Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.parsers.projwfc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import fnmatch
from pathlib import Path
import re

from aiida.orm import BandsData, Dict, ProjectionData, XyData
from aiida.plugins import OrbitalFactory
import numpy as np

from aiida_quantumespresso.parsers import QEOutputParsingError
from aiida_quantumespresso.parsers.parse_raw.base import convert_qe_to_aiida_structure, convert_qe_to_kpoints
from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.mapping import get_logging_container

from .base import BaseParser

[docs]def find_orbitals_from_statelines(out_info_dict): """This function reads in all the state_lines, that is, the lines describing which atomic states, taken from the pseudopotential, are used for the projection. Then it converts these state_lines into a set of orbitals. :param out_info_dict: contains various technical internals useful in parsing :return: orbitals, a list of orbitals suitable for setting ProjectionData """ # Format of statelines # From PP/src/projwfc.f90: (since Oct. 8 2019) # # 1000 FORMAT (5x,"state #",i4,": atom ",i3," (",a3,"), wfc ",i2," (l=",i1) # IF (lspinorb) THEN # 1001 FORMAT (" j=",f3.1," m_j=",f4.1,")") # ELSE IF (noncolin) THEN # 1002 FORMAT (" m=",i2," s_z=",f4.1,")") # ELSE # 1003 FORMAT (" m=",i2,")") # ENDIF # # Before: # IF (lspinorb) THEN # ... # 1000 FORMAT (5x,"state #",i4,": atom ",i3," (",a3,"), wfc ",i2, & # " (j=",f3.1," l=",i1," m_j=",f4.1,")") # ELSE # ... # 1500 FORMAT (5x,"state #",i4,": atom ",i3," (",a3,"), wfc ",i2, & # " (l=",i1," m=",i2," s_z=",f4.1,")") # ENDIF out_file = out_info_dict['out_file'] atomnum_re = re.compile(r'atom\s*([0-9]+?)[^0-9]') element_re = re.compile(r'atom\s*[0-9]+\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9-_]+?)\s*\)') if out_info_dict['spinorbit']: # spinorbit lnum_re = re.compile(r'l=\s*([0-9]+?)[^0-9]') jnum_re = re.compile(r'j=\s*([0-9.]+?)[^0-9.]') mjnum_re = re.compile(r'm_j=\s*([-0-9.]+?)[^-0-9.]') elif not out_info_dict['collinear']: # non-collinear lnum_re = re.compile(r'l=\s*([0-9]+?)[^0-9]') mnum_re = re.compile(r'm=\s*([-0-9]+?)[^-0-9]') sznum_re = re.compile(r's_z=\s*([-0-9.]*?)[^-0-9.]') else: # collinear / no spin lnum_re = re.compile(r'l=\s*([0-9]+?)[^0-9]') mnum_re = re.compile(r'm=\s*([-0-9]+?)[^-0-9]') wfc_lines = out_info_dict['wfc_lines'] state_lines = [out_file[wfc_line] for wfc_line in wfc_lines] state_dicts = [] for state_line in state_lines: try: state_dict = {} state_dict['atomnum'] = int(atomnum_re.findall(state_line)[0]) state_dict['atomnum'] -= 1 # to keep with orbital indexing state_dict['kind_name'] = element_re.findall(state_line)[0].strip() state_dict['angular_momentum'] = int(lnum_re.findall(state_line)[0]) if out_info_dict['spinorbit']: state_dict['total_angular_momentum'] = float(jnum_re.findall(state_line)[0]) state_dict['magnetic_number'] = float(mjnum_re.findall(state_line)[0]) else: if not out_info_dict['collinear']: state_dict['spin'] = float(sznum_re.findall(state_line)[0]) state_dict['magnetic_number'] = int(mnum_re.findall(state_line)[0]) state_dict['magnetic_number'] -= 1 # to keep with orbital indexing except ValueError: raise QEOutputParsingError('State lines are not formatted in a standard way.') state_dicts.append(state_dict) # here is some logic to figure out the value of radial_nodes to use new_state_dicts = [] for i in range(len(state_dicts)): radial_nodes = 0 state_dict = state_dicts[i].copy() for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1): if state_dict == state_dicts[j]: radial_nodes += 1 state_dict['radial_nodes'] = radial_nodes new_state_dicts.append(state_dict) state_dicts = new_state_dicts # here is some logic to assign positions based on the atom_index structure = out_info_dict['structure'] for state_dict in state_dicts: site_index = state_dict.pop('atomnum') state_dict['position'] = structure.sites[site_index].position # here we set the resulting state_dicts to a new set of orbitals orbitals = [] if out_info_dict['spinorbit']: OrbitalCls = OrbitalFactory('spinorbithydrogen') elif not out_info_dict['collinear']: OrbitalCls = OrbitalFactory('noncollinearhydrogen') else: OrbitalCls = OrbitalFactory('core.realhydrogen') for state_dict in state_dicts: orbitals.append(OrbitalCls(**state_dict)) return orbitals
