Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.calculations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Base `CalcJob` for implementations for pw.x and cp.x of Quantum ESPRESSO."""
import abc
import copy
import numbers
import os
from types import MappingProxyType
import warnings

from aiida import orm
from aiida.common import AttributeDict, datastructures, exceptions
from aiida.common.lang import classproperty
from aiida.common.warnings import AiidaDeprecationWarning
from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
import numpy
from qe_tools.converters import get_parameters_from_cell

from import HubbardStructureData
from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.convert import convert_input_to_namelist_entry
from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.hubbard import HubbardUtils

from .base import CalcJob
from .helpers import QEInputValidationError

[docs]LegacyUpfData = DataFactory('core.upf')
[docs]UpfData = DataFactory('pseudo.upf')
[docs]class BasePwCpInputGenerator(CalcJob): """Base `CalcJob` for implementations for pw.x and cp.x of Quantum ESPRESSO."""
[docs] _PSEUDO_SUBFOLDER = './pseudo/'
[docs] _OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER = './out/'
[docs] _PREFIX = 'aiida'
[docs] _DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE = 'aiida.out'
[docs] _CRASH_FILE = 'CRASH'
[docs] _DATAFILE_XML_PRE_6_2 = 'data-file.xml'
[docs] _DATAFILE_XML_POST_6_2 = 'data-file-schema.xml'
[docs] _DEFAULT_IBRAV = 0
# A mapping {flag_name: help_string} of parallelization flags # possible in QE codes. The flags that are actually implemented in a # given code should be specified in the '_ENABLED_PARALLELIZATION_FLAGS' # tuple of each calculation subclass.
[docs] _PARALLELIZATION_FLAGS = MappingProxyType( dict( nimage="The number of 'images', each corresponding to a different self-consistent or " 'linear-response calculation.', npool="The number of 'pools', each taking care of a group of k-points.", nband="The number of 'band groups', each taking care of a group of Kohn-Sham orbitals.", ntg="The number of 'task groups' across which the FFT planes are distributed.", ndiag="The number of 'linear algebra groups' used when parallelizing the subspace " 'diagonalization / iterative orthonormalization. By default, no parameter is ' 'passed to Quantum ESPRESSO, meaning it will use its default.', nhw="The 'nmany' FFT bands parallelization option." ) )
[docs] _PARALLELIZATION_FLAG_ALIASES = MappingProxyType( dict( nimage=('ni', 'nimages', 'npot'), npool=('nk', 'npools'), nband=('nb', 'nbgrp', 'nband_group'), ntg=('nt', 'ntask_groups', 'nyfft'), ndiag=('northo', 'nd', 'nproc_diag', 'nproc_ortho'), nhw=('nh', 'n_howmany', 'howmany') ) )
# Additional files that should always be retrieved for the specific plugin
[docs] _internal_retrieve_list = []
# Name lists to print by calculation type
[docs] _automatic_namelists = {}
# Blocked keywords that are to be specified in the subclass
[docs] _blocked_keywords = {}
# In restarts, will not copy but use symlinks # In restarts, it will copy from the parent the following
[docs] _restart_copy_from = os.path.join(_OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, '*')
# In restarts, it will copy the previous folder in the following one
[docs] _restart_copy_to = _OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER
# Default verbosity; change in subclasses
[docs] _default_verbosity = 'high'
[docs] _use_kpoints = False
[docs] def xml_filenames(cls): """Return a list of XML output filenames that can be written by a calculation. Note that this includes all potential filenames across all known versions of Quantum ESPRESSO """ # pylint: disable=no-self-argument return [cls._DATAFILE_XML_POST_6_2, cls._DATAFILE_XML_PRE_6_2]
@abc.abstractmethod @classproperty
[docs] def xml_filepaths(cls): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument """Return a list of XML output filepaths relative to the remote working directory that should be retrieved."""
