Source code for aiida_quantumespresso.workflows.xps

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Workchain to compute the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) for a given structure.

Uses QuantumESPRESSO pw.x.
import pathlib
from typing import Optional, Union

from aiida import orm
from aiida.common import AttributeDict, ValidationError
from aiida.engine import ToContext, WorkChain, if_
from import to_aiida_type
from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory, DataFactory, WorkflowFactory
from import UpfData
import yaml

from aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.functions.xspectra.get_xps_spectra import get_spectra_by_element
from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.mapping import prepare_process_inputs
from aiida_quantumespresso.workflows.protocols.utils import ProtocolMixin, recursive_merge

[docs]PwCalculation = CalculationFactory('')
[docs]PwBaseWorkChain = WorkflowFactory('')
[docs]PwRelaxWorkChain = WorkflowFactory('')
[docs]XyData = DataFactory('core.array.xy')
[docs]def validate_inputs(inputs, _): """Validate the inputs before launching the WorkChain.""" structure = inputs['structure'] elements_present = [ for kind in structure.kinds] abs_atom_marker = inputs['abs_atom_marker'].value if abs_atom_marker in elements_present: raise ValidationError( f'The marker given for the absorbing atom ("{abs_atom_marker}") matches an existing Kind in the ' f'input structure ({elements_present}).' ) if 'elements_list' in inputs: absorbing_elements_list = sorted(inputs['elements_list']) if inputs['calc_binding_energy'].value: ce_list = sorted(inputs['correction_energies'].get_dict().keys()) if ce_list != absorbing_elements_list: raise ValidationError( f'The ``correction_energies`` provided ({ce_list}) does not match the list of' f' absorbing elements ({absorbing_elements_list})' )
[docs]class XpsWorkChain(ProtocolMixin, WorkChain): """Workchain to compute X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) for a given structure. The WorkChain itself firstly calls the PwRelaxWorkChain to relax the input structure if required. Then determines the input settings for each XPS calculation automatically using ``get_xspectra_structures()``. The input structures are generated from the standardized structure by converting each to a supercell with cell dimensions of at least 8.0 angstrom in each periodic dimension in order to sufficiently reduce the unphysical interaction of the core-hole with neighbouring images. The size of the minimum size requirement can be overriden by the user if required. Then the standard Delta-Self-Consistent-Field (ΔSCF) method is used to get the XPS binding energy. Finally, the XPS spectrum is calculated using the Voigt profile. """ @classmethod
[docs] def define(cls, spec): """Define the process specification.""" super().define(spec) # yapf: disable spec.expose_inputs( PwRelaxWorkChain, namespace='relax', exclude=('structure', 'clean_workdir', 'base_final_scf'), namespace_options={ 'help': ( 'Input parameters for the relax process. If not specified at all, the relaxation step is skipped.' ), 'required' : False, 'populate_defaults' : False, } ) spec.expose_inputs( PwBaseWorkChain, namespace='ch_scf', exclude=('pw.structure', ), namespace_options={ 'help': ('Input parameters for the basic xps workflow (core-hole SCF).'), 'validator': None } ) spec.input_namespace( 'core_hole_pseudos', valid_type=(orm.UpfData, UpfData), dynamic=True, help=( 'Dynamic namespace for pairs of excited-state pseudopotentials for each absorbing' ' element. Must use the mapping "{element}" : {Upf}".' ) ) spec.input_namespace( 'gipaw_pseudos', valid_type=(orm.UpfData, UpfData), dynamic=True, help=( 'Dynamic namespace for pairs of ground-state pseudopotentials for each absorbing' ' element. Must use the mapping "{element}" : {Upf}".' ) ) spec.input( 'core_hole_treatments', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help=('Optional dictionary to set core-hole treatment to all elements present. ' 'The default full-core-hole treatment will be used if not specified.' ) ) spec.input( 'structure', valid_type=orm.StructureData, help=( 'Structure to be used for calculation.' ) ) spec.input( 'voight_gamma', valid_type=orm.Float, default=lambda: orm.Float(0.3), help=( 'The gamma parameter for the Lorenzian broadening in the Voight method.' ) ) spec.input( 