[docs]def spin_dependent_subparser(out_info_dict): """This find the projection and bands arrays from the out_file and out_info_dict. Used to handle the different possible spin-cases in a convenient manner. :param out_info_dict: contains various technical internals useful in parsing :return: ProjectionData, BandsData parsed from out_file """ out_file = out_info_dict['out_file'] spin_down = out_info_dict['spin_down'] od = out_info_dict # using a shorter name for convenience # regular expressions needed for later parsing WaveFraction1_re = re.compile(r'\=(.*?)\*') # state composition 1 WaveFractionremain_re = re.compile(r'\+(.*?)\*') # state comp 2 FunctionId_re = re.compile(r'\#(.*?)\]') # state identity # primes arrays for the later parsing num_wfc = len(od['wfc_lines']) bands = np.zeros([od['k_states'], od['num_bands']]) projection_arrays = np.zeros([od['k_states'], od['num_bands'], num_wfc]) try: for i in range(od['k_states']): if spin_down: i += od['k_states'] # grabs band energy for j in range(i * od['num_bands'], (i + 1) * od['num_bands'], 1): out_ind = od['e_lines'][j] try: # post ~6.3 <6.5 output format "e =" val = out_file[out_ind].split()[2] float(val) except ValueError: # pre ~6.3 and 6.5+ output format "==== e(" val = out_file[out_ind].split(' = ')[1].split()[0] bands[i % od['k_states']][j % od['num_bands']] = val #subloop grabs pdos wave_fraction = [] wave_id = [] for k in range(od['e_lines'][j] + 1, od['psi_lines'][j], 1): out_line = out_file[k] wave_fraction += WaveFraction1_re.findall(out_line) wave_fraction += WaveFractionremain_re.findall(out_line) wave_id += FunctionId_re.findall(out_line) if len(wave_id) != len(wave_fraction): raise IndexError for l in range(len(wave_id)): wave_id[l] = int(wave_id[l]) wave_fraction[l] = float(wave_fraction[l]) #sets relevant values in pdos_array projection_arrays[i % od['k_states']][j % od['num_bands']][wave_id[l] - 1] = wave_fraction[l] except IndexError: raise QEOutputParsingError('the standard out file does not comply with the official documentation.') bands_data = BandsData() kpoints = od['kpoints'] try: if len(od['k_vect']) != len(kpoints.get_kpoints()): raise AttributeError bands_data.set_kpointsdata(kpoints) except AttributeError: bands_data.set_kpoints(od['k_vect'].astype(float)) bands_data.set_bands(bands, units='eV') orbitals = out_info_dict['orbitals'] if len(orbitals) != np.shape(projection_arrays[0, 0, :])[0]: raise QEOutputParsingError( 'There was an internal parsing error, ' ' the projection array shape does not agree' ' with the number of orbitals' ) projection_data = ProjectionData() projection_data.set_reference_bandsdata(bands_data) projections = [projection_arrays[:, :, i] for i in range(len(orbitals))] # Do the bands_check manually here for projection in projections: if np.shape(projection) != np.shape(bands): raise AttributeError('Projections not the same shape as the bands') #insert here some logic to assign pdos to the orbitals pdos_arrays = spin_dependent_pdos_subparser(out_info_dict) energy_arrays = [out_info_dict['energy']] * len(orbitals) projection_data.set_projectiondata( orbitals, list_of_projections=projections, list_of_energy=energy_arrays, list_of_pdos=pdos_arrays, bands_check=False ) # pdos=pdos_arrays return bands_data, projection_data
[docs]def natural_sort_key(sort_key, _nsre=re.compile('([0-9]+)')): """Pass to ``key`` for ``str.sort`` to achieve natural sorting. For example, ``["2", "11", "1"]`` will be sorted to ``["1", "2", "11"]`` instead of ``["1", "11", "2"]`` :param sort_key: Original key to be processed :return: A list of string and integers. """ keys = [] for text in _nsre.split(sort_key): if text.isdigit(): keys.append(int(text)) else: keys.append(text) return keys