[docs] def define(cls, spec): """Define the process specification.""" # yapf: disable super().define(spec) spec.input('metadata.options.input_filename', valid_type=str, default=cls._DEFAULT_INPUT_FILE) spec.input('metadata.options.output_filename', valid_type=str, default=cls._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE) spec.input('metadata.options.withmpi', valid_type=bool, default=True) # Override default withmpi=False spec.input('structure', valid_type=orm.StructureData, help='The input structure.') spec.input('parameters', valid_type=orm.Dict, help='The input parameters that are to be used to construct the input file.') spec.input('settings', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help='Optional parameters to affect the way the calculation job and the parsing are performed.') spec.input('parent_folder', valid_type=orm.RemoteData, required=False, help='An optional working directory of a previously completed calculation to restart from.') spec.input('vdw_table', valid_type=orm.SinglefileData, required=False, help='Optional van der Waals table contained in a `SinglefileData`.') spec.input_namespace('pseudos', valid_type=(LegacyUpfData, UpfData), dynamic=True, required=True, help='A mapping of `UpfData` nodes onto the kind name to which they should apply.') # yapf: enable spec.input( 'parallelization', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help=( 'Parallelization options. The following flags are allowed:\n' + '\n'.join( f'{flag_name:<7}: {cls._PARALLELIZATION_FLAGS[flag_name]}' for flag_name in cls._ENABLED_PARALLELIZATION_FLAGS ) ), validator=cls.validate_parallelization ) spec.inputs.validator = cls.validate_inputs spec.exit_code( 302, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_MISSING', message='The retrieved folder did not contain the required stdout output file.' ) spec.exit_code(310, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_READ', message='The stdout output file could not be read.') spec.exit_code(311, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_PARSE', message='The stdout output file could not be parsed.') spec.exit_code( 312, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_INCOMPLETE', message='The stdout output file was incomplete probably because the calculation got interrupted.' ) spec.exit_code( 400, 'ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME', message='The calculation stopped prematurely because it ran out of walltime.' )
[docs] def validate_inputs(cls, value, port_namespace): """Validate the entire inputs namespace.""" # Wrapping processes may choose to exclude certain input ports in which case we can't validate. If the ports # have been excluded, and so are no longer part of the ``port_namespace``, skip the validation. if any(key not in port_namespace for key in ('pseudos', 'structure')): return # At this point, both ports are part of the namespace, and both are required so return an error message if any # of the two is missing. for key in ('pseudos', 'structure'): if key not in value: return f'required value was not provided for the `{key}` namespace.' structure_kinds = set(value['structure'].get_kind_names()) pseudo_kinds = set(value['pseudos'].keys()) if structure_kinds != pseudo_kinds: return f'The `pseudos` specified and structure kinds do not match: {pseudo_kinds} vs {structure_kinds}' if 'settings' in value: settings = _uppercase_dict(value['settings'].get_dict(), dict_name='settings') # Validate the FIXED_COORDS setting fixed_coords = settings.get('FIXED_COORDS', None) if fixed_coords is not None: fixed_coords = numpy.array(fixed_coords) if len(fixed_coords.shape) != 2 or fixed_coords.shape[1] != 3: return 'The `fixed_coords` setting must be a list of lists with length 3.' if fixed_coords.dtype != bool: return 'All elements in the `fixed_coords` setting lists must be either `True` or `False`.' if 'structure' in value: nsites = len(value['structure'].sites) if len(fixed_coords) != nsites: return f'Input structure has {nsites} sites, but fixed_coords has length {len(fixed_coords)}'
[docs] def validate_parallelization(cls, value, _): """Validate the ``parallelization`` input.""" if value: value_dict = value.get_dict() unknown_flags = set(value_dict.keys()) - set(cls._ENABLED_PARALLELIZATION_FLAGS) if unknown_flags: return ( f"Unknown flags in 'parallelization': {unknown_flags}, " f'allowed flags are {cls._ENABLED_PARALLELIZATION_FLAGS}.' ) invalid_values = [val for val in value_dict.values() if not isinstance(val, numbers.Integral)] if invalid_values: return f'Parallelization values must be integers; got invalid values {invalid_values}.'