'voight_sigma', valid_type=orm.Float, default=lambda: orm.Float(0.3), help=( 'The sigma parameter for the gaussian broadening in the Voight method.' ) ) spec.input( 'abs_atom_marker', valid_type=orm.Str, default=lambda: orm.Str('X'), help=( 'The name for the Kind representing the absorbing atom in the structure. ' 'Will be used in all structures generated in ``get_xspectra_structures`` step.' ), ) spec.input_namespace( 'structure_preparation_settings', valid_type=(orm.Dict, orm.Float, orm.Int, orm.Bool, orm.Str), dynamic=True, required=False, help=( 'Optional settings dictionary for the ``get_xspectra_structures()`` method.' ) ) spec.input( 'spglib_settings', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help=( 'Optional settings dictionary for the spglib call within ``get_xspectra_structures``.' ) ) spec.input( 'elements_list', valid_type=orm.List, required=False, help=( 'The list of elements to be considered for analysis, each must be valid elements of the periodic table.' ) ) spec.input( 'atoms_list', valid_type=orm.List, required=False, help=( 'The indices of atoms to be considered for analysis.' ) ) spec.input( 'calc_binding_energy', valid_type=orm.Bool, default=lambda: orm.Bool(False), help=('If `True`, run scf calculation for the supercell.'), ) spec.input( 'correction_energies', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help=('Optional dictionary to set the correction energy to all elements present. ' ) ) spec.input( 'clean_workdir', valid_type=orm.Bool, default=lambda: orm.Bool(False), help=('If `True`, work directories of all called calculations will be cleaned at the end of execution.'), ) spec.input( 'dry_run', valid_type=orm.Bool, serializer=to_aiida_type, required=False, help='Terminate workchain steps before submitting calculations (test purposes only).' ) spec.inputs.validator = validate_inputs spec.outline( cls.setup, if_(cls.should_run_relax)( cls.run_relax, cls.inspect_relax, ), cls.prepare_structures, cls.run_all_scf, cls.inspect_all_scf, cls.results, ) spec.exit_code(401, 'ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_RELAX', message='The Relax sub process failed') spec.exit_code(402, 'ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_SCF', message='The SCF Pw sub processes failed') spec.exit_code(402, 'ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_CH_SCF', message='One or more CH_SCF Pw sub processes failed') spec.output( 'optimized_structure', valid_type=orm.StructureData, required=False, help='The optimized structure from the ``relax`` process.', ) spec.output( 'output_parameters_relax', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help='The output_parameters of the relax step.' ) spec.output( 'standardized_structure', valid_type=orm.StructureData, required=False, help='The standardized crystal structure used to generate structures for XPS sub-processes.', ) spec.output( 'supercell_structure', valid_type=orm.StructureData, required=False, help=('The supercell of ``outputs.standardized_structure`` used to generate structures for' ' XPS sub-processes.') ) spec.output( 'symmetry_analysis_data', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help='The output parameters from ``get_xspectra_structures()``.' ) spec.output( 'output_parameters_scf', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help='The output_parameters of the scf step.' ) spec.output_namespace( 'output_parameters_ch_scf', valid_type=orm.Dict, dynamic=True, help='The output parameters of each ``PwBaseWorkChain`` performed``.' ) spec.output_namespace( 'chemical_shifts', valid_type=orm.Dict, dynamic=True, help='All the chemical shift values for each element calculated by the WorkChain.' ) spec.output_namespace( 'binding_energies', valid_type=orm.Dict, dynamic=True, help='All the binding energy values for each element calculated by the WorkChain.' ) spec.output_namespace( 'final_spectra_cls', valid_type=orm.XyData, dynamic=True, help='The fully-resolved spectra for each element based on chemical shift.' ) spec.output_namespace( 'final_spectra_be', valid_type=orm.XyData, dynamic=True, help='The fully-resolved spectra for each element based on binding energy.' )
# yapf: disable @classmethod
[docs] def get_protocol_filepath(cls): """Return ``pathlib.Path`` to the ``.yaml`` file that defines the protocols.""" from importlib_resources import files from . import protocols # pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level # import protocols # pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level return files(protocols) / 'xps.yaml'
