Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.common.hubbard

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Utility class and functions for HubbardStructureData."""
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, invalid-name
from typing import List, Literal, Tuple

from pydantic import BaseModel, conint, constr, field_validator

__all__ = ('HubbardParameters', 'Hubbard')

[docs]class HubbardParameters(BaseModel): """Class for describing onsite and intersite Hubbard interaction parameters. .. note: allowed manifold formats are: * {N}{L} (2 characters) * {N1}{L1}-{N2}{L2} (5 characters) N = quantum number (1,2,3,...); L = orbital letter (s,p,d,f,g,h) """
[docs] atom_index: conint(strict=True, ge=0)
"""Atom index in the abstract structure."""
[docs] atom_manifold: constr(strip_whitespace=True, to_lower=True, min_length=2, max_length=5)
"""Atom manifold (syntax is `3d`, `3d-2p`)."""
[docs] neighbour_index: conint(strict=True, ge=0)
"""Neighbour index in the abstract structure."""
[docs] neighbour_manifold: constr(strip_whitespace=True, to_lower=True, min_length=2, max_length=5)
"""Atom manifold (syntax is `3d`, `3d-2p`)."""
[docs] translation: Tuple[conint(strict=True), conint(strict=True), conint(strict=True)]
"""Translation vector referring to the neighbour atom, (3,) shape list of ints."""
[docs] value: float
"""Value of the Hubbard parameter, expessed in eV."""
[docs] hubbard_type: Literal['Ueff', 'U', 'V', 'J', 'B', 'E2', 'E3']
"""Type of the Hubbard parameters used (`Ueff`, `U`, `V`, `J`, `B`, `E2`, `E3`).""" @field_validator('atom_manifold', 'neighbour_manifold') # cls is mandatory to use
[docs] def check_manifolds(cls, value): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument, no-self-use """Check the validity of the manifold input. Allowed formats are: * {N}{L} (2 characters) * {N1}{L1}-{N2}{L2} (5 characters) N = quantum number (1,2,3,...); L = orbital letter (s,p,d,f,g,h) """ length = len(value) if length not in [2, 5]: raise ValueError(f'invalid length ``{length}``. Only 2 or 5.') if length == 2: if not value[0] in [str(_ + 1) for _ in range(6)]: raise ValueError(f'invalid quantum number {value[0]}') if not value[1] in ['s', 'p', 'd', 'f', 'h']: raise ValueError(f'invalid manifold symbol {value[1]}') if length == 5: if not value[2] == '-': raise ValueError(f'the separator {value[0]} is not allowed. Only `-`') if not value[3] in [str(_ + 1) for _ in range(6)]: raise ValueError(f'the quantum number {value[0]} is not correct') if not value[4] in ['s', 'p', 'd', 'f', 'h']: raise ValueError(f'the manifold number {value[1]} is not correct') return value
[docs] def to_tuple(self) -> Tuple[int, str, int, str, float, Tuple[int, int, int], str]: """Return the parameters as a tuple. The parameters have the following order: * atom_index * atom_manifold * neighbour_index * neighbour_manifold * value * translationr * hubbard_type """ return ( self.atom_index, self.atom_manifold, self.neighbour_index, self.neighbour_manifold, self.value, self.translation, self.hubbard_type )
[docs] def from_tuple(hubbard_parameters: Tuple[int, str, int, str, float, Tuple[int, int, int], str]): """Return a ``HubbardParameters`` instance from a list. The parameters within the list must have the following order: * atom_index * atom_manifold * neighbour_index * neighbour_manifold * value * translation * hubbard_type """ keys = [ 'atom_index', 'atom_manifold', 'neighbour_index', 'neighbour_manifold', 'value', 'translation', 'hubbard_type', ] return HubbardParameters(**dict(zip(keys, hubbard_parameters)))
[docs]class Hubbard(BaseModel): """Class for complete description of Hubbard interactions."""
[docs] parameters: List[HubbardParameters]
"""List of :class:`~aiida_quantumespresso.common.hubbard.HubbardParameters`."""
[docs] projectors: Literal['atomic', 'ortho-atomic', 'norm-atomic', 'wannier-functions', 'pseudo-potentials', ] = 'ortho-atomic'
"""Name of the projectors used. Allowed values are: 'atomic', 'ortho-atomic', 'norm-atomic', 'wannier-functions', 'pseudo-potentials'."""
[docs] formulation: Literal['dudarev', 'liechtenstein'] = 'dudarev'
"""Hubbard formulation used. Allowed values are: 'dudarev', `liechtenstein`."""
[docs] def to_list(self) -> List[Tuple[int, str, int, str, float, Tuple[int, int, int], str]]: """Return the Hubbard `parameters` as a list of lists. The parameters have the following order within each list: * atom_index * atom_manifold * neighbour_index * neighbour_manifold * value * translation * hubbard_type """ return [params.to_tuple() for params in self.parameters]
[docs] def from_list( parameters: List[Tuple[int, str, int, str, float, Tuple[int, int, int], str]], projectors: str = 'ortho-atomic', formulation: str = 'dudarev', ): """Return a :meth:`~aiida_quantumespresso.common.hubbard.Hubbard` instance from a list of tuples. Each list must contain the hubbard parameters in the following order: * atom_index * atom_manifold * neighbour_index * neighbour_manifold * value * translation * hubbard_type """ parameters = [HubbardParameters.from_tuple(value) for value in parameters] return Hubbard(parameters=parameters, projectors=projectors, formulation=formulation)