos'].pop(abs_element, None) scf_inputs.parameters = orm.Dict(new_scf_params) = scf_inputs inputs.xs_prod.xspectra.parameters = orm.Dict(new_xs_params) inputs = prepare_process_inputs(XspectraCoreWorkChain, inputs) future = self.submit(XspectraCoreWorkChain, **inputs) xspectra_core_workchains[site] = future'launched XspectraCoreWorkChain for {site}<{}>') return ToContext(**xspectra_core_workchains) # pylint: enable=too-many-statements
[docs] def inspect_all_xspectra_core(self): """Check that all the XspectraCoreWorkChain sub-processes finished sucessfully.""" labels = self.ctx.structures_to_process.keys() work_chain_nodes = { label : self.ctx[label] for label in labels } failed_work_chains = [] for label, work_chain in work_chain_nodes.items(): if not work_chain.is_finished_ok: failed_work_chains.append(work_chain)'XspectraCoreWorkChain for ({label}) failed with exit status {work_chain.exit_status}') if len(failed_work_chains) > 0: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_XSPECTRA
[docs] def results(self): """Compile all output spectra, organise and post-process all computed spectra, and send to outputs.""" labels = self.ctx.structures_to_process.keys() spectra_nodes = { label : self.ctx[label].outputs.powder_spectrum for label in labels } spectra_nodes['metadata'] = {'call_link_label' : 'compile_final_spectra'} equivalent_sites_data = self.ctx.equivalent_sites_data elements_list = self.inputs.elements_list final_spectra = get_spectra_by_element(elements_list, equivalent_sites_data, **spectra_nodes) self.out('final_spectra', final_spectra) if self.inputs.return_all_powder_spectra.value: spectra_nodes.pop('metadata', None) self.out('powder_spectra', spectra_nodes)
[docs] def on_terminated(self): """Clean the working directories of all child calculations if ``clean_workdir=True`` in the inputs.""" super().on_terminated() if self.inputs.clean_workdir.value is False:'remote folders will not be cleaned') return cleaned_calcs = [] for called_descendant in self.node.called_descendants: if isinstance(called_descendant, orm.CalcJobNode): try: called_descendant.outputs.remote_folder._clean() # pylint: disable=protected-access cleaned_calcs.append( except (IOError, OSError, KeyError): pass if cleaned_calcs:"cleaned remote folders of calculations: {' '.join(map(str, cleaned_calcs))}")