Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.parsers.neb

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os

from aiida.common import AttributeDict, NotExistent
from aiida.orm import ArrayData, Dict, TrajectoryData
import numpy

from import PwCalculation
from aiida_quantumespresso.parsers.parse_raw import convert_qe_to_aiida_structure
from aiida_quantumespresso.parsers.parse_raw.neb import parse_raw_output_neb
from import parse_stdout as parse_pw_stdout
from import reduce_symmetries
from aiida_quantumespresso.parsers.parse_xml.exceptions import XMLParseError, XMLUnsupportedFormatError
from import parse_xml as parse_pw_xml
from import PwParser
from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.mapping import get_logging_container

from .base import BaseParser

[docs]class NebParser(BaseParser): """`Parser` implementation for the `NebCalculation` calculation job class.""" # Key that contains the optional parser options in the `settings` input node.
[docs] parser_settings_key = 'parser_options'
[docs] class_warning_map = { 'scf convergence NOT achieved on image': 'SCF did not converge for a given image', 'Maximum CPU time exceeded': 'Maximum CPU time exceeded', 'reached the maximum number of steps': 'Maximum number of iterations reached in the image optimization', }
[docs] def parse(self, **kwargs): """Parse the retrieved files of a completed ``NebCalculation`` into output nodes. Two nodes that are expected are the default 'retrieved' ``FolderData`` node which will store the retrieved files permanently in the repository. The second required node is a filepath under the key `retrieved_temporary_files` which should contain the temporary retrieved files. """ logs = get_logging_container() prefix = self.node.process_class._PREFIX # Look for optional settings input node and potential 'parser_options' dictionary within it # Note that we look for both NEB and PW parser options under "inputs.settings.parser_options"; # we don't even have a namespace "". try: settings = self.node.inputs.settings.get_dict() parser_options = settings[self.parser_settings_key] except (AttributeError, KeyError, NotExistent): settings = {} parser_options = {} # load the pw input parameters dictionary pw_input_dict = stdout, parsed_data, logs = self.parse_stdout_from_retrieved(logs) base_exit_code = self.check_base_errors(logs) if base_exit_code: return self.exit(base_exit_code, logs) neb_out_dict, iteration_data = parse_raw_output_neb(stdout) parsed_data.update(neb_out_dict) num_images = parsed_data['num_of_images'] # Now parse the information from the individual pw calculations for the different images image_data = {} positions = [] cells = [] for i in range(num_images): # check if any of the known XML output file names are present, and parse the first that we find relative_output_folder = os.path.join(f'{prefix}_{i + 1}', f'{prefix}.save') retrieved_files = self.retrieved.base.repository.list_object_names(relative_output_folder) for xml_filename in PwCalculation.xml_filenames: if xml_filename in retrieved_files: xml_file_path = os.path.join(relative_output_folder, xml_filename) try: with as xml_file: parsed_data_xml, logs_xml = parse_pw_xml(xml_file, None) except IOError: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_READ) except XMLParseError: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_PARSE) except XMLUnsupportedFormatError: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_FORMAT) except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PARSER_EXCEPTION) # this image is dealt with, so break the inner loop and go to the next image break # otherwise, if none of the filenames we tried exists, exit with an error else: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_MISSING_XML_FILE) # look for pw output and parse it pw_out_file = os.path.join(f'{prefix}_{i + 1}', 'PW.out') try: with, 'r') as f: pw_out_text = # Note: read() and not readlines() except IOError: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_READ) try: parsed_data_stdout, logs_stdout = parse_pw_stdout( pw_out_text, pw_input_dict, parser_options, parsed_data_xml ) except Exception as exc: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PARSER_EXCEPTION.format(exception=exc)) parsed_structure = parsed_data_stdout.pop('structure', {}) parsed_trajectory = parsed_data_stdout.pop('trajectory', {}) parsed_parameters = PwParser.build_output_parameters(parsed_data_xml, parsed_data_stdout) # Explicit information about k-points does not need to be queryable so we remove it from the parameters parsed_parameters.pop('k_points', None) parsed_parameters.pop('k_points_units', None) parsed_parameters.pop('k_points_weights', None) # Delete bands # TODO: this is just to make pytest happy; do we want to keep them instead? parsed_parameters.pop('bands', None) # Append the last frame of some of the smaller trajectory arrays to the parameters for easy querying PwParser.final_trajectory_frame_to_parameters(parsed_parameters, parsed_trajectory) # If the parser option 'all_symmetries' is False, we reduce the raw parsed symmetries to save space all_symmetries = False if parser_options is None else parser_options.get('all_symmetries', False) if not all_symmetries and 'cell' in parsed_structure: reduce_symmetries(parsed_parameters, parsed_structure, self.logger) structure_data = convert_qe_to_aiida_structure(parsed_structure) key = f'pw_output_image_{i + 1}' image_data[key] = parsed_parameters positions.append([site.position for site in structure_data.sites]) cells.append(structure_data.cell) # Add also PW warnings and errors to the neb output data, avoiding repetitions. for log_level in ['warning', 'error']: for message in logs_stdout[log_level]: formatted_message = f'{log_level}: {message}' if formatted_message not in parsed_data['warnings']: parsed_data['warnings'].append(formatted_message) # Symbols can be obtained simply from the last image symbols = [str(site.kind_name) for site in structure_data.sites] output_params = Dict(dict(list(parsed_data.items()) + list(image_data.items()))) self.out('output_parameters', output_params) trajectory = TrajectoryData() trajectory.set_trajectory( stepids=numpy.arange(1, num_images + 1), cells=numpy.array(cells), symbols=symbols, positions=numpy.array(positions), ) self.out('output_trajectory', trajectory) if parser_options is not None and parser_options.get('all_iterations', False): if iteration_data: arraydata = ArrayData() for k, v in iteration_data.items(): arraydata.set_array(k, numpy.array(v)) self.out('iteration_array', arraydata) # Load the original and interpolated energy profile along the minimum-energy path (mep) try: filename = prefix + '.dat' with, 'r') as handle: mep = numpy.loadtxt(handle) except Exception: self.logger.warning(f'could not open expected output file `{filename}`.') mep = numpy.array([[]]) try: filename = prefix + '.int' with, 'r') as handle: interp_mep = numpy.loadtxt(handle) except Exception: self.logger.warning(f'could not open expected output file `{filename}`.') interp_mep = numpy.array([[]]) # Create an ArrayData with the energy profiles mep_arraydata = ArrayData() mep_arraydata.set_array('mep', mep) mep_arraydata.set_array('interpolated_mep', interp_mep) self.out('output_mep', mep_arraydata) if 'ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_INCOMPLETE'in logs.error: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_INCOMPLETE, logs) return self.exit(logs=logs)