[docs]def spin_dependent_pdos_subparser(out_info_dict): """Finds and labels the pdos arrays associated with the out_info_dict. :param out_info_dict: contains various technical internals useful in parsing :return: (pdos_name, pdos_array) tuples for all the specific pdos """ spin = out_info_dict['spin'] collinear = out_info_dict.get('collinear', True) spinorbit = out_info_dict.get('spinorbit', False) spin_down = out_info_dict['spin_down'] pdos_atm_array_dict = out_info_dict['pdos_atm_array_dict'] if spin: mult_factor = 2 if spin_down: first_array = 4 else: first_array = 3 else: mult_factor = 1 first_array = 2 mf = mult_factor fa = first_array pdos_file_names = [k for k in pdos_atm_array_dict] pdos_file_names.sort(key=natural_sort_key) out_arrays = [] # we can keep the pdos in synch with the projections by relying on the fact # both are produced in the same order (thus the sorted file_names) for name in pdos_file_names: this_array = pdos_atm_array_dict[name] if not collinear and not spinorbit: # In the non-collinear, non-spinorbit case, the "up"-spin orbitals # come first, followed by all "down" orbitals for i in range(3, np.shape(this_array)[1], 2): out_arrays.append(this_array[:, i]) for i in range(4, np.shape(this_array)[1], 2): out_arrays.append(this_array[:, i]) else: for i in range(fa, np.shape(this_array)[1], mf): out_arrays.append(this_array[:, i]) return out_arrays
[docs]class ProjwfcParser(BaseParser): """``Parser`` implementation for the ``ProjwfcCalculation`` calculation job class. Parses projection arrays that map the projection onto each point in the bands structure, as well as pdos arrays, which map the projected density of states onto an energy axis. """
[docs] def parse(self, **kwargs): """Parse the retrieved files from a ``ProjwfcCalculation`` into output nodes.""" # we create a dictionary the progressively accumulates more info out_info_dict = {} logs = get_logging_container() stdout, parsed_data, logs = self.parse_stdout_from_retrieved(logs) out_info_dict['out_file'] = stdout.split('\n') base_exit_code = self.check_base_errors(logs) if base_exit_code: return self.exit(base_exit_code, logs) self.out('output_parameters', Dict(parsed_data)) if 'ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_INCOMPLETE'in logs.error: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_INCOMPLETE, logs) try: retrieved_temporary_folder = kwargs['retrieved_temporary_folder'] except KeyError: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_RETRIEVED_TEMPORARY_FOLDER, logs) # Parse the XML to obtain the `structure`, `kpoints` and spin-related settings from the parent calculation self.exit_code_xml = None parsed_xml, logs_xml = self._parse_xml(retrieved_temporary_folder) self.emit_logs(logs_xml) if self.exit_code_xml: return self.exit(self.exit_code_xml) out_info_dict['structure'] = convert_qe_to_aiida_structure(parsed_xml['structure']) out_info_dict['kpoints'] = convert_qe_to_kpoints(parsed_xml, out_info_dict['structure']) out_info_dict['nspin'] = parsed_xml.get('number_of_spin_components') out_info_dict['collinear'] = not parsed_xml.get('non_colinear_calculation') out_info_dict['spinorbit'] = parsed_xml.get('spin_orbit_calculation') out_info_dict['spin'] = out_info_dict['nspin'] == 2 # check and read pdos_tot file out_filenames = self.retrieved.base.repository.list_object_names() try: pdostot_filename = fnmatch.filter(out_filenames, '*pdos_tot*')[0] with, 'r') as pdostot_file: # Columns: Energy(eV), Ldos, Pdos pdostot_array = np.atleast_2d(np.genfromtxt(pdostot_file)) energy = pdostot_array[:, 0] dos = pdostot_array[:, 1] except (OSError, KeyError): return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_READING_PDOSTOT_FILE, logs) # check and read all of the individual pdos_atm files pdos_atm_filenames = fnmatch.filter(out_filenames, '*pdos_atm*') pdos_atm_array_dict = {} for name in pdos_atm_filenames: with, 'r') as pdosatm_file: pdos_atm_array_dict[name] = np.atleast_2d(np.genfromtxt(pdosatm_file)) # finding the bands and projections out_info_dict['energy'] = energy out_info_dict['pdos_atm_array_dict'] = pdos_atm_array_dict try: new_nodes_list = self._parse_bands_and_projections(out_info_dict) except QEOutputParsingError as err: self.logger.error(f'Error parsing bands and projections: {err}') return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_PARSING_PROJECTIONS, logs) for linkname, node in new_nodes_list: self.out(linkname, node) Dos_out = XyData() Dos_out.set_x(energy, 'Energy', 'eV') Dos_out.set_y(dos, 'Dos', 'states/eV') self.out('Dos', Dos_out) return self.exit(logs=logs)
