Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.parsers.parse_xml.parse

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from urllib.error import URLError

import numpy as np
from packaging.version import Version
from qe_tools import CONSTANTS
from xmlschema import XMLSchema

from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.mapping import get_logging_container

from .exceptions import XMLParseError
from .versions import get_default_schema_filepath, get_schema_filepath

[docs]def raise_parsing_error(message): raise XMLParseError(message)
[docs]def parser_assert(condition, message, log_func=raise_parsing_error): if not condition: log_func(message)
[docs]def parser_assert_equal(val1, val2, message, log_func=raise_parsing_error): if not (val1 == val2): msg = f'Violated assertion: {val1} == {val2}' if message: msg += ' - ' msg += message log_func(msg)
[docs]def cell_volume(a1, a2, a3): r"""Returns the volume of the primitive cell: :math:`|\vec a_1\cdot(\vec a_2\cross \vec a_3)|`""" a_mid_0 = a2[1] * a3[2] - a2[2] * a3[1] a_mid_1 = a2[2] * a3[0] - a2[0] * a3[2] a_mid_2 = a2[0] * a3[1] - a2[1] * a3[0] return abs(float(a1[0] * a_mid_0 + a1[1] * a_mid_1 + a1[2] * a_mid_2))
[docs]def parse_xml_post_6_2(xml): """Parse the content of XML output file written by `pw.x` and `cp.x` with the new schema-based XML format. :param xml: parsed XML :returns: tuple of two dictionaries, with the parsed data and log messages, respectively """ e_bohr2_to_coulomb_m2 = 57.214766 # e/a0^2 to C/m^2 (electric polarization) from Wolfram Alpha logs = get_logging_container() schema_filepath = get_schema_filepath(xml) try: xsd = XMLSchema(schema_filepath) except URLError: # If loading the XSD file specified in the XML file fails, we try the default schema_filepath_default = get_default_schema_filepath() try: xsd = XMLSchema(schema_filepath_default) except URLError: raise XMLParseError( f'Could not open or parse the XSD files {schema_filepath} and {schema_filepath_default}' ) else: schema_filepath = schema_filepath_default # Validate XML document against the schema # Returned dictionary has a structure where, if tag ['key'] is "simple", xml_dictionary['key'] returns its content. # Otherwise, the following keys are available: # # xml_dictionary['key']['$'] returns its content # xml_dictionary['key']['@attr'] returns its attribute 'attr' # xml_dictionary['key']['nested_key'] goes one level deeper. # Fix a bug of QE 6.8: the output XML is not consistent with schema, see # xml_creator = xml.find('./general_info/creator') if xml_creator is not None and 'VERSION' in xml_creator.attrib: creator_version = xml_creator.attrib['VERSION'] if creator_version == '6.8': root = xml.getroot() timing_info = root.find('./timing_info') partial_pwscf = timing_info.find("partial[@label='PWSCF'][@calls='0']") try: timing_info.remove(partial_pwscf) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass xml_dictionary, errors = xsd.to_dict(xml, validation='lax') if errors: logs.error.append(f'{len(errors)} XML schema validation error(s) schema: {schema_filepath}:') for err in errors: logs.error.append(str(err)) xml_version = Version(xml_dictionary['general_info']['xml_format']['@VERSION']) inputs = xml_dictionary.get('input', {}) outputs = xml_dictionary['output'] lattice_vectors = [ [x * CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang for x in outputs['atomic_structure']['cell']['a1']], [x * CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang for x in outputs['atomic_structure']['cell']['a2']], [x * CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang for x in outputs['atomic_structure']['cell']['a3']], ] has_electric_field = inputs.get('electric_field', {}).get('electric_potential', None) == 'sawtooth_potential' has_dipole_correction = inputs.get('electric_field', {}).get('dipole_correction', False) if 'occupations' in inputs.get('bands', {}): try: occupations = inputs['bands']['occupations']['$'] # yapf: disable except TypeError: # "string indices must be integers" -- might have attribute 'nspin' occupations = inputs['bands']['occupations'] else: occupations = None starting_magnetization = [] magnetization_angle1 = [] magnetization_angle2 = [] for specie in outputs['atomic_species']['species']: starting_magnetization.append(specie.get('starting_magnetization', 0.0)) magnetization_angle1.append(specie.get('magnetization_angle1', 0.0)) magnetization_angle2.append(specie.get('magnetization_angle2', 0.0)) constraint_mag = 0 spin_constraints = inputs.get('spin_constraints', {}).get('spin_constraints', None) if spin_constraints == 'atomic': constraint_mag = 1 elif spin_constraints == 'atomic direction': constraint_mag = 2 elif spin_constraints == 'total': constraint_mag = 3 elif spin_constraints == 'total direction': constraint_mag = 6 lsda = inputs.get('spin', {}).get('lsda', False) spin_orbit_calculation = inputs.get('spin', {}).get('spinorbit', False) non_colinear_calculation = outputs.get('magnetization', {}).get('noncolin', False) do_magnetization = outputs.get('magnetization', {}).get('do_magnetization', False) # Time reversal symmetry of the system if non_colinear_calculation and do_magnetization: time_reversal = False else: time_reversal = True # If no specific tags are present, the default is 1 if non_colinear_calculation or spin_orbit_calculation: nspin = 4 elif lsda: nspin = 2 else: nspin = 1 symmetries = [] lattice_symmetries = [] # note: will only contain lattice symmetries that are NOT crystal symmetries inversion_symmetry = False # See also PW/src/setup.f90 nsym = outputs.get('symmetries', {}).get('nsym', None) # crystal symmetries nrot = outputs.get('symmetries', {}).get('nrot', None) # lattice symmetries for symmetry in outputs.get('symmetries', {}).get('symmetry', []): # There are two types of symmetries, lattice and crystal. The pure inversion (-I) is always a lattice symmetry, # so we don't care. But if the pure inversion is also a crystal symmetry, then then the system as a whole # has (by definition) inversion symmetry; so we set the global property inversion_symmetry = True. symmetry_type = symmetry['info']['$'] symmetry_name = symmetry['info']['@name'] if symmetry_type == 'crystal_symmetry' and symmetry_name.lower() == 'inversion': inversion_symmetry = True sym = { 'rotation': [ symmetry['rotation']['$'][0:3], symmetry['rotation']['$'][3:6], symmetry['rotation']['$'][6:9], ], 'name': symmetry_name, } try: sym['t_rev'] = '1' if symmetry['info']['@time_reversal'] else '0' except KeyError: sym['t_rev'] = '0' try: sym['equivalent_atoms'] = symmetry['equivalent_atoms']['$'] except KeyError: pass try: sym['fractional_translation'] = symmetry['fractional_translation'] except KeyError: pass if symmetry_type == 'crystal_symmetry': symmetries.append(sym) elif symmetry_type == 'lattice_symmetry': lattice_symmetries.append(sym) else: raise XMLParseError(f'Unexpected type of symmetry: {symmetry_type}') if (nsym != len(symmetries)) or (nrot != len(symmetries) + len(lattice_symmetries)): logs.warning.append( 'Inconsistent number of symmetries: nsym={}, nrot={}, len(symmetries)={}, len(lattice_symmetries)={}'. format(nsym, nrot, len(symmetries), len(lattice_symmetries)) ) xml_data = { #'pp_check_flag': True, # Currently not printed in the new format. # Signals whether the XML file is complete # and can be used for post-processing. Everything should be in the XML now, but in # any case, the new XML schema should mostly protect from incomplete files. 'lkpoint_dir': False, # Currently not printed in the new format. # Signals whether kpt-data are written in sub-directories. # Was generally true in the old format, but now all the eigenvalues are # in the XML file, under output / band_structure, so this is False. 