Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Plugin to create a Quantum Espresso ph.x input file."""
import os

from aiida import orm
from aiida.common import datastructures, exceptions
import numpy

from aiida_quantumespresso.calculations import _lowercase_dict, _uppercase_dict
from import PwCalculation
from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.convert import convert_input_to_namelist_entry

from .base import CalcJob

[docs]class PhCalculation(CalcJob): """`CalcJob` implementation for the ph.x code of Quantum ESPRESSO.""" # Keywords that cannot be set by the user but will be set by the plugin
[docs] _blocked_keywords = [('INPUTPH', 'outdir'), ('INPUTPH', 'verbosity'), ('INPUTPH', 'prefix'), ('INPUTPH', 'fildyn'), ('INPUTPH', 'ldisp'), ('INPUTPH', 'nq1'), ('INPUTPH', 'nq2'), ('INPUTPH', 'nq3'), ('INPUTPH', 'qplot')]
[docs] _use_kpoints = True
[docs] _compulsory_namelists = ['INPUTPH']
# Default input and output files
[docs] _PREFIX = 'aiida'
[docs] _DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE = 'aiida.out'
[docs] _OUTPUT_XML_TENSOR_FILE_NAME = 'tensors.xml'
[docs] _OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER = './out/'
[docs] _DRHO_PREFIX = 'drho'
[docs] _DVSCF_PREFIX = 'dvscf'
[docs] _DRHO_STAR_EXT = 'drho_rot'
[docs] _VERBOSITY = 'high'
[docs] _OUTPUT_DYNAMICAL_MATRIX_PREFIX = os.path.join(_FOLDER_DYNAMICAL_MATRIX, 'dynamical-matrix-')
# Not using symlink in pw to allow multiple nscf to run on top of the same scf @classmethod
[docs] def define(cls, spec): """Define the process specification.""" # yapf: disable super().define(spec) spec.input('metadata.options.input_filename', valid_type=str, default=cls._DEFAULT_INPUT_FILE) spec.input('metadata.options.output_filename', valid_type=str, default=cls._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE) spec.input('metadata.options.parser_name', valid_type=str, default='') spec.input('metadata.options.withmpi', valid_type=bool, default=True) spec.input('qpoints', valid_type=orm.KpointsData, help='qpoint mesh') spec.input('parameters', valid_type=orm.Dict, help='') spec.input('settings', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help='') spec.input('parent_folder', valid_type=orm.RemoteData, help='the folder of a completed `PwCalculation`') spec.output('output_parameters', valid_type=orm.Dict) spec.default_output_node = 'output_parameters' # Unrecoverable errors: required retrieved files could not be read, parsed or are otherwise incomplete spec.exit_code(302, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_MISSING', message='The retrieved folder did not contain the required stdout output file.') spec.exit_code(305, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_FILES', message='Both the stdout and XML output files could not be read or parsed.') spec.exit_code(310, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_READ', message='The stdout output file could not be read.') spec.exit_code(311, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_PARSE', message='The stdout output file could not be parsed.') spec.exit_code(312, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_INCOMPLETE', message='The stdout output file was incomplete probably because the calculation got interrupted.') spec.exit_code(350, 'ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PARSER_EXCEPTION', message='The parser raised an unexpected exception: {exception}') spec.exit_code(360, 'ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_FFT_GRID', message='The FFT grid is incompatible with the detected symmetries. Try using the lattice-specific ' '`ibrav` != 0 in the parent `pw.x` calculation.') spec.exit_code(361, 'ERROR_WRONG_REPRESENTATION', message=('The representation found seems to be wrong according to the detected symmetries. ' 'Try using the lattice-specific `ibrav` != 0 in the parent `pw.x` calculation.')) # Significant errors but calculation can be used to restart spec.exit_code(400, 'ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME', message='The calculation stopped prematurely because it ran out of walltime.') spec.exit_code(410, 'ERROR_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED', message='The minimization cycle did not reach self-consistency.') spec.exit_code(462, 'ERROR_COMPUTING_CHOLESKY', message='The code failed during the cholesky factorization.')