[docs] def get_default_treatment(cls) -> str: """Return the default core-hole treatment. :param cls: the workflow class. :return: the default core-hole treatment """ return cls._load_treatment_file()['default_treatment']
[docs] def get_available_treatments(cls) -> dict: """Return the available core-hole treatments. :param cls: the workflow class. :return: dictionary of available treatments, where each key is a treatment and value is another dictionary that contains at least the key `description` and optionally other keys with supplimentary information. """ data = cls._load_treatment_file() return {treatment: {'description': values['description']} for treatment, values in data['treatments'].items()}
[docs] def get_treatment_inputs( cls, treatment: Optional[dict] = None, overrides: Union[dict, pathlib.Path, None] = None, ) -> dict: """Return the inputs for the given workflow class and core-hole treatment. :param cls: the workflow class. :param treatment: optional specific treatment, if not specified, the default will be used :param overrides: dictionary of inputs that should override those specified by the treatment. The mapping should maintain the exact same nesting structure as the input port namespace of the corresponding workflow class. :return: mapping of inputs to be used for the workflow class. """ data = cls._load_treatment_file() treatment = treatment or data['default_treatment'] try: treatment_inputs = data['treatments'][treatment] except KeyError as exception: raise ValueError( f'`{treatment}` is not a valid treatment. ' 'Call ``get_available_treatments`` to show available treatments.' ) from exception inputs = recursive_merge(data['default_inputs'], treatment_inputs) inputs.pop('description') if isinstance(overrides, pathlib.Path): with as file: overrides = yaml.safe_load(file) if overrides: return recursive_merge(inputs, overrides) return inputs
[docs] def _load_treatment_file(cls) -> dict: """Return the contents of the core-hole treatment file.""" with cls.get_treatment_filepath().open() as file: return yaml.safe_load(file)
[docs] def get_treatment_filepath(cls): """Return ``pathlib.Path`` to the ``.yaml`` file that defines the core-hole treatments for the SCF step.""" from importlib_resources import files from . import protocols # import protocols return files(protocols) / 'core_hole_treatments.yaml'
[docs] def get_builder_from_protocol( cls, code, structure, pseudos, core_hole_treatments=None, protocol=None, overrides=None, elements_list=None, atoms_list=None, options=None, structure_preparation_settings=None, correction_energies=None, **kwargs ): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements """Return a builder prepopulated with inputs selected according to the chosen protocol. :param code: the ``Code`` instance configured for the ```` plugin. :param structure: the ``StructureData`` instance to use. :param pseudos: the core-hole pseudopotential pairs (ground-state and excited-state) for the elements to be calculated. These must use the mapping of {"element" : {"core_hole" : <upf>, "gipaw" : <upf>}} :param protocol: the protocol to use. If not specified, the default will be used. :param overrides: optional dictionary of inputs to override the defaults of the XpsWorkChain itself. :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments that will be passed to the ``get_builder_from_protocol`` of all the sub processes that are called by this workchain. :return: a process builder instance with all inputs defined ready for launch. """ inputs = cls.get_protocol_inputs(protocol, overrides) pw_args = (code, structure, protocol) # xspectra_args = (pw_code, xs_code, structure, protocol, upf2plotcore_code) relax = PwRelaxWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol( *pw_args, overrides=inputs.get('relax', None), options=options, **kwargs ) ch_scf = PwBaseWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol( *pw_args, overrides=inputs.get('ch_scf', None), options=options, **kwargs ) relax.pop('clean_workdir', None) relax.pop('structure', None) relax.pop('base_final_scf', None) ch_scf.pop('clean_workdir', None) ch_scf.pop('structure', None) abs_atom_marker = orm.Str(inputs['abs_atom_marker']) # pylint: disable=no-member