'charge_density': './charge-density.dat', # A file name. Not printed in the new format. # The filename and path are considered fixed: <outdir>/<prefix>.save/charge-density.dat # TODO: change to .hdf5 if output format is HDF5 (issue #222) 'rho_cutoff_units': 'eV', 'wfc_cutoff_units': 'eV', 'fermi_energy_units': 'eV', 'k_points_units': '1 / angstrom', 'symmetries_units': 'crystal', 'constraint_mag': constraint_mag, 'magnetization_angle2': magnetization_angle2, 'magnetization_angle1': magnetization_angle1, 'starting_magnetization': starting_magnetization, 'has_electric_field': has_electric_field, 'has_dipole_correction': has_dipole_correction, 'lda_plus_u_calculation': 'dftU' in outputs, 'format_name': xml_dictionary['general_info']['xml_format']['@NAME'], 'format_version': xml_dictionary['general_info']['xml_format']['@VERSION'], # TODO: check that format version: a) matches the XSD schema version; b) is updated as well # See line 43 in Modules/qexsd.f90 'creator_name': xml_dictionary['general_info']['creator']['@NAME'].lower(), 'creator_version': xml_dictionary['general_info']['creator']['@VERSION'], 'non_colinear_calculation': non_colinear_calculation, 'do_magnetization': do_magnetization, 'time_reversal_flag': time_reversal, 'symmetries': symmetries, 'lattice_symmetries': lattice_symmetries, 'do_not_use_time_reversal': inputs.get('symmetry_flags', {}).get('noinv', None), 'spin_orbit_domag': do_magnetization, 'fft_grid': [value for _, value in sorted(outputs['basis_set']['fft_grid'].items())], 'lsda': lsda, 'number_of_spin_components': nspin, 'no_time_rev_operations': inputs.get('symmetry_flags', {}).get('no_t_rev', None), 'inversion_symmetry': inversion_symmetry, # the old tag was INVERSION_SYMMETRY and was set to (from the code): "invsym if true the system has inversion symmetry" 'number_of_bravais_symmetries': nrot, # lattice symmetries 'number_of_symmetries': nsym, # crystal symmetries 'wfc_cutoff': inputs.get('basis', {}).get('ecutwfc', -1.0) * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev, 'rho_cutoff': outputs['basis_set']['ecutrho'] * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev, # not always printed in input->basis 'smooth_fft_grid': [value for _, value in sorted(outputs['basis_set']['fft_smooth'].items())], 'dft_exchange_correlation': inputs.get('dft', {}).get('functional', None), # TODO: also parse optional elements of 'dft' tag # WARNING: this is different between old XML and new XML 'spin_orbit_calculation': spin_orbit_calculation, 'q_real_space': outputs['algorithmic_info']['real_space_q'], } # alat is technically an optional attribute according to the schema, # but I don't know what to do if it's missing. atomic_structure is mandatory. output_alat_bohr = outputs['atomic_structure']['@alat'] output_alat_angstrom = output_alat_bohr * CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang # Band structure if 'band_structure' in outputs: band_structure = outputs['band_structure'] smearing_xml = None if 'smearing' in outputs['band_structure']: smearing_xml = outputs['band_structure']['smearing'] elif 'smearing' in inputs: smearing_xml = inputs['smearing'] if smearing_xml: degauss = smearing_xml['@degauss'] # Versions below 19.03.04 (Quantum ESPRESSO<=6.4.1) incorrectly print degauss in Ry instead of Hartree if xml_version < Version('19.03.04'): degauss *= CONSTANTS.ry_to_ev else: degauss *= CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev xml_data['degauss'] = degauss xml_data['smearing_type'] = smearing_xml['$'] num_k_points = band_structure['nks'] num_electrons = band_structure['nelec'] num_atomic_wfc = band_structure['num_of_atomic_wfc'] num_bands = band_structure.get('nbnd', None) num_bands_up = band_structure.get('nbnd_up', None) num_bands_down = band_structure.get('nbnd_dw', None) if num_bands is None and num_bands_up is None and num_bands_down is None: raise XMLParseError('None of `nbnd`, `nbnd_up` or `nbdn_dw` could be parsed.') # If both channels are `None` we are dealing with a non spin-polarized or non-collinear calculation elif num_bands_up is None and num_bands_down is None: spins = False # If only one of the channels is `None` we raise, because that is an inconsistent result elif num_bands_up is None or num_bands_down is None: raise XMLParseError('Only one of `nbnd_up` and `nbnd_dw` could be parsed') # Here it is a spin-polarized calculation, where for pw.x the number of bands in each channel should be identical. else: spins = True if num_bands_up != num_bands_down: raise XMLParseError(f'different number of bands for spin channels: {num_bands_up} and {num_bands_down}') if num_bands is not None and num_bands != num_bands_up + num_bands_down: raise XMLParseError( 'Inconsistent