[docs] def _parse_xml(self, retrieved_temporary_folder): """Parse the XML file. The XML must be parsed in order to obtain the required information for the orbital parsing. """ from .parse_xml.exceptions import XMLParseError, XMLUnsupportedFormatError from import parse_xml logs = get_logging_container() parsed_xml = {} xml_filepath = Path(retrieved_temporary_folder) / if not xml_filepath.exists(): self.exit_code_xml = self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_MISSING return parsed_xml, logs try: with'r') as handle: parsed_xml, logs = parse_xml(handle, None) except IOError: self.exit_code_xml = self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_READ except XMLParseError: self.exit_code_xml = self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_PARSE except XMLUnsupportedFormatError: self.exit_code_xml = self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_XML_FORMAT except Exception as exc: self.exit_code_xml = self.exit_codes.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PARSER_EXCEPTION.format(exception=exc) return parsed_xml, logs
[docs] def _parse_bands_and_projections(self, out_info_dict): """Function that parses the standard output into bands and projection data. :param out_info_dict: used to pass technical internal variables to helper functions in compact form :return: append_nodes_list a list containing BandsData and ProjectionData parsed from standard_out """ out_file = out_info_dict['out_file'] # Note: we expect a list of lines out_info_dict['k_lines'] = [] out_info_dict['e_lines'] = [] out_info_dict['psi_lines'] = [] out_info_dict['wfc_lines'] = [] append_nodes_list = [] for i, line in enumerate(out_file): if 'k =' in line: out_info_dict['k_lines'].append(i) if '==== e(' in line or line.strip().startswith('e ='): # The energy format in output was changed in QE6.3 # this check supports old and new format out_info_dict['e_lines'].append(i) if '|psi|^2' in line: out_info_dict['psi_lines'].append(i) if 'state #' in line: out_info_dict['wfc_lines'].append(i) # Basic check if len(out_info_dict['e_lines']) != len(out_info_dict['psi_lines']): raise QEOutputParsingError('e-lines and psi-lines are in different number') if len(out_info_dict['psi_lines']) % len(out_info_dict['k_lines']) != 0: raise QEOutputParsingError('Band Energy Points is not a multiple of kpoints') # calculates the number of bands out_info_dict['num_bands'] = len(out_info_dict['psi_lines']) // len(out_info_dict['k_lines']) # changes k-numbers to match spin # because if spin is on, k points double for up and down out_info_dict['k_states'] = len(out_info_dict['k_lines']) if out_info_dict['spin']: if out_info_dict['k_states'] % 2 != 0: raise QEOutputParsingError('Internal formatting error regarding spin') out_info_dict['k_states'] = out_info_dict['k_states'] // 2 # adds in the k-vector for each kpoint k_vect = [out_file[out_info_dict['k_lines'][i]].split()[2:] for i in range(out_info_dict['k_states'])] out_info_dict['k_vect'] = np.array(k_vect) out_info_dict['orbitals'] = find_orbitals_from_statelines(out_info_dict) spin = out_info_dict['spin'] if spin: # I had to guess what the ordering of the spin is, because # the projwfc.x documentation doesn't say, but looking at the # source code I found: # # DO is=1,nspin # IF (nspin==2) THEN # IF (is==1) filename=trim(filproj)//'.up' # IF (is==2) filename=trim(filproj)//'.down' # # Which would say that it is reasonable to assume that the # spin up states are written first, then spin down # out_info_dict['spin_down'] = False bands_data1, projection_data1 = spin_dependent_subparser(out_info_dict) append_nodes_list += [('projections_up', projection_data1), ('bands_up', bands_data1)] out_info_dict['spin_down'] = True bands_data2, projection_data2 = spin_dependent_subparser(out_info_dict) append_nodes_list += [('projections_down', projection_data2), ('bands_down', bands_data2)] else: out_info_dict['spin_down'] = False bands_data, projection_data = spin_dependent_subparser(out_info_dict) append_nodes_list += [('projections', projection_data), ('bands', bands_data)] return append_nodes_list