builder = cls.get_builder() builder.relax = relax builder.ch_scf = ch_scf builder.structure = structure builder.abs_atom_marker = abs_atom_marker if correction_energies: builder.correction_energies = orm.Dict(correction_energies) builder.calc_binding_energy = orm.Bool(True) else: builder.calc_binding_energy = orm.Bool(False) builder.clean_workdir = orm.Bool(inputs['clean_workdir']) core_hole_pseudos = {} gipaw_pseudos = {} if elements_list: elements_not_present = [] elements_present = [kind.symbol for kind in structure.kinds] for element in elements_list: if element not in elements_present: elements_not_present.append(element) if len(elements_not_present) > 0: raise ValueError( f'The following elements: {elements_not_present} are not present in the' f' structure ({elements_present}) provided.' ) else: builder.elements_list = orm.List(elements_list) for element in elements_list: core_hole_pseudos[element] = pseudos[element]['core_hole'] gipaw_pseudos[element] = pseudos[element]['gipaw'] elif atoms_list: builder.atoms_list = orm.List(atoms_list) for index in atoms_list: element = structure.sites[index].kind_name core_hole_pseudos[element] = pseudos[element]['core_hole'] gipaw_pseudos[element] = pseudos[element]['gipaw'] # if no elements list is given, we instead initalise the pseudos dict with all # elements in the structure else: for element in pseudos: core_hole_pseudos[element] = pseudos[element]['core_hole'] gipaw_pseudos[element] = pseudos[element]['gipaw'] builder.core_hole_pseudos = core_hole_pseudos builder.gipaw_pseudos = gipaw_pseudos if core_hole_treatments: builder.core_hole_treatments = orm.Dict(dict=core_hole_treatments) # for get_xspectra_structures if structure_preparation_settings: builder.structure_preparation_settings = structure_preparation_settings if structure_preparation_settings.get('is_molecule_input').value:['SYSTEM']['assume_isolated']='mt'{'gamma_only':True}) # To ensure compatibility with the gamma_only setting, the k-points must be configured to [1, 1, 1]. kpoints_mesh = DataFactory('core.array.kpoints')() kpoints_mesh.set_kpoints_mesh([1, 1, 1]) builder.ch_scf.kpoints = kpoints_mesh{'gamma_only':True}) # pylint: enable=no-member return builder
[docs] def setup(self): """Init required context variables.""" elements_list = self.inputs.get('elements_list', None) atoms_list = self.inputs.get('atoms_list', None) if elements_list: self.ctx.elements_list = elements_list.get_list() self.ctx.atoms_list = None elif atoms_list: self.ctx.atoms_list = atoms_list.get_list() self.ctx.elements_list = None else: structure = self.inputs.structure self.ctx.elements_list = [Kind.symbol for Kind in structure.kinds]
[docs] def should_run_relax(self): """If the 'relax' input namespace was specified, we relax the input structure.""" return 'relax' in self.inputs
[docs] def run_relax(self): """Run the PwRelaxWorkChain to run a relax PwCalculation.""" inputs = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(PwRelaxWorkChain, namespace='relax')) inputs.metadata.call_link_label = 'relax' inputs.structure = self.inputs.structure running = self.submit(PwRelaxWorkChain, **inputs)'launching PwRelaxWorkChain<{}>') return ToContext(relax_workchain=running)
[docs] def inspect_relax(self): """Verify that the PwRelaxWorkChain finished successfully.""" workchain = self.ctx.relax_workchain if not workchain.is_finished_ok:'PwRelaxWorkChain failed with exit status {workchain.exit_status}') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_RELAX relaxed_structure = workchain.outputs.output_structure relax_params = workchain.outputs.output_parameters self.ctx.relaxed_structure = relaxed_structure self.out('optimized_structure', relaxed_structure) self.out('output_parameters_relax', relax_params)