[docs] def prepare_for_submission(self, folder): """Create the input files from the input nodes passed to this instance of the `CalcJob`. :param folder: an `aiida.common.folders.Folder` to temporarily write files on disk :return: `aiida.common.datastructures.CalcInfo` instance """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements if 'settings' in self.inputs: settings = _uppercase_dict(self.inputs.settings.get_dict(), dict_name='settings') else: settings = {} local_copy_list = [] remote_copy_list = [] remote_symlink_list = [] # Create the subfolder that will contain the pseudopotentials folder.get_subfolder(self._PSEUDO_SUBFOLDER, create=True) # Create the subfolder for the output data (sometimes Quantum ESPRESSO codes crash if the folder does not exist) folder.get_subfolder(self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, create=True) # If present, add also the Van der Waals table to the pseudo dir. Note that the name of the table is not checked # but should be the one expected by Quantum ESPRESSO. if 'vdw_table' in self.inputs: uuid = self.inputs.vdw_table.uuid src_path = self.inputs.vdw_table.filename dst_path = os.path.join(self._PSEUDO_SUBFOLDER, self.inputs.vdw_table.filename) local_copy_list.append((uuid, src_path, dst_path)) if 'hubbard_file' in self.inputs: uuid = self.inputs.hubbard_file.uuid src_path = self.inputs.hubbard_file.filename dst_path = self.filename_input_hubbard_parameters local_copy_list.append((uuid, src_path, dst_path)) arguments = [ self.inputs.parameters, settings, self.inputs.pseudos, self.inputs.structure, ] if self._use_kpoints: arguments.append(self.inputs.kpoints) input_filecontent, local_copy_pseudo_list = self._generate_PWCPinputdata(*arguments) local_copy_list += local_copy_pseudo_list with, 'w') as handle: handle.write(input_filecontent) # operations for restart symlink = settings.pop('PARENT_FOLDER_SYMLINK', self._default_symlink_usage) # a boolean if symlink: if 'parent_folder' in self.inputs: # I put the symlink to the old parent ./out folder remote_symlink_list.append((, os.path.join(self.inputs.parent_folder.get_remote_path(), self._restart_copy_from), self._restart_copy_to )) else: # copy remote output dir, if specified if 'parent_folder' in self.inputs: remote_copy_list.append((, os.path.join(self.inputs.parent_folder.get_remote_path(), self._restart_copy_from), self._restart_copy_to )) # Create an `.EXIT` file if `only_initialization` flag in `settings` is set to `True` if settings.pop('ONLY_INITIALIZATION', False): with'{self._PREFIX}.EXIT', 'w') as handle: handle.write('\n') # Check if specific inputs for the ENVIRON module where specified environ_namelist = settings.pop('ENVIRON', None) if environ_namelist is not None: if not isinstance(environ_namelist, dict): raise exceptions.InputValidationError('ENVIRON namelist should be specified as a dictionary') # We first add the environ flag to the command-line options (if not already present) try: if '-environ' not in settings['CMDLINE']: settings['CMDLINE'].append('-environ') except KeyError: settings['CMDLINE'] = ['-environ'] # To create a mapping from the species to an incremental fortran 1-based index # we use the alphabetical order as in the inputdata generation kind_names = sorted([ for kind in self.inputs.structure.kinds]) mapping_species = {kind_name: (index + 1) for index, kind_name in enumerate(kind_names)} with, 'w') as handle: handle.write('&ENVIRON\n') for key, value in sorted(environ_namelist.items()): handle.write(convert_input_to_namelist_entry(key, value, mapping=mapping_species)) handle.write('/\n') # Check for the deprecated 'ALSO_BANDS' setting and if present fire a deprecation log message also_bands = settings.pop('ALSO_BANDS', None) if also_bands: self.node.logger.warning( 'The `also_bands` setting is deprecated as bands are now parsed by default. ' 'If you do not want the bands to be parsed set the `no_bands` to True. ' 'Note that the eigenvalue.xml files are also no longer stored in the repository' ) calcinfo = datastructures.CalcInfo() calcinfo.uuid = str(self.uuid) # Start from an empty command line by default cmdline_params = self._add_parallelization_flags_to_cmdline_params(cmdline_params=settings.pop('CMDLINE', [])) # we commented calcinfo.stin_name and added it here in cmdline_params # in this way the mpirun ... pw.x ... < # is replaced by mpirun ... pw.x ... -in # in the scheduler, _get_run_line, if cmdline_params is empty, it # simply uses < calcinfo.stin_name codeinfo = datastructures.CodeInfo() codeinfo.cmdline_params = (list(cmdline_params) + ['-in', self.metadata.options.input_filename]) codeinfo.stdout_name = self.metadata.options.output_filename