number of bands: nbnd={}, nbnd_up={}, nbnd_down={}'.format( num_bands, num_bands_up, num_bands_down ) ) if num_bands is None: num_bands = num_bands_up + num_bands_down # backwards compatibility; k_points = [] k_points_weights = [] ks_states = band_structure['ks_energies'] for ks_state in ks_states: k_points.append([kp * 2 * np.pi / output_alat_angstrom for kp in ks_state['k_point']['$']]) k_points_weights.append(ks_state['k_point']['@weight']) if not spins: band_eigenvalues = [[]] band_occupations = [[]] for ks_state in ks_states: band_eigenvalues[0].append(ks_state['eigenvalues']['$']) band_occupations[0].append(ks_state['occupations']['$']) else: band_eigenvalues = [[], []] band_occupations = [[], []] for ks_state in ks_states: band_eigenvalues[0].append(ks_state['eigenvalues']['$'][0:num_bands_up]) band_eigenvalues[1].append(ks_state['eigenvalues']['$'][num_bands_up:num_bands]) band_occupations[0].append(ks_state['occupations']['$'][0:num_bands_up]) band_occupations[1].append(ks_state['occupations']['$'][num_bands_up:num_bands]) band_eigenvalues = np.array(band_eigenvalues) * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev band_occupations = np.array(band_occupations) if not spins: parser_assert_equal( band_eigenvalues.shape, (1, num_k_points, num_bands), 'Unexpected shape of band_eigenvalues' ) parser_assert_equal( band_occupations.shape, (1, num_k_points, num_bands), 'Unexpected shape of band_occupations' ) else: parser_assert_equal( band_eigenvalues.shape, (2, num_k_points, num_bands_up), 'Unexpected shape of band_eigenvalues' ) parser_assert_equal( band_occupations.shape, (2, num_k_points, num_bands_up), 'Unexpected shape of band_occupations' ) if not spins: xml_data['number_of_bands'] = num_bands else: # For collinear spin-polarized calculations `spins=True` and `num_bands` is sum of both channels. To get the # actual number of bands, we divide by two using integer division xml_data['number_of_bands'] = num_bands // 2 for key, value in [('number_of_bands_up', num_bands_up), ('number_of_bands_down', num_bands_down)]: if value is not None: xml_data[key] = value if 'fermi_energy' in band_structure: xml_data['fermi_energy'] = band_structure['fermi_energy'] * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev if 'two_fermi_energies' in band_structure: xml_data['fermi_energy_up'], xml_data['fermi_energy_down'] = [ energy * CONSTANTS.hartree_to_ev for energy in band_structure['two_fermi_energies'] ] bands_dict = { 'occupations': band_occupations, 'bands': band_eigenvalues, 'bands_units': 'eV', } xml_data['number_of_atomic_wfc'] = num_atomic_wfc xml_data['number_of_k_points'] = num_k_points xml_data['number_of_electrons'] = num_electrons xml_data['k_points'] = k_points xml_data['k_points_weights'] = k_points_weights xml_data['bands'] = bands_dict try: monkhorst_pack = inputs['k_points_IBZ']['monkhorst_pack'] except KeyError: pass # not using Monkhorst pack else: xml_data['monkhorst_pack_grid'] = [monkhorst_pack[attr] for attr in ['@nk1', '@nk2', '@nk3']] xml_data['monkhorst_pack_offset'] = [monkhorst_pack[attr] for attr in ['@k1', '@k2', '@k3']] if occupations is not None: xml_data['occupations'] = occupations if 'boundary_conditions' in outputs and 'assume_isolated' in outputs['boundary_conditions']: xml_data['assume_isolated'] = outputs['boundary_conditions']['assume_isolated'] # This is not printed by QE 6.3, but will be re-added before the next version if 'real_space_beta' in outputs['algorithmic_info']: xml_data['beta_real_space'] = outputs['algorithmic_info']['real_space_beta'] conv_info = {} conv_info_scf = {} conv_info_opt = {} # NOTE: n_scf_steps refers to the number of SCF steps in the *last* loop only. # To get the total number of SCF steps in the run you should sum up the individual steps. # TODO: should we parse 'steps' too? Are they already added in the output trajectory? for key in ['convergence_achieved', 'n_scf_steps', 'scf_error']: try: conv_info_scf[key] = outputs['convergence_info']['scf_conv'][key] except KeyError: pass for key in ['convergence_achieved', 'n_opt_steps', 'grad_norm']: try: conv_info_opt[key] = outputs['convergence_info']['opt_conv'][key] except