Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.parsers.parse_raw.neb

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A collection of function that are used to parse the output of Quantum Espresso Neb.

The function that needs to be called from outside is parse_raw_output_neb(). The functions mostly work without aiida
specific functionalities. The parsing will try to convert whatever it can in some dictionary, which by operative
decision doesn't have much structure encoded, [the values are simple ]
from qe_tools import CONSTANTS

[docs]def parse_raw_output_neb(stdout): """Parses the output of a neb calculation Receives in input the paths to the output file. :param stdout: the stdout content as a string :return parameter_data: a dictionary with parsed parameters :return iteration_data: a dictionary with arrays (for relax & md calcs.) """ import copy parser_warnings = [] # parse the text output of the neb calculation out_data, iteration_data = parse_neb_text_output(stdout) # I add in the out_data all the last elements of iteration_data values. # I leave the possibility to skip some large arrays (None for the time being). skip_keys = [] tmp_iteration_data = copy.copy(iteration_data) for k, v in tmp_iteration_data.items(): if k in skip_keys: continue out_data[k] = v[-1] parameter_data = dict(list(out_data.items()) + [('parser_warnings', parser_warnings)]) return parameter_data, iteration_data
[docs]def parse_neb_text_output(data): """Parses the text output of QE Neb. :param data: a string, the file as read by read() :param input_dict: dictionary with the input parameters :return parsed_data: dictionary with key values, referring to quantities at the last step. :return iteration_data: key,values referring to intermediate iterations. Empty dictionary if no value is present. :return critical_messages: a list with critical messages. If any is found in parsed_data['warnings'], the calculation is FAILED! """ from collections import defaultdict parsed_data = {} parsed_data['warnings'] = [] iteration_data = defaultdict(list) # set by default the calculation as not converged. parsed_data['converged'] = [False, 0] for count, line in enumerate(data.split('\n')): if 'initial path length' in line: initial_path_length = float(line.split('=')[1].split('bohr')[0]) parsed_data['initial_path_length'] = initial_path_length * CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang elif 'initial inter-image distance' in line: initial_image_dist = float(line.split('=')[1].split('bohr')[0]) parsed_data['initial_image_dist'] = initial_image_dist * CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang elif 'string_method' in line: parsed_data['string_method'] = line.split('=')[1].strip() elif 'restart_mode' in line: parsed_data['restart_mode'] = line.split('=')[1].strip() elif 'opt_scheme' in line: parsed_data['opt_scheme'] = line.split('=')[1].strip() elif 'num_of_images' in line: parsed_data['num_of_images'] = int(line.split('=')[1]) elif 'nstep_path' in line: parsed_data['nstep_path'] = int(line.split('=')[1]) elif 'CI_scheme' in line: parsed_data['ci_scheme'] = line.split('=')[1].strip() elif 'first_last_opt' in line: parsed_data['first_last_opt'] = True if line.split('=')[1] == 'T' else False elif 'use_freezing' in line: parsed_data['use_freezing'] = True if line.split('=')[1] == 'T' else False elif ' ds ' in line: parsed_data['ds_au'] = float(line.split('=')[1].split('a.u.')[0]) elif ' k_max' in line: parsed_data['k_max'] = float(line.split('=')[1].split('a.u.')[0]) elif ' k_min_au' in line: parsed_data['k_min_au'] = float(line.split('=')[1].split('a.u.')[0]) elif 'suggested k_max' in line: parsed_data['suggested_k_max_au'] = float(line.split('=')[1].split('a.u.')[0]) elif 'suggested k_min' in line: parsed_data['suggested_k_min_au'] = float(line.split('=')[1].split('a.u.')[0]) elif 'path_thr' in line: parsed_data['path_thr'] = float(line.split('=')[1].split('eV')[0]) elif 'list of climbing images' in line: parsed_data['climbing_images_manual'] = [int(_) for _ in line.split(':')[1].split(',')[:-1]] elif 'neb: convergence achieved in' in line: parsed_data['converged'] = [True, int(line.split('iteration')[0].split()[-1])] num_images = parsed_data['num_of_images'] iteration_lines = data.split('-- iteration')[1:] iteration_lines = [i.split('\n') for i in iteration_lines] for iteration in iteration_lines: for count, line in enumerate(iteration): if 'activation energy (->)' in line: activ_energy = float(line.split('=')[1].split('eV')[0]) iteration_data['forward_activation_energy'].append(activ_energy) elif 'activation energy (<-)' in line: activ_energy = float(line.split('=')[1].split('eV')[0]) iteration_data['backward_activation_energy'].append(activ_energy) elif 'image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen' in line: energies = [] forces = [] frozen = [] try: for i in range(num_images): split_line = iteration[count + 2 + i].split()[1:] energies.append(float(split_line[0])) forces.append(float(split_line[1])) frozen.append(True if split_line[2] == 'T' else False) iteration_data['image_energies'].append(energies) iteration_data['image_forces'].append(forces) iteration_data['image_frozen'].append(frozen) except Exception: parsed_data['warnings'].append('Error while parsing the image energies and forces.') elif 'climbing image' in line: iteration_data['climbing_image_auto'].append([int(_) for _ in line.split('=')[1].split(',')]) elif 'path length' in line: path_length = float(line.split('=')[1].split('bohr')[0]) iteration_data['path_length'].append(path_length * CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang) elif 'inter-image distance' in line: image_dist = float(line.split('=')[1].split('bohr')[0]) iteration_data['image_dist'].append(image_dist * CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang) return parsed_data, dict(iteration_data)