codeinfo.code_uuid = self.inputs.code.uuid calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo] calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list calcinfo.remote_copy_list = remote_copy_list calcinfo.remote_symlink_list = remote_symlink_list # Retrieve by default the output file and the xml file calcinfo.retrieve_list = [] calcinfo.retrieve_list.append(self.metadata.options.output_filename) calcinfo.retrieve_list.append(self._CRASH_FILE) calcinfo.retrieve_list.extend(self.xml_filepaths) calcinfo.retrieve_list += settings.pop('ADDITIONAL_RETRIEVE_LIST', []) calcinfo.retrieve_list += self._internal_retrieve_list # Retrieve the k-point directories with the xml files to the temporary folder # to parse the band eigenvalues and occupations but not to have to save the raw files # if and only if the 'no_bands' key was not set to true in the settings no_bands = settings.pop('NO_BANDS', False) if no_bands is False: xmlpaths = os.path.join(self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, self._PREFIX + '.save', 'K*[0-9]', 'eigenval*.xml') calcinfo.retrieve_temporary_list = [[xmlpaths, '.', 2]] # We might still have parser options in the settings dictionary: pop them. _pop_parser_options(self, settings) if settings: unknown_keys = ', '.join(list(settings.keys())) raise exceptions.InputValidationError(f'`settings` contained unexpected keys: {unknown_keys}') return calcinfo
[docs] def _add_parallelization_flags_to_cmdline_params(self, cmdline_params): """Get the command line parameters with added parallelization flags. Adds the parallelization flags to the given `cmdline_params` and returns the updated list. Raises an `InputValidationError` if multiple aliases to the same flag are given in `cmdline_params`, or the same flag is given both in `cmdline_params` and the explicit `parallelization` input. """ cmdline_params_res = copy.deepcopy(cmdline_params) # The `cmdline_params_normalized` are used only here to check # for existing parallelization flags. cmdline_params_normalized = [] for param in cmdline_params: cmdline_params_normalized.extend(param.split()) if 'parallelization' in self.inputs: parallelization_dict = self.inputs.parallelization.get_dict() else: parallelization_dict = {} # To make the order of flags consistent and "nice", we use the # ordering from the flag definition. for flag_name in self._ENABLED_PARALLELIZATION_FLAGS: all_aliases = list(self._PARALLELIZATION_FLAG_ALIASES[flag_name]) + [flag_name] aliases_in_cmdline = [alias for alias in all_aliases if f'-{alias}' in cmdline_params_normalized] if aliases_in_cmdline: if len(aliases_in_cmdline) > 1: raise exceptions.InputValidationError( f'Conflicting parallelization flags {aliases_in_cmdline} ' "in settings['CMDLINE']" ) if flag_name in parallelization_dict: raise exceptions.InputValidationError( f"Parallelization flag '{aliases_in_cmdline[0]}' specified in settings['CMDLINE'] conflicts " f"with '{flag_name}' in the 'parallelization' input." ) else: warnings.warn( "Specifying the parallelization flags through settings['CMDLINE'] is " "deprecated, use the 'parallelization' input instead.", AiidaDeprecationWarning ) continue if flag_name in parallelization_dict: flag_value = parallelization_dict[flag_name] cmdline_params_res += [f'-{flag_name}', str(flag_value)] return cmdline_params_res
[docs] def _generate_PWCP_input_tail(*args, **kwargs): """Generate tail of input file. By default, nothing specific is generated. This method can be implemented again in derived classes, and it will be called by _generate_PWCPinputdata """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument,invalid-name return ''
[docs] def _generate_PWCPinputdata(cls, parameters, settings, pseudos, structure, kpoints=None, use_fractional=False): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Create the input file in string format for a pw.x or cp.x calculation for the given inputs.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements import re from aiida.common.utils import get_unique_filename local_copy_list_to_append = [] # I put the first-level keys as uppercase (i.e., namelist and card names) # and the second-level keys as lowercase # (deeper levels are unchanged) input_params = _uppercase_dict(parameters.get_dict(), dict_name='parameters') input_params = {k: _lowercase_dict(v, dict_name=k) for k, v in input_params.items()} # I remove unwanted elements (for the moment, instead, I stop; to change when we setup a reasonable logging) for blocked in cls._blocked_keywords: namelist = blocked[0].upper() flag = blocked[1].lower() defaultvalue = None if len(blocked) >= 3: defaultvalue = blocked[2] if namelist in input_params: # The following lines is meant to avoid putting in input the # parameters like celldm(*) stripped_inparams = [re.sub('[(0-9)]', '', _) for _ in input_params[namelist].keys()] if flag in stripped_inparams: raise exceptions.InputValidationError( f"You cannot specify explicitly the '{flag}' flag in the '{namelist}' namelist or card." ) if defaultvalue is not None: if namelist not in input_params: input_params[namelist] = {} input_params[namelist][flag] = defaultvalue # Set some variables (look out at the case! NAMELISTS should be uppercase, # internal flag names must be lowercase) input_params.setdefault('CONTROL', {}) input_params['CONTROL']['pseudo_dir'] = cls._PSEUDO_SUBFOLDER input_params['CONTROL']['outdir'] = cls._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER input_params['CONTROL']['prefix'] = cls._PREFIX input_params['CONTROL']['verbosity'] = input_params['CONTROL'].get('verbosity', cls._default_verbosity) # ============ I prepare the input site data ============= # ------------ CELL_PARAMETERS ----------- # Specify cell parameters only if 'ibrav' is zero. if input_params.get('SYSTEM', {}).get('ibrav', cls._DEFAULT_IBRAV) == 0: cell_parameters_card = 'CELL_PARAMETERS angstrom\n' for vector in structure.cell: cell_parameters_card += ('{0:18.10f} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f}\n'.format(*vector)) # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string else: cell_parameters_card = '' # ------------- ATOMIC_SPECIES ------------ atomic_species_card_list = [] # Keep track of the filenames to avoid to overwrite files # I use a dictionary where the key is the pseudo PK and the value # is the filename I used. In this way, I also use the same filename # if more than one kind uses the same pseudo. pseudo_filenames = {} # I keep track of the order of species kind_names = [] # I add the pseudopotential files to the list of files to be copied for kind in structure.kinds: # This should not give errors, I already checked before that # the list of keys of pseudos and kinds coincides pseudo = pseudos[] if kind.is_alloy or kind.has_vacancies: raise exceptions.InputValidationError( f"Kind '{}' is an alloy or has vacancies. This is not allowed for pw.x input structures." ) try: # If it is the same pseudopotential file, use the same filename filename = pseudo_filenames[] except KeyError: # The pseudo was not encountered yet; use a new name and also add it to the local copy list filename = get_unique_filename(pseudo.filename, list(pseudo_filenames.values())) pseudo_filenames[] = filename local_copy_list_to_append.append( (pseudo.uuid, pseudo.filename, os.path.join(cls._PSEUDO_SUBFOLDER, filename)) ) kind_names.append( atomic_species_card_list.append(f'{} {kind.mass} {filename}\n') # I join the lines, but I resort them using the alphabetical order of # species, given by the kind_names list. I also store the mapping_species # list, with the order of species used in the file mapping_species, sorted_atomic_species_card_list = list(zip(*sorted(zip(kind_names, atomic_species_card_list)))) # The format of mapping_species required later is a dictionary, whose # values are the indices, so I convert to this format # Note the (idx+1) to convert to fortran 1-based lists mapping_species = {sp_name: (idx + 1) for idx, sp_name in enumerate(mapping_species)} # I add the first line sorted_atomic_species_card_list = ['ATOMIC_SPECIES\n'] + list(sorted_atomic_species_card_list) atomic_species_card = ''.join(sorted_atomic_species_card_list) # Free memory del sorted_atomic_species_card_list del atomic_species_card_list # ------------ ATOMIC_POSITIONS ----------- coordinates = [site.position for site in structure.sites] if use_fractional: atomic_positions_card_header = 'ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystal\n' coordinates =, numpy.linalg.inv(numpy.array(structure.cell))).tolist() else: atomic_positions_card_header = 'ATOMIC_POSITIONS angstrom\n' atomic_positions_card_list = [ '{0} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f} {3:18.10f}'.format(site.kind_name.ljust(6), *site_coords) # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string for site, site_coords in zip(structure.sites, coordinates) ] fixed_coords = settings.pop('FIXED_COORDS', None) if fixed_coords is not None: fixed_coords_strings = [ ' {:d} {:d} {:d}'.format(*row) for row in numpy.int32(numpy.invert(fixed_coords)).tolist() # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string ] atomic_positions_card_list = [ atomic_pos_str + fixed_coords_str for atomic_pos_str, fixed_coords_str in zip(atomic_positions_card_list, fixed_coords_strings) ] atomic_positions_card = atomic_positions_card_header + '\n'.join(atomic_positions_card_list) + '\n' # Optional ATOMIC_FORCES card atomic_forces = settings.pop('ATOMIC_FORCES', None) if atomic_forces is not None: # Checking that there are as many forces defined as there are sites in the structure if len(atomic_forces) != len(structure.sites): raise exceptions.InputValidationError( f'Input structure contains {len(structure.sites):d} sites, but atomic forces has length ' f'{len(atomic_forces):d}' ) lines = ['ATOMIC_FORCES\n'] for site, vector in zip(structure.sites, atomic_forces): # Checking that all 3 dimensions are specified: if len(vector) != 3: raise exceptions.InputValidationError(f'Forces({vector}) for {site} has not length three') lines.append('{0} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f} {3:18.10f}\n'.format(site.kind_name.ljust(6), *vector)) # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string # Append to atomic_positions_card so that this card will be printed directly after atomic_positions_card += ''.join(lines) del lines # Optional ATOMIC_VELOCITIES card atomic_velocities = settings.pop('ATOMIC_VELOCITIES', None) if atomic_velocities is not None: # Checking that there are as many velocities defined as there are sites in the structure if len(atomic_velocities) != len(structure.sites): raise exceptions.InputValidationError( f'Input structure contains {len(structure.sites):d} sites, but atomic velocities has length ' f'{len(atomic_velocities):d}' ) lines = ['ATOMIC_VELOCITIES\n'] for site, vector in zip(structure.sites, atomic_velocities): # Checking that all 3 dimensions are specified: if len(vector) != 3: raise exceptions.InputValidationError(f'Velocities({vector}) for {site} has not length three') lines.append('{0} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f} {3:18.10f}\n'.format(site.kind_name.ljust(6), *vector)) # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string # Append to atomic_positions_card so that this card will be printed directly after atomic_positions_card += ''.join(lines) del lines # I set the variables that must be specified, related to the system # Set some variables (look out at the case! NAMELISTS should be # uppercase, internal flag names must be lowercase) input_params.setdefault('SYSTEM', {}) input_params['SYSTEM'].setdefault('ibrav', cls._DEFAULT_IBRAV) ibrav = input_params['SYSTEM']['ibrav'] if ibrav != 0: try: structure_parameters = get_parameters_from_cell( ibrav=ibrav, cell=structure.base.attributes.get('cell'), tolerance=settings.pop('IBRAV_CELL_TOLERANCE', 1e-6) ) except ValueError as exc: raise QEInputValidationError(f'Cannot get structure parameters from cell: {exc}') from exc input_params['SYSTEM'].update(structure_parameters) input_params['SYSTEM']['nat'] = len(structure.sites) input_params['SYSTEM']['ntyp'] = len(structure.kinds) # ============ I prepare the k-points ============= kpoints_card = '' if cls._use_kpoints: try: mesh, offset = kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh() has_mesh = True force_kpoints_list = settings.pop('FORCE_KPOINTS_LIST', False) if force_kpoints_list: kpoints_list = kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh(print_list=True) num_kpoints = len(kpoints_list) has_mesh = False weights = [1.] * num_kpoints except AttributeError as exception: try: kpoints_list = kpoints.get_kpoints() num_kpoints = len(kpoints_list) has_mesh = False if num_kpoints == 0: raise exceptions.InputValidationError( 'At least one k point must be provided for non-gamma calculations' ) from exception except AttributeError: raise exceptions.InputValidationError('No valid kpoints have been found') from exception try: _, weights = kpoints.get_kpoints(also_weights=True) except AttributeError: weights = [1.] * num_kpoints gamma_only = settings.pop('GAMMA_ONLY', False) if gamma_only: if has_mesh: if tuple(mesh) != (1, 1, 1) or tuple(offset) != (0., 0., 0.): raise exceptions.InputValidationError( 'If a gamma_only calculation is requested, the ' 'kpoint mesh must be (1,1,1),offset=(0.,0.,0.)' ) else: if (len(kpoints_list) != 1 or tuple(kpoints_list[0]) != tuple(0., 0., 0.)): raise exceptions.InputValidationError( 'If a gamma_only calculation is requested, the ' 'kpoints coordinates must only be (0.,0.,0.)' ) kpoints_type = 'gamma' elif has_mesh: kpoints_type = 'automatic' else: kpoints_type = 'crystal' kpoints_card_list = [f'K_POINTS {kpoints_type}\n'] if kpoints_type == 'automatic': if any(i not in [0, 0.5] for i in offset): raise exceptions.InputValidationError('offset list must only be made of 0 or 0.5 floats') the_offset = [0 if i == 0. else 1 for i in offset] the_6_integers = list(mesh) + the_offset