KeyError: pass if conv_info_scf: conv_info['scf_conv'] = conv_info_scf if conv_info_opt: conv_info['opt_conv'] = conv_info_opt if conv_info: xml_data['convergence_info'] = conv_info if 'status' in xml_dictionary: xml_data['exit_status'] = xml_dictionary['status'] # 0 = convergence reached; # -1 = SCF convergence failed; # 3 = ionic convergence failed # These might be changed in the future. Also see PW/src/run_pwscf.f90 try: berry_phase = outputs['electric_field']['BerryPhase'] except KeyError: pass else: # This is what I would like to do, but it's not retro-compatible # xml_data['berry_phase'] = {} # xml_data['berry_phase']['total_phase'] = berry_phase['totalPhase']['$'] # xml_data['berry_phase']['total_phase_modulus'] = berry_phase['totalPhase']['@modulus'] # xml_data['berry_phase']['total_ionic_phase'] = berry_phase['totalPhase']['@ionic'] # xml_data['berry_phase']['total_electronic_phase'] = berry_phase['totalPhase']['@electronic'] # xml_data['berry_phase']['total_polarization'] = berry_phase['totalPolarization']['polarization']['$'] # xml_data['berry_phase']['total_polarization_modulus'] = berry_phase['totalPolarization']['modulus'] # xml_data['berry_phase']['total_polarization_units'] = berry_phase['totalPolarization']['polarization']['@Units'] # xml_data['berry_phase']['total_polarization_direction'] = berry_phase['totalPolarization']['direction'] # parser_assert_equal(xml_data['berry_phase']['total_phase_modulus'].lower(), '(mod 2)', # "Unexpected modulus for total phase") # parser_assert_equal(xml_data['berry_phase']['total_polarization_units'].lower(), 'e/bohr^2', # "Unsupported units for total polarization") # Retro-compatible keys: polarization = berry_phase['totalPolarization']['polarization']['$'] polarization_units = berry_phase['totalPolarization']['polarization']['@Units'] polarization_modulus = berry_phase['totalPolarization']['modulus'] parser_assert( polarization_units in ['e/bohr^2', 'C/m^2'], f"Unsupported units '{polarization_units}' of total polarization" ) if polarization_units == 'e/bohr^2': polarization *= e_bohr2_to_coulomb_m2 polarization_modulus *= e_bohr2_to_coulomb_m2 xml_data['total_phase'] = berry_phase['totalPhase']['$'] xml_data['total_phase_units'] = '2pi' xml_data['ionic_phase'] = berry_phase['totalPhase']['@ionic'] xml_data['ionic_phase_units'] = '2pi' xml_data['electronic_phase'] = berry_phase['totalPhase']['@electronic'] xml_data['electronic_phase_units'] = '2pi' xml_data['polarization'] = polarization xml_data['polarization_module'] = polarization_modulus # should be called "modulus" xml_data['polarization_units'] = 'C / m^2' xml_data['polarization_direction'] = berry_phase['totalPolarization']['direction'] # TODO: add conversion for (e/Omega).bohr (requires to know Omega, the volume of the cell) # TODO (maybe): Not parsed: # - individual ionic phases # - individual electronic phases and weights # TODO: We should put the `non_periodic_cell_correction` string in (?) atoms = [[atom['@name'], [coord * CONSTANTS.bohr_to_ang for coord in atom['$']]] for atom in outputs['atomic_structure']['atomic_positions']['atom']] species = outputs['atomic_species']['species'] structure_data = { 'atomic_positions_units': 'Angstrom', 'direct_lattice_vectors_units': 'Angstrom', # ??? 'atoms_if_pos_list': [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]], 'number_of_atoms': outputs['atomic_structure']['@nat'], 'lattice_parameter': output_alat_angstrom, 'reciprocal_lattice_vectors': [ outputs['basis_set']['reciprocal_lattice']['b1'], outputs['basis_set']['reciprocal_lattice']['b2'], outputs['basis_set']['reciprocal_lattice']['b3'] ], 'atoms': atoms, 'cell': { 'lattice_vectors': lattice_vectors, 'volume': cell_volume(*lattice_vectors), 'atoms': atoms, }, 'lattice_parameter_xml': output_alat_bohr, 'number_of_species': outputs['atomic_species']['@ntyp'], 'species': { 'index': [i + 1 for i, specie in enumerate(species)], 'pseudo': [specie['pseudo_file'] for specie in species], 'mass': [specie['mass'] for specie in species], 'type': [specie['@name'] for specie in species] }, } xml_data['structure'] = structure_data return xml_data, logs