Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""`CalcJob` implementation for the pw.x code of Quantum ESPRESSO."""
import os
import warnings

from aiida import orm
from aiida.common.lang import classproperty
from aiida.plugins import factories

from aiida_quantumespresso.calculations import BasePwCpInputGenerator

[docs]class PwCalculation(BasePwCpInputGenerator): """`CalcJob` implementation for the pw.x code of Quantum ESPRESSO."""
[docs] _automatic_namelists = { 'scf': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS'], 'nscf': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS'], 'bands': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS'], 'relax': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS', 'IONS'], 'md': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS', 'IONS'], 'vc-md': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS', 'IONS', 'CELL'], 'vc-relax': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS', 'IONS', 'CELL'], }
# Keywords that cannot be set by the user but will be set by the plugin
[docs] _blocked_keywords = [ ('CONTROL', 'pseudo_dir'), ('CONTROL', 'outdir'), ('CONTROL', 'prefix'), ('SYSTEM', 'celldm'), ('SYSTEM', 'nat'), ('SYSTEM', 'ntyp'), ('SYSTEM', 'a'), ('SYSTEM', 'b'), ('SYSTEM', 'c'), ('SYSTEM', 'cosab'), ('SYSTEM', 'cosac'), ('SYSTEM', 'cosbc'), ]
[docs] _use_kpoints = True
# Not using symlink in pw to allow multiple nscf to run on top of the same scf
[docs] _ENABLED_PARALLELIZATION_FLAGS = ('npool', 'nband', 'ntg', 'ndiag')
[docs] def xml_filepaths(cls): """Return a list of XML output filepaths relative to the remote working directory that should be retrieved.""" # pylint: disable=no-self-argument,not-an-iterable filepaths = [] for filename in cls.xml_filenames: filepath = os.path.join(cls._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, f'{cls._PREFIX}.save', filename) filepaths.append(filepath) return filepaths
[docs] def define(cls, spec): """Define the process specification.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # yapf: disable super().define(spec) spec.input('metadata.options.parser_name', valid_type=str, default='') spec.input('metadata.options.without_xml', valid_type=bool, required=False, help='If set to `True` the parser ' 'will not fail if the XML file is missing in the retrieved folder.') spec.input('kpoints', valid_type=orm.KpointsData, help='kpoint mesh or kpoint path') spec.input('hubbard_file', valid_type=orm.SinglefileData, required=False, help='SinglefileData node containing the output Hubbard parameters from a HpCalculation') spec.inputs.validator = cls.validate_inputs spec.output('output_parameters', valid_type=orm.Dict, help='The `output_parameters` output node of the successful calculation.') spec.output('output_structure', valid_type=orm.StructureData, required=False, help='The `output_structure` output node of the successful calculation if present.') spec.output('output_trajectory', valid_type=orm.TrajectoryData, required=False) spec.output('output_band', valid_type=orm.BandsData, required=False, help='The `output_band` output node of the successful calculation if present.') spec.output('output_kpoints', valid_type=orm.KpointsData, required=False) spec.output('output_atomic_occupations', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False) spec.default_output_node = 'output_parameters' # Unrecoverable errors: required retrieved files could not be read, parsed or are otherwise incomplete spec.exit_code(301, 'ERROR_NO_RETRIEVED_TEMPORARY_FOLDER', message='The retrieved temporary folder could not be accessed.') spec.exit_code(303, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_MISSING', message='The retrieved folder did not contain the required XML file.') spec.exit_code(304, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_MULTIPLE', message='The retrieved folder contained multiple XML files.') spec.exit_code(305, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_FILES', message='Both the stdout and XML output files could not be read or parsed.') spec.exit_code(320, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_READ', message='The XML output file could not be read.') spec.exit_code(321, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_PARSE', message='The XML output file could not be parsed.') spec.exit_code(322, 'ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_FORMAT', message='The XML output file has an unsupported format.') spec.exit_code(340, 'ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME_INTERRUPTED', message='The calculation stopped prematurely because it ran out of walltime but the job was killed by the ' 'scheduler before the files were safely written to disk for a potential restart.') spec.exit_code(350, 'ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PARSER_EXCEPTION', message='The parser raised an unexpected exception: {exception}') spec.exit_code(360, 'ERROR_G_PAR', message='The code failed in finding a valid reciprocal lattice vector.') # Significant errors but calculation can be used to restart spec.exit_code(410, 'ERROR_ELECTRONIC_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED', message='The electronic minimization cycle did not reach self-consistency.') spec.exit_code(461, 'ERROR_DEXX_IS_NEGATIVE', message='The code failed with negative dexx in the exchange calculation.') spec.exit_code(462, 'ERROR_COMPUTING_CHOLESKY', message='The code failed during the cholesky factorization.') spec.exit_code(463, 'ERROR_DIAGONALIZATION_TOO_MANY_BANDS_NOT_CONVERGED', message='Too many bands failed to converge during the diagonalization.') spec.exit_code(464, 'ERROR_S_MATRIX_NOT_POSITIVE_DEFINITE', message='The S matrix was found to be not positive definite.') spec.exit_code(465, 'ERROR_ZHEGVD_FAILED', message='The `zhegvd` failed in the PPCG diagonalization.') spec.exit_code(466, 'ERROR_QR_FAILED', message='The `[Q, R] = qr(X, 0)` failed in the PPCG diagonalization.') spec.exit_code(467, 'ERROR_EIGENVECTOR_CONVERGENCE', message='The eigenvector failed to converge.') spec.exit_code(468, 'ERROR_BROYDEN_FACTORIZATION', message='The