Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.parsers.pw2wannier90

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from aiida.orm import Dict

from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.mapping import get_logging_container

from .base import BaseParser

[docs]class Pw2wannier90Parser(BaseParser): """``Parser`` implementation for the ``Pw2wannierCalculation`` calculation job class."""
[docs] def parse(self, **kwargs): """Parse the retrieved files of a completed ``Pw2wannierCalculation`` into output nodes. Two nodes that are expected are the default 'retrieved' ``FolderData`` node which will store the retrieved files permanently in the repository. """ logs = get_logging_container() _, parsed_data, logs = self.parse_stdout_from_retrieved(logs) base_exit_code = self.check_base_errors(logs) if base_exit_code: return self.exit(base_exit_code, logs) self.out('output_parameters', Dict(parsed_data)) if 'ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_INCOMPLETE'in logs.error: return self.exit(self.exit_codes.ERROR_OUTPUT_STDOUT_INCOMPLETE, logs) return self.exit(logs=logs)