[docs] def prepare_structures(self): """Get a marked structure for each site. Analyses the given structure using ``get_xspectra_structures()`` to obtain both the conventional standard form of the crystal structure and the list of symmetrically non-equivalent sites. This list is then used to produce a supercell of the standardized structure for each selected site with the site marked using a unique label. If provided, this step will use inputs from ``inputs.structure_preparation_settings`` and apply them to the CalcFunction call. The accepted inputs (format, default) are: - supercell_min_parameter (float, 8.0) - standardize_structure (bool, True) - is_molecule_input (bool, False) Input settings for the spglib analysis within ``get_xspectra_structures`` can be provided via ``inputs.spglib_settings`` in the form of a Dict node and must be formatted as {<variable_name> : <parameter>} for each variable in the ``get_symmetry_dataset()`` method. """ from aiida_quantumespresso.workflows.functions.get_marked_structures import get_marked_structures from aiida_quantumespresso.workflows.functions.get_xspectra_structures import get_xspectra_structures input_structure = self.inputs.structure if 'relax' not in self.inputs else self.ctx.relaxed_structure if self.ctx.elements_list: elements_list = orm.List(self.ctx.elements_list) inputs = { 'absorbing_elements_list' : elements_list, 'absorbing_atom_marker' : self.inputs.abs_atom_marker, 'metadata' : { 'call_link_label' : 'get_xspectra_structures' } } # populate this further once the schema for WorkChain options is figured out if 'structure_preparation_settings' in self.inputs: optional_cell_prep = self.inputs.structure_preparation_settings for key, node in optional_cell_prep.items(): inputs[key] = node if 'spglib_settings' in self.inputs: spglib_settings = self.inputs.spglib_settings inputs['spglib_settings'] = spglib_settings else: spglib_settings = None result = get_xspectra_structures(input_structure, **inputs) supercell = result.pop('supercell') out_params = result.pop('output_parameters') if out_params.get_dict().get('structure_is_standardized', None): standardized = result.pop('standardized_structure') self.out('standardized_structure', standardized) # structures_to_process = {Key : Value for Key, Value in result.items()} for site in ['output_parameters', 'supercell', 'standardized_structure']: result.pop(site, None) self.ctx.supercell = supercell self.ctx.equivalent_sites_data = out_params['equivalent_sites_data'] self.out('supercell_structure', supercell) self.out('symmetry_analysis_data', out_params) elif self.ctx.atoms_list: atoms_list = orm.List(self.ctx.atoms_list) inputs = { 'atoms_list' : atoms_list, 'marker' : self.inputs.abs_atom_marker, 'metadata' : { 'call_link_label' : 'get_marked_structures' } } result = get_marked_structures(input_structure, **inputs) self.ctx.supercell = input_structure self.ctx.equivalent_sites_data = result.pop('output_parameters').get_dict() structures_to_process = {f'{Key.split("_")[0]}_{Key.split("_")[1]}' : Value for Key, Value in result.items()}'structures_to_process: {structures_to_process}') self.ctx.structures_to_process = structures_to_process
[docs] def should_run_gs_scf(self): """If the 'calc_binding_energy' input namespace is True, we run a scf calculation for the supercell.""" return self.inputs.calc_binding_energy
[docs] def run_gs_scf(self): """Call ``PwBaseWorkChain`` to compute total energy for the supercell.""" inputs = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(PwBaseWorkChain, namespace='ch_scf')) = self.ctx.supercell inputs.metadata.call_link_label = 'supercell_xps' inputs = prepare_process_inputs(PwBaseWorkChain, inputs) # pseudos for all elements to be calculated should be replaced for site in self.ctx.equivalent_sites_data: abs_element = self.ctx.equivalent_sites_data[site]['symbol'][abs_element] = self.inputs.gipaw_pseudos[abs_element] running = self.submit(PwBaseWorkChain, **inputs)'launched PwBaseWorkChain for supercell<{}>') return running
[docs] def inspect_scf(self): """Verify that the PwBaseWorkChain finished successfully.""" workchain = self.ctx.scf_workchain if not workchain.is_finished_ok:'PwBaseWorkChain failed with exit status {workchain.exit_status}') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_SCF scf_params = workchain.outputs.output_parameters self.out('output_parameters_scf', scf_params)