factorization in the Broyden routine failed.') spec.exit_code(481, 'ERROR_NPOOLS_TOO_HIGH', message='The k-point parallelization "npools" is too high, some nodes have no k-points.') spec.exit_code(500, 'ERROR_IONIC_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED', message='The ionic minimization cycle did not converge for the given thresholds.') spec.exit_code(501, 'ERROR_IONIC_CONVERGENCE_REACHED_EXCEPT_IN_FINAL_SCF', message='Then ionic minimization cycle converged but the thresholds are exceeded in the final SCF.') spec.exit_code(502, 'ERROR_IONIC_CYCLE_EXCEEDED_NSTEP', message='The ionic minimization cycle did not converge after the maximum number of steps.') spec.exit_code(503, 'ERROR_IONIC_INTERRUPTED_PARTIAL_TRAJECTORY', message='The ionic minimization cycle did not finish because the calculation was interrupted but a partial ' 'trajectory and output structure was successfully parsed which can be used for a restart.') spec.exit_code(510, 'ERROR_IONIC_CYCLE_ELECTRONIC_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED', message='The electronic minimization cycle failed during an ionic minimization cycle.') spec.exit_code(511, 'ERROR_IONIC_CONVERGENCE_REACHED_FINAL_SCF_FAILED', message='The ionic minimization cycle converged, but electronic convergence was not reached in the ' 'final SCF.') spec.exit_code(520, 'ERROR_IONIC_CYCLE_BFGS_HISTORY_FAILURE', message='The ionic minimization cycle terminated prematurely because of two consecutive failures in the ' 'BFGS algorithm.') spec.exit_code(521, 'ERROR_IONIC_CYCLE_BFGS_HISTORY_AND_FINAL_SCF_FAILURE', message='The ionic minimization cycle terminated prematurely because of two consecutive failures in the ' 'BFGS algorithm and electronic convergence failed in the final SCF.') spec.exit_code(531, 'ERROR_CHARGE_IS_WRONG', message='The electronic minimization cycle did not reach self-consistency.') spec.exit_code(541, 'ERROR_SYMMETRY_NON_ORTHOGONAL_OPERATION', message='The variable cell optimization broke the symmetry of the k-points.') spec.exit_code(542, 'ERROR_RADIAL_FFT_SIGNIFICANT_VOLUME_CONTRACTION', message=('The cell relaxation caused a significant volume contraction ' 'and there is not enough space allocated for radial FFT.')) # Strong warnings about calculation results, but something tells us that you're ok with that spec.exit_code(710, 'WARNING_ELECTRONIC_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED', message='The electronic minimization cycle did not reach self-consistency, but `scf_must_converge` ' 'is `False` and/or `electron_maxstep` is 0.')
# yapf: enable @classmethod
[docs] def validate_inputs(cls, value, port_namespace): """Validate the top level namespace. Check that the restart input parameters are set correctly. In case of 'nscf' and 'bands' calculations, this means ``parent_folder`` is provided. For other calculations, if the ``parent_folder`` is provided, the restart settings must be set to use some of the outputs. Note that the validator will only check the logic in case the ``parent_folder`` is a port in the ``port_namespace``. This is because the ``PwCalculation`` can be wrapped inside a work chain that only provides the ``parent_folder`` input at a later step in the outline. To avoid raising any warnings, such a work chain must exclude the ``parent_folder`` port when exposing the inputs of the ``PwCalculation``. """ from aiida.engine.processes.calcjobs.calcjob import validate_calc_job result = super().validate_inputs(value, port_namespace) if result is not None: return result result = validate_calc_job(value, port_namespace) if result is not None: return result parameters = value['parameters'].get_dict() calculation_type = parameters.get('CONTROL', {}).get('calculation', 'scf') if 'parent_folder' not in port_namespace: return # If a `parent_folder` input is provided, make sure the inputs are set to restart if 'parent_folder' in value and calculation_type not in ('nscf', 'bands'): if not any([ parameters.get('CONTROL', {}).get('restart_mode', None) == 'restart', parameters.get('ELECTRONS', {}).get('startingpot', None) == 'file', parameters.get('ELECTRONS', {}).get('startingwfc', None) == 'file' ]): warnings.warn( f'`parent_folder` input was provided for the `{calculation_type}` `PwCalculation`, but no input ' 'parameters were provided to restart from this folder.\n\n' 'Please set one of the following in the input parameters:\n' " parameters['CONTROL']['restart_mode'] = 'restart'\n" " parameters['ELECTRONS']['startingpot'] = 'file'\n" " parameters['ELECTRONS']['startingwfc'] = 'file'\n", UserWarning ) if calculation_type in ('nscf', 'bands'): if 'parent_folder' not in value: warnings.warn( f'`parent_folder` not provided for `{calculation_type}` calculation. For work chains wrapping this ' 'calculation, you can disable this warning by excluding the `parent_folder` when exposing the ' 'inputs of the `PwCalculation`.', UserWarning )
[docs] def filename_input_hubbard_parameters(cls): """Return the relative file name of the file containing the Hubbard parameters. .. note:: This only applies if they should be read from file instead of specified in the input file cards. .. warning:: Requires the aiida-quantumespresso-hp plugin to be installed """ # pylint: disable=no-self-argument,no-self-use try: HpCalculation = factories.CalculationFactory('quantumespresso.hp') except Exception as exc: raise RuntimeError( 'this is determined by the aiida-quantumespresso-hp plugin but it is not installed' ) from exc return HpCalculation.filename_input_hubbard_parameters
[docs] def input_helper(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Validate the provided keywords and prepare the inputs dictionary in a 'standardized' form. The standardization converts ints to floats when required, or if the flag `flat_mode` is specified, puts the keywords in the right namelists. This function calls :py:func:`aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.helpers.pw_input_helper`, see its docstring for further information. """ from . import helpers return helpers.pw_input_helper(*args, **kwargs)