Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Protocol definitions for workflow input generation."""
from copy import deepcopy
import json
import os

[docs]def _load_pseudo_metadata(filename): """Load from the current folder a json file containing metadata (incl. suggested cutoffs) for a library of pseudopotentials. """ with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), filename), encoding='utf-8') as handle: return json.load(handle)
[docs]def _get_all_protocol_modifiers(): """Return the information on all possibile modifiers for all known protocols. It is a function so we can lazily load the jsons. """ protocols = { 'theos-ht-1.0': { 'pseudo': { # SSSP Efficiency & Precision v1.0, see 'SSSP-efficiency-1.0': _load_pseudo_metadata('sssp_efficiency_1.0.json'), 'SSSP-precision-1.0': _load_pseudo_metadata('sssp_precision_1.0.json'), # SSSP Efficiency & Precision v1.1, see 'SSSP-efficiency-1.1': _load_pseudo_metadata('sssp_efficiency_1.1.json'), 'SSSP-precision-1.1': _load_pseudo_metadata('sssp_precision_1.1.json'), }, 'pseudo_default': 'SSSP-efficiency-1.1', 'parameters': { 'fast': { 'kpoints_mesh_offset': [0., 0., 0.], 'kpoints_mesh_density': 0.2, 'kpoints_distance_for_bands': 0.02, 'convergence_threshold_per_atom': 2.E-06, 'smearing': 'marzari-vanderbilt', 'degauss': 0.02, 'occupations': 'smearing', 'meta_convergence': False, 'volume_convergence': 0.01, 'tstress': True, 'tprnfor': True, 'num_bands_factor': None, # number of bands wrt number of occupied bands }, 'default': { 'kpoints_mesh_offset': [0., 0., 0.], 'kpoints_mesh_density': 0.2, 'kpoints_distance_for_bands': 0.01, 'convergence_threshold_per_atom': 1.E-10, 'smearing': 'marzari-vanderbilt', 'degauss': 0.02, 'occupations': 'smearing', 'meta_convergence': True, 'volume_convergence': 0.01, 'tstress': True, 'tprnfor': True, 'num_bands_factor': None, # number of bands wrt number of occupied bands }, }, 'parameters_default': 'default' } } protocols['theos-ht-1.0']['parameters']['scdm'] = deepcopy(protocols['theos-ht-1.0']['parameters']['default']) protocols['theos-ht-1.0']['parameters']['scdm']['num_bands_factor'] = 3.0 # a protocol for testing purpose, decrease kmesh density & ecutoff testing = deepcopy(protocols['theos-ht-1.0']) testing['parameters']['fast']['kpoints_mesh_density'] = 0.3 testing['parameters_default'] = 'fast' ps_data = testing['pseudo']['SSSP-efficiency-1.1'] for pseudo in ps_data: ps_data[pseudo]['cutoff'] = ps_data[pseudo]['cutoff'] / 2 testing['pseudo']['SSSP-efficiency-1.1'] = ps_data protocols['testing'] = testing return protocols
[docs]class ProtocolManager: """A class to manage calculation protocols.""" def __init__(self, name): """Initialize a protocol instance. Pass a string specifying the protocol. """ = name try: self.modifiers = _get_all_protocol_modifiers()[name] except KeyError as exception: raise ValueError(f"Unknown protocol '{name}'") from exception
[docs] def get_protocol_data(self, modifiers=None): """Return the full info on the specific protocol, using the (optional) modifiers. :param modifiers: should be a dictionary with (optional) keys 'parameters' and 'pseudo', and whose value is the modifier name for that category. If the key-value pair is not specified, the default for the protocol will be used. In this case, if no default is specified, a ValueError is thrown. .. note:: If you pass 'custom' as the modifier name for 'pseudo', then you have to pass an additional key, called 'pseudo_data', that will be used to populate the output. """ if modifiers is None: modifiers = {} modifiers_copy = modifiers.copy() parameters_modifier_name = modifiers_copy.pop('parameters', self.get_default_parameters_modifier_name()) pseudo_modifier_name = modifiers_copy.pop('pseudo', self.get_default_pseudo_modifier_name()) if parameters_modifier_name is None: raise ValueError( "You did not specify a modifier name for 'parameters', but no default " f"modifier name exists for protocol '{}'." ) if pseudo_modifier_name is None: raise ValueError( "You did not specify a modifier name for 'pseudo', but no default " f"modifier name exists for protocol '{}'." ) if pseudo_modifier_name == 'custom': try: pseudo_data = modifiers_copy.pop('pseudo_data') except KeyError as exception: raise ValueError( "You specified 'custom' as a modifier name for 'pseudo', but you did not provide " "a 'pseudo_data' key." ) from exception else: pseudo_data = self.get_pseudo_data(pseudo_modifier_name) # Check that there are no unknown modifiers if modifiers_copy: raise ValueError(f"Unknown modifiers specified: {','.join(sorted(modifiers_copy))}") retdata = self.get_parameters_data(parameters_modifier_name) retdata['pseudo_data'] = pseudo_data return retdata
[docs] def get_parameters_modifier_names(self): """Get all valid parameters modifier names.""" return list(self.modifiers['parameters'].keys())
[docs] def get_default_parameters_modifier_name(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Return the default parameter modifier name (or None if no default is specified).""" return self.modifiers.get('parameters_default', None)
[docs] def get_parameters_data(self, modifier_name): """Given a parameter modifier name, return a dictionary of data associated to it.""" return self.modifiers['parameters'][modifier_name]
[docs] def get_pseudo_modifier_names(self): """Get all valid pseudopotential modifier names.""" return list(self.modifiers['pseudo'].keys())
[docs] def get_default_pseudo_modifier_name(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Return the default pseudopotential modifier name (or None if no default is specified).""" return self.modifiers.get('pseudo_default', None)
[docs] def get_pseudo_data(self, modifier_name): """Given a pseudo modifier name, return the ``pseudo_data`` associated to it.""" return self.modifiers['pseudo'][modifier_name]
[docs] def check_pseudos(self, modifier_name=None, pseudo_data=None): """Given a pseudo modifier name, checks which pseudos exist in the DB. :param modifier_name: the name of the modifier. Leave to None to use the default one. :param pseudo_data: should be passed only if modifier_name == 'custom' :return: a dictionary with three keys: - ``missing``: a set of element names that are not in the DB - ``found``: a dictionary with key-value: ``{element_name: uuid}`` for the pseudos that were found - ``mismatch``: a dictionary with key-value: ``{element_name: [list-of-elements-found]}`` for those pseudos for which one (or more) pseudos were found with the same MD5, but associated to different elements (listed in `list-of-elements-found`) """ from aiida.orm import QueryBuilder from aiida.plugins import DataFactory UpfData = DataFactory('core.upf') if modifier_name is None: modifier_name = self.get_default_pseudo_modifier_name() if modifier_name is None: raise ValueError( f"You did not specify a modifier name, but no default modifier name exists for protocol '{}'." ) if modifier_name == 'custom': if pseudo_data is None: raise ValueError("You chose 'custom' as modifier_name, but did not provide a pseudo_data!") else: if pseudo_data is not None: raise ValueError("You passed a pseudo_data, but the modifier name is not 'custom'!") pseudo_data = self.get_pseudo_data(modifier_name) # No pseudo found missing = set() # Pseudo found and ok found = {} # Pseudo with MD5 found, but wrong element! mismatch = {} for element, this_pseudo_data in pseudo_data.items(): md5 = this_pseudo_data['md5'] builder = QueryBuilder() builder.append(UpfData, filters={'attributes.md5': md5}, project=['uuid', 'attributes.element']) res = builder.all() if len(res) >= 1: this_mismatch_elements = [] for this_uuid, this_element in res: if element == this_element: found[element] = this_uuid break this_mismatch_elements.append(this_element) if element not in found: mismatch[element] = this_mismatch_elements else: missing.add(element) return {'missing': missing, 'found': found, 'mismatch': mismatch}
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs] MANAGER = ProtocolManager('theos-ht-1.0')
print(MANAGER.check_pseudos()) print(MANAGER.get_protocol_data())