[docs] def run_all_scf(self): """Call all PwBaseWorkChain's required to compute total energies for each absorbing atom site.""" # scf for supercell futures = {} if self.inputs.calc_binding_energy: gs_future = self.run_gs_scf() futures['ground_state'] = gs_future # scf for core hole structures_to_process = self.ctx.structures_to_process equivalent_sites_data = self.ctx.equivalent_sites_data abs_atom_marker = self.inputs.abs_atom_marker.value for site in structures_to_process: inputs = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(PwBaseWorkChain, namespace='ch_scf')) structure = structures_to_process[site] = structure abs_element = equivalent_sites_data[site]['symbol'] if 'core_hole_treatments' in self.inputs: ch_treatments = self.inputs.core_hole_treatments.get_dict() ch_treatment = ch_treatments.get(abs_element, 'xch_smear') else: ch_treatment = 'xch_smear' inputs.metadata.call_link_label = f'{site}_xps' # Get the given settings for the SCF inputs and then overwrite them with the # chosen core-hole approximation, then apply the correct pseudopotential pair scf_params = ch_treatment_inputs = self.get_treatment_inputs(treatment=ch_treatment) new_scf_params = recursive_merge(left=scf_params, right=ch_treatment_inputs) if ch_treatment == 'xch_smear': structure_kinds = [ for kind in structure.kinds] structure_kinds.sort() abs_species = structure_kinds.index(abs_atom_marker) new_scf_params['SYSTEM'][f'starting_magnetization({abs_species + 1})'] = 1 core_hole_pseudo = self.inputs.core_hole_pseudos[abs_element][abs_atom_marker] = core_hole_pseudo # pseudos for all elements to be calculated should be replaced for key in self.ctx.equivalent_sites_data: abs_element = self.ctx.equivalent_sites_data[key]['symbol'][abs_element] = self.inputs.gipaw_pseudos[abs_element] # remove pseudo if the only element is replaced by the marker = {[] for kind in structure.kinds} = orm.Dict(dict=new_scf_params) inputs = prepare_process_inputs(PwBaseWorkChain, inputs) future = self.submit(PwBaseWorkChain, **inputs) futures[site] = future'launched PwBaseWorkChain for {site}<{}>') return ToContext(**futures)
[docs] def inspect_all_scf(self): """Check that all the PwBaseWorkChain sub-processes finished sucessfully.""" labels = self.ctx.structures_to_process.keys() work_chains = [self.ctx[label] for label in labels] failed_work_chains = [] for work_chain, label in zip(work_chains, labels): if not work_chain.is_finished_ok: failed_work_chains.append(work_chain)'PwBaseWorkChain for ({label}) failed with exit status {work_chain.exit_status}') if len(failed_work_chains) > 0: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SUB_PROCESS_FAILED_CH_SCF
[docs] def results(self): """Compile all output spectra, organise and post-process all computed spectra, and send to outputs.""" import copy # pylint: disable=unused-import site_labels = list(self.ctx.structures_to_process.keys()) output_params_ch_scf = {label : self.ctx[label].outputs.output_parameters for label in site_labels} self.out('output_parameters_ch_scf', output_params_ch_scf) kwargs = output_params_ch_scf.copy() if self.inputs.calc_binding_energy: kwargs['ground_state'] = self.ctx['ground_state'].outputs.output_parameters kwargs['correction_energies'] = self.inputs.correction_energies kwargs['metadata'] = {'call_link_label' : 'compile_final_spectra'} if self.ctx.elements_list: elements_list = orm.List(list=self.ctx.elements_list) else: symbols = {value['symbol'] for value in self.ctx.equivalent_sites_data.values()} elements_list = orm.List(list(symbols)) voight_gamma = self.inputs.voight_gamma voight_sigma = self.inputs.voight_sigma equivalent_sites_data = orm.Dict(dict=self.ctx.equivalent_sites_data) result = get_spectra_by_element( elements_list, equivalent_sites_data, voight_gamma, voight_sigma, **kwargs ) final_spectra_cls = {} final_spectra_be = {} chemical_shifts = {} binding_energies = {} for key, value in result.items(): if key.endswith('cls_spectra'): final_spectra_cls[key] = value elif key.endswith('be_spectra'): final_spectra_be[key] = value elif key.endswith('cls'): chemical_shifts[key] = value elif key.endswith('be'): binding_energies[key] = value self.out('chemical_shifts', chemical_shifts) self.out('final_spectra_cls', final_spectra_cls) if self.inputs.calc_binding_energy: self.out('binding_energies', binding_energies) self.out('final_spectra_be', final_spectra_be)
[docs] def on_terminated(self): """Clean the working directories of all child calculations if ``clean_workdir=True`` in the inputs.""" super().on_terminated() if self.inputs.clean_workdir.value is False:'remote folders will not be cleaned') return cleaned_calcs = [] for called_descendant in self.node.called_descendants: if isinstance(called_descendant, orm.CalcJobNode): try: called_descendant.outputs.remote_folder._clean() # pylint: disable=protected-access cleaned_calcs.append( except (IOError, OSError, KeyError): pass if cleaned_calcs:"cleaned remote folders of calculations: {' '.join(map(str, cleaned_calcs))}")