kpoints_card_list.append('{:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d}\n'.format(*the_6_integers)) # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string elif kpoints_type == 'gamma': # nothing to be written in this case pass else: kpoints_card_list.append(f'{num_kpoints:d}\n') for kpoint, weight in zip(kpoints_list, weights): kpoints_card_list.append( f' {kpoint[0]:18.10f} {kpoint[1]:18.10f} {kpoint[2]:18.10f} {weight:18.10f}\n' ) kpoints_card = ''.join(kpoints_card_list) del kpoints_card_list # HUBBARD CARD hubbard_card = HubbardUtils(structure).get_hubbard_card() if isinstance(structure, HubbardStructureData) \ else None # =================== NAMELISTS AND CARDS ======================== try: namelists_toprint = settings.pop('NAMELISTS') if not isinstance(namelists_toprint, list): raise exceptions.InputValidationError( "The 'NAMELISTS' value, if specified in the settings input " 'node, must be a list of strings' ) except KeyError: # list of namelists not specified; do automatic detection try: control_nl = input_params['CONTROL'] calculation_type = control_nl['calculation'] except KeyError as exception: raise exceptions.InputValidationError( "No 'calculation' in CONTROL namelist." 'It is required for automatic detection of the valid list ' 'of namelists. Otherwise, specify the list of namelists ' "using the NAMELISTS key inside the 'settings' input node." ) from exception try: namelists_toprint = cls._automatic_namelists[calculation_type] except KeyError as exception: raise exceptions.InputValidationError( 'Unknown `calculation` value in CONTROL namelist {calculation_type}. Otherwise, specify the list of' 'namelists using the NAMELISTS inside the `settings` input node' ) from exception inputfile = '' for namelist_name in namelists_toprint: inputfile += f'&{namelist_name}\n' # namelist content; set to {} if not present, so that we leave an empty namelist namelist = input_params.pop(namelist_name, {}) for key, value in sorted(namelist.items()): inputfile += convert_input_to_namelist_entry(key, value, mapping=mapping_species) inputfile += '/\n' # Write cards now inputfile += atomic_species_card inputfile += atomic_positions_card inputfile += kpoints_card inputfile += cell_parameters_card if hubbard_card is not None: inputfile += hubbard_card # Generate additional cards bases on input parameters and settings that are subclass specific tail = cls._generate_PWCP_input_tail(input_params=input_params, settings=settings) if tail: inputfile += f'\n{tail}' if input_params: raise exceptions.InputValidationError( 'The following namelists are specified in input_params, but are not valid namelists for the current ' f'type of calculation: {",".join(list(input_params.keys()))}' ) return inputfile, local_copy_list_to_append
[docs]def _lowercase_dict(dictionary, dict_name): return _case_transform_dict(dictionary, dict_name, '_lowercase_dict', str.lower)
[docs]def _uppercase_dict(dictionary, dict_name): return _case_transform_dict(dictionary, dict_name, '_uppercase_dict', str.upper)
[docs]def _case_transform_dict(dictionary, dict_name, func_name, transform): from collections import Counter if not isinstance(dictionary, dict): raise TypeError(f'{func_name} accepts only dictionaries as argument, got {type(dictionary)}') new_dict = dict((transform(str(k)), v) for k, v in dictionary.items()) if len(new_dict) != len(dictionary): num_items = Counter(transform(str(k)) for k in dictionary.keys()) double_keys = ','.join([k for k, v in num_items if v > 1]) raise exceptions.InputValidationError( f'Inside the dictionary `{dict_name}` there are the following keys that are repeated more than once when ' f'compared case-insensitively: {double_keys}. This is not allowed.' ) return new_dict
[docs]def _pop_parser_options(calc_job_instance, settings_dict, ignore_errors=True): """Delete any parser options from the settings dictionary. The parser options key is found via the get_parser_settings_key() method of the parser class specified as a metadata input. """ from aiida.common import EntryPointError from aiida.plugins import ParserFactory try: parser_name = calc_job_instance.inputs['metadata']['options']['parser_name'] parser_class = ParserFactory(parser_name) parser_opts_key = parser_class.get_parser_settings_key().upper() return settings_dict.pop(parser_opts_key, None) except (KeyError, EntryPointError, AttributeError) as exc: # KeyError: input 'metadata.options.parser_name' is not defined; # EntryPointError: there was an error loading the parser class form its entry point # (this will probably cause errors elsewhere too); # AttributeError: the parser class doesn't have a method get_parser_settings_key(). if ignore_errors: pass else: raise exc