# yapf: enable
[docs] def prepare_for_submission(self, folder): """Prepare the calculation job for submission by transforming input nodes into input files. In addition to the input files being written to the sandbox folder, a `CalcInfo` instance will be returned that contains lists of files that need to be copied to the remote machine before job submission, as well as file lists that are to be retrieved after job completion. :param folder: a sandbox folder to temporarily write files on disk. :return: :py:class:`~aiida.common.datastructures.CalcInfo` instance. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-branches local_copy_list = [] remote_copy_list = [] remote_symlink_list = [] if 'settings' in self.inputs: settings = _uppercase_dict(self.inputs.settings.get_dict(), dict_name='settings') else: settings = {} parent_folder = self.inputs.parent_folder parent_calcs = parent_folder.base.links.get_incoming(node_class=orm.CalcJobNode).all() if not parent_calcs: raise exceptions.NotExistent(f'parent_folder<{}> has no parent calculation') elif len(parent_calcs) > 1: raise exceptions.UniquenessError(f'parent_folder<{}> has multiple parent calculations') parent_calc = parent_calcs[0].node # If the parent calculation is a `PhCalculation` we are restarting restart_flag = parent_calc.process_type == '' # Also, the parent calculation must be on the same computer if != computer_label = raise exceptions.InputValidationError( f'Calculation has to be launched on the same computer as that of the parent: {computer_label}' ) # put by default, default_parent_output_folder = ./out try: default_parent_output_folder = parent_calc.process_class._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER # pylint: disable=protected-access except AttributeError: try: default_parent_output_folder = parent_calc._get_output_folder() # pylint: disable=protected-access except AttributeError as exception: msg = 'parent calculation does not have a default output subfolder' raise exceptions.InputValidationError(msg) from exception parent_calc_out_subfolder = settings.pop('PARENT_CALC_OUT_SUBFOLDER', default_parent_output_folder) # I put the first-level keys as uppercase (i.e., namelist and card names) and the second-level keys as lowercase parameters = _uppercase_dict(self.inputs.parameters.get_dict(), dict_name='parameters') parameters = {k: _lowercase_dict(v, dict_name=k) for k, v in parameters.items()} prepare_for_d3 = settings.pop('PREPARE_FOR_D3', False) if prepare_for_d3: self._blocked_keywords += [('INPUTPH', 'fildrho'), ('INPUTPH', 'drho_star%open'), ('INPUTPH', 'drho_star%ext'), ('INPUTPH', 'drho_star%dir')] for namelist, flag in self._blocked_keywords: if namelist in parameters: if flag in parameters[namelist]: raise exceptions.InputValidationError( f"Cannot specify explicitly the '{flag}' flag in the '{namelist}' namelist or card." ) if 'INPUTPH' not in parameters: raise exceptions.InputValidationError('required namelist INPUTPH not specified') parameters['INPUTPH']['outdir'] = self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER parameters['INPUTPH']['verbosity'] = self._VERBOSITY parameters['INPUTPH']['prefix'] = self._PREFIX parameters['INPUTPH']['fildyn'] = self._OUTPUT_DYNAMICAL_MATRIX_PREFIX prepare_for_epw = settings.pop('PREPARE_FOR_EPW', False) if prepare_for_epw: self._blocked_keywords += [('INPUTPH', 'fildvscf')] parameters['INPUTPH']['fildvscf'] = self._DVSCF_PREFIX if prepare_for_d3: parameters['INPUTPH']['fildrho'] = self._DRHO_PREFIX parameters['INPUTPH']['drho_star%open'] = True parameters['INPUTPH']['drho_star%ext'] = self._DRHO_STAR_EXT parameters['INPUTPH']['drho_star%dir'] = self._FOLDER_DRHO try: mesh, offset = self.inputs.qpoints.get_kpoints_mesh() if any(i != 0. for i in offset): raise NotImplementedError( 'Computation of phonons on a mesh with non zero offset is not implemented, at the level of ph.x' ) parameters['INPUTPH']['ldisp'] = True parameters['INPUTPH']['nq1'] = mesh[0] parameters['INPUTPH']['nq2'] = mesh[1] parameters['INPUTPH']['nq3'] = mesh[2] postpend_text = None except AttributeError: # this is the case where no mesh was set. Maybe it's a list try: list_of_points = self.inputs.qpoints.get_kpoints(cartesian=True) except AttributeError as exception: # In this case, there are no info on the qpoints at all msg = 'Input `qpoints` contains neither a mesh nor a list of points' raise exceptions.InputValidationError(msg) from exception # change to 2pi/a coordinates lattice_parameter = numpy.linalg.norm(self.inputs.qpoints.cell[0]) list_of_points *= lattice_parameter / (2. * numpy.pi) # add here the list of point coordinates if len(list_of_points) > 1: parameters['INPUTPH']['qplot'] = True parameters['INPUTPH']['ldisp'] = True postpend_text = f'{len(list_of_points)}\n' for points in list_of_points: postpend_text += '{0:18.10f} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f} 1\n'.format(*points) # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string # Note: the weight is fixed to 1, because ph.x calls these # things weights but they are not such. If they are going to # exist with the meaning of weights, they will be supported else: parameters['INPUTPH']['ldisp'] = False postpend_text = '' for points in list_of_points: postpend_text += '{0:18.10f} {1:18.10f} {2:18.10f}\n'.format(*points) # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string # customized namelists, otherwise not present in the distributed ph code try: namelists_toprint = settings.pop('NAMELISTS') if not isinstance(namelists_toprint, list): raise exceptions.InputValidationError( "The 'NAMELISTS' value, if specified in the settings input " 'node, must be a list of strings' ) except KeyError: # list of namelists not specified in the settings; do automatic detection namelists_toprint = self._compulsory_namelists # create a folder for the dynamical matrices if not restart_flag: # if it is a restart, it will be copied over folder.get_subfolder(self._FOLDER_DYNAMICAL_MATRIX, create=True) with, 'w') as infile: for namelist_name in namelists_toprint: infile.write(f'&{namelist_name}\n') # namelist content; set to {} if not present, so that we leave an empty namelist namelist = parameters.pop(namelist_name, {}) for key, value in sorted(namelist.items()): infile.write(convert_input_to_namelist_entry(key, value)) infile.write('/\n') # add list of qpoints if required if postpend_text is not None: infile.write(postpend_text) if parameters: raise exceptions.InputValidationError( 'The following namelists are specified in parameters, but are not valid namelists for the current type ' f'of calculation: {",".join(list(parameters.keys()))}' ) # copy the parent scratch symlink = settings.pop('PARENT_FOLDER_SYMLINK', self._default_symlink_usage) # a boolean if symlink: # I create a symlink to each file/folder in the parent ./out folder.get_subfolder(self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, create=True) remote_symlink_list.append((, os.path.join(parent_folder.get_remote_path(), parent_calc_out_subfolder, '*'), self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER )) # I also create a symlink for the ./pseudo folder # Remove this when the recover option of QE will be fixed (bug when trying to find pseudo file) remote_symlink_list.append((, os.path.join(parent_folder.get_remote_path(), self._get_pseudo_folder()), self._get_pseudo_folder() )) else: # here I copy the whole folder ./out remote_copy_list.append((, os.path.join(parent_folder.get_remote_path(), parent_calc_out_subfolder), self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER )) # I also copy the ./pseudo folder # Remove this when the recover option of QE will be fixed (bug when trying to find pseudo file) remote_copy_list.append((, os.path.join(parent_folder.get_remote_path(), self._get_pseudo_folder()), self._get_pseudo_folder() )) if restart_flag: # in this case, copy in addition also the dynamical matrices if symlink: remote_symlink_list.append((, os.path.join(parent_folder.get_remote_path(), self._FOLDER_DYNAMICAL_MATRIX), self._FOLDER_DYNAMICAL_MATRIX )) else: # copy the dynamical matrices # no need to copy the _ph0, since I copied already the whole ./out folder remote_copy_list.append((, os.path.join(parent_folder.get_remote_path(), self._FOLDER_DYNAMICAL_MATRIX), '.' )) # Create an `.EXIT` file if `only_initialization` flag in `settings` is set to `True` if settings.pop('ONLY_INITIALIZATION', False): with'{self._PREFIX}.EXIT', 'w') as handle: handle.write('\n') codeinfo = datastructures.CodeInfo() codeinfo.cmdline_params = (list(settings.pop('CMDLINE', [])) + ['-in', self.metadata.options.input_filename]) codeinfo.stdout_name = self.metadata.options.output_filename codeinfo.code_uuid = self.inputs.code.uuid calcinfo = datastructures.CalcInfo() calcinfo.uuid = str(self.uuid) calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo] calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list calcinfo.remote_copy_list = remote_copy_list calcinfo.remote_symlink_list = remote_symlink_list # Retrieve by default the output file and the xml file filepath_xml_tensor = os.path.join(self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, '_ph0', f'{self._PREFIX}.phsave') calcinfo.retrieve_list = [] calcinfo.retrieve_list.append(self.metadata.options.output_filename) calcinfo.retrieve_list.append(self._FOLDER_DYNAMICAL_MATRIX) calcinfo.retrieve_list.append(os.path.join(filepath_xml_tensor, self._OUTPUT_XML_TENSOR_FILE_NAME)) calcinfo.retrieve_list += settings.pop('ADDITIONAL_RETRIEVE_LIST', []) if settings: unknown_keys = ', '.join(list(settings.keys())) raise exceptions.InputValidationError(f'`settings` contained unexpected keys: {unknown_keys}') return calcinfo
[docs] def _get_pseudo_folder(): """Get the calculation-specific pseudo folder (relative path). Default given by PwCalculation._PSEUDO_SUBFOLDER """ return PwCalculation._PSEUDO_SUBFOLDER